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Tom Clancy Splinter Cell Series

Revan 411

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So have any of you played any Splinter Cell game?


I played all 4 games, and out of all of them, I would say Pandora Tomorrow is the best, it has a great plot and story, and its more realistic then the first one.


The first one was also great, but Pandora Tomorrow, I enjoyed a lot more.


So anyway, post in this topic about what Splinter Cell game you like and post your reasons as well.


Expressing Opinions is allowed, Flaming is not, so lets keep it civil guys.

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I've played all four, but I consider Chaos Theory the best one. It has the best story of all four and the gameplay and controls were a huge improvement over the previous two parts. The only flaw would be that 90% of the areas are so dark you just can't play without nightvision.


Double Agent had great gameplay and great graphics, but the story was pretty simple. You knew who the bad guys were from the start, you simply had to work your way through the game to stop them in the end.


I'm waiting to see what Conviction would be like. Unfortunately it looks like the game won't come out until sometime in 2009. :(

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Chaos Theory by far. The first SC was also great, but I had a lot more fun with CT. The gameplay was just that good. Not to mention that the game still looks phenomenal in 2008!


As for Double Agent, don't get me started. It was so buggy it was sad. And SC set in daylight = big mistake. The game didn't feel like SC at all.

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My favorite one was Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory was great, but I found it too easy to complete, Pandora Tomorrow was more balanced, and also why do some people hate Double Agent? I liked it, except for its simple story line and plot, and the fact that there are two versions of it...


But yeah, Double Agent was great, though I still like Chaos Theory over Double Agent, and as for the first Splinter Cell game, I loved it, it was a great classic.


By the way, I made a Splinter Cell retrospective if anyone is interested..

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I've played Splinter Cell and Chaos Theory. I like them! I remember seeing SC on my cousin's Xbox when it first came out and just sitting there looking like this: :drop2:


My biggest gripe with CT was, like igy said, it was too dark! I couldn't see the beautiful textures and it made me sad. Knife = sweet, though.

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I rented Splinter Cell back when it first came out and I found it ridiculously difficult. I really sucked at it. The farthest I remember getting in that was something about rappelling down a tall building with a courtyard and something about a laser grid or something. No wait...I also remember interrogating a limo driver. I didn't get very far either way. Even though I sucked at it, though, I really got drawn into it. It was the first game of its kind I ever played (probably why I sucked at it so much).


I never played Pandora Tomorrow. From what I've heard, the critics consider it the worst of the series :p.


My step brother has Chaos Theory, and a couple years ago I got pretty into that on the PS2. I think I got pretty far on that one. It was definitely after the whole South Korean part...but I can't remember anything after that. Stopped playing it for some reason.


I rented Double Agent for the 360 and I think I got pretty far in that too. I brought that back right when I got to the mission in ..idk the middle east? The place where the demo mission takes place.


I really liked the series for the limited times I played the game. I've never finished any of them, sadly.

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I never played Pandora Tomorrow. From what I've heard, the critics consider it the worst of the series :p.


Pandora tomorrow was pretty good once you got around the very linear levels, and stupid plot.


Oh my God, there's a bomb in the building, which happens to be down the hall from you! Go defuse it.


Yes, that is a parody of an in game quote. :xp: I heard the multiplayer was good if you could find a game.

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I've only played Chaos Theory but I loved it. Than agian I love pretty much all of Tom Clancy's games, and Splinter Cell is 10x's better than MGS, but not many people will agree to that statement.


I've just always thought Splinter Cell had better storylines, and more realistic characters, and it's overall a much more fun game than MGS.

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I've only played the first two and they were great. The first was the better of the two, IMO. Michael Ironside's voice acting was superb, and I knew who it was from the first moment I heard it.

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I've only played Chaos Theory but I loved it. Than agian I love pretty much all of Tom Clancy's games, and Splinter Cell is 10x's better than MGS, but not many people will agree to that statement.


I've just always thought Splinter Cell had better storylines, and more realistic characters, and it's overall a much more fun game than MGS.


In SC, you basically HAD to use stealth, or you were a dead man. In MGS, you can choose either Rambo or stealth. That's what I loved about SC, you were forced to make smart and stealthy decisions, or pay the price.

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Well this sucks


The game was originally going to be released globally on November 16, 2007,[4] but on July 24, 2007, Ubisoft announced a delay to their fourth fiscal quarter (January to March 2008).[5] On November 20, 2007, Ubisoft announced another delay to next year's fiscal quarter (which begins April 1, 2008).[6]


So, looks like we have to wait till Spring 2010... :¬:

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