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Retcons in TFU?


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(Spoilers inside)I'm fairly certain there are a few in this game. (Note, I play the Wii version, so, when you look upon my list, there might be some differences.)

1) Anakin's lightsaber

Remember the first star wars movie, A New Hope? Old Ben gives Luke Anakin's lightsaber, which he salvaged after their fierce duel on Mustafar. Who remembers that? *everyone raises hand.* Good. Now, on the last level, The Death Star, in "Area 2" (as my guide defines it), there is a room which you can blast open, which contains Anakin's lightsaber hilt.


2) Vader and his fear of Lightning

Ok, so its not really a phobia, but, its his inability to use it. The reason you never see Vader using lightning is because:

1) He needs organic parts to use it

2) Lightning would fry his systems, as shown in RotJ.

Now, in your fight with Vader, during a Force Lock, Vader is seen using Lightning against you, and, doesn't harm him one bit. (Except when you win, but, thats a different story)


If you can find any more, please state them.

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1) Anakin's lightsaber

Remember the first star wars movie, A New Hope? Old Ben gives Luke Anakin's lightsaber, which he salvaged after their fierce duel on Mustafar. Who remembers that? *everyone raises hand.* Good. Now, on the last level, The Death Star, in "Area 2" (as my guide defines it), there is a room which you can blast open, which contains Anakin's lightsaber hilt.

I don't think that counts. they have a bunch of different hilts you can pick up in the different levels, that doesn't necessarily mean that that's what happened to them. they're just there so you can pick them up and use in the game.

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(Spoilers inside)I'm fairly certain there are a few in this game. (Note, I play the Wii version, so, when you look upon my list, there might be some differences.)

1) Anakin's lightsaber

Remember the first star wars movie, A New Hope? Old Ben gives Luke Anakin's lightsaber, which he salvaged after their fierce duel on Mustafar. Who remembers that? *everyone raises hand.* Good. Now, on the last level, The Death Star, in "Area 2" (as my guide defines it), there is a room which you can blast open, which contains Anakin's lightsaber hilt.


I think that's more of an easter egg than anything else.

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The entire game is one big retcon.


I mean, what about the Rebel Alliance? They completely remodelled it and introduced Starkiller and Kota on it. At least they didn't removed Garm, Mon and Bail from it (although I'm not quite sure Leia was with them originally).


Again with the Alliance: the eagle esque symbol was, as shown on the game, "stolen" by Leia from Galen's house apparently.

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Well, I think the hilts and things and holocron and costumes are just things you collect for gameplay sake, and not part of the canon. I mean, if you go by the Wii series, you get random jedi holocrons littering around almost everywhere! Not to mention crystals and saber hilts and clothings, and the connection to assassain's creed in some version.


So the only retcon is the part about the alliance formation, the rest are just gameplay cakes. Read the comic for the core canon-isque story.

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  • 2 weeks later...
There was a difference?

Prequel sabers were actually blue, whereas the ones in the original were a sky blue / cyan color instead. just compare a shot of Obi-Wan or Anakin with their lightsaber to one of Luke from IV or V to see the difference.


the rest are just gameplay cakes.

mmm cake...

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Why are people talking about saber colors and Force lightning in a thread about retcons? If you're going to talk about continuity, don't leave out the fact that the writers completely ignored previously established canon regarding Garm Bel Iblis, Bail Organa, and Mon Mothma. It was also rather sloppy of them to try to convince us that the Rebel Alliance had only three major leaders.

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Why are people talking about saber colors and Force lightning in a thread about retcons? If you're going to talk about continuity, don't leave out the fact that the writers completely ignored previously established canon regarding Garm Bel Iblis, Bail Organa, and Mon Mothma. It was also rather sloppy of them to try to convince us that the Rebel Alliance had only three major leaders.


who else was ever a rebel leader that early? The only founders I've ever heard mentioned are Bail Organa, Garm Bel Iblis, and Mon Mothma...

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who else was ever a rebel leader that early? The only founders I've ever heard mentioned are Bail Organa, Garm Bel Iblis, and Mon Mothma...

You are correct that no other leaders have yet been previously established at that point in time, which is because no EU source has until now directly shown the formation of the Rebellion in the way that TFU did. Either way, there's no reason they couldn't make some more leaders. Simply having Mothma, Bail, Leia (hologram), Iblis, Starkiller, and Kota being the only ones standing at the table during the meeting on Corellia doesn't look right at all.


Having just three major leaders simply isn't enough, especially with the ridiculous division of labor that Bail puts out (Mon Mothma will magically conjure up some soldiers, and Iblis will conjure a fleet. It's that simple!). If they had a few more leaders (even if they had only a few background details) it would've been fine.


No one mentions the dark side ending? LoL! Starkiller KILLS Vader and becomes some sort of a new ... for the Emperor?!

People probably didn't mention it because the dark side ending is not meant to be canon, therefore it doesn't have anything to do with retcons. That said, it was still the most badass dark side ending ever.

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well i think they wernt exactly thinking big at that time perhaps Garm gets his battlegruop or half of it Mon Mothma would of been able to speak to the people of her planet so i dont think i mean after all its the old casacade things Monmothma gets say 5 they each train 5 and so on the same for Garm

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You are correct that no other leaders have yet been previously established at that point in time, which is because no EU source has until now directly shown the formation of the Rebellion in the way that TFU did. Either way, there's no reason they couldn't make some more leaders. Simply having Mothma, Bail, Leia (hologram), Iblis, Starkiller, and Kota being the only ones standing at the table during the meeting on Corellia doesn't look right at all.


Having just three major leaders simply isn't enough, especially with the ridiculous division of labor that Bail puts out (Mon Mothma will magically conjure up some soldiers, and Iblis will conjure a fleet. It's that simple!). If they had a few more leaders (even if they had only a few background details) it would've been fine.


True, though if i recall the mentions of the founders seemed to imply that those three were the only ones (don't quote me on that though :D). Besides that, Mon Mothma is supposed to be the one with lots of connections in the Senate and elsewhere, Bail being rich is pretty straightforward, and I'm pretty sure Bel Iblis already has ships (and obviously some soldiers), possibly in secret. Plus whatever remnants Kota still had.


That may at least be some of the reasoning behind having no other founders anyway...I suppose they could've thrown in Rieekan or something alongside Bail.


People probably didn't mention it because the dark side ending is not meant to be canon, therefore it doesn't have anything to do with retcons. That said, it was still the most kickbutt dark side ending ever.

AMEN!!! :shades2:

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