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Teacher misconduct this election


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There have been quite a few reports of teachers this election actively taking sides in their curriculem which one could argue is brainwashing.


Now any school that receives state and/or federal funds the classes have to remain politically neutral.


However, this isn't turning out to be the case.




Heard of an incident in Colorado, another one in Virginia, well you get the idea.

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Would you complain if they were being 'brainwashed' into being John McCain supporters? :)


They're middle school students. They can't vote.


Oh yes, and before I forget again, lol@foxnews. Try to find a source that doesn't put a ridiculous spin on everything.

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There have been quite a few reports of teachers this election actively taking sides in their curriculem which one could argue is brainwashing.

*rubs temples* If I dare to justify your argument by responding to it, I would say that it entirely depends on the age of the child. That being said, I'd like to point out that it's up to the individual to decipher fact from fiction, and not have someone spoon-feed them what's right and wrong.


Now any school that receives state and/or federal funds the classes have to remain politically neutral.

I agree with you. Neutrality seems great in principle, but my experiences have shown me that some people, being human beings like the rest of us, have a hard time holding their tongue.


However, this isn't turning out to be the case.

No, it's not. I'll provide an example: a teacher at my brother's school drew a McCain's name on the board (and, if I recall correctly), mentioned that she preferred him during an activity. Do you have a problem with this, Garfield, or do you just really dislike Obama?


Once more, neutrality's a good idea, but rather hard to enforce.


In any case, I believe that the teacher should receive an infraction, but certainly not be fired.

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Would you complain if they were being 'brainwashed' into being John McCain supporters? :)


They're middle school students. They can't vote.


Oh yes, and before I forget again, lol@foxnews. Try to find a source that doesn't put a ridiculous spin on everything.


Okay how about it actually happening at my college campus that I go to during the primaries.


The political science department got in trouble for printing and circulating Barack Obama ads.


And btw, Fox News has picked up on some things over a year ago that are only just now being picked up by the 'mainstream' press. Like the fact Obama served on a board with a domestic terrorist.


And I'd be concerned if it was a group for McCain, but that isn't likely to happen, because it'd be blared all over the news if it happened. Because it is Obama, is the only reason why Fox News is the only one to pick up on this.

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Depends on whether your institution is public or private. I graduated from a private institution so I wouldn't have an issue with it. Of course I fully believe I can think for myself and if someone was circulating pamphlets I wouldn't go "OMG PAMPHLET, MUST VOTE FOR ______!!!!!!!!!111111111"


Fox News makes up their news when it suits them. They are an unreliable source.

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Depends on whether your institution is public or private. I graduated from a private institution so I wouldn't have an issue with it. Of course I fully believe I can think for myself and if someone was circulating pamphlets I wouldn't go "OMG PAMPHLET, MUST VOTE FOR ______!!!!!!!!!111111111"


Fox News makes up their news when it suits them. They are an unreliable source.


Uh huh, the University I go to is a public one and takes Federal money and it was the faculty and staff that printed the Obama ads. That is illegal under Federal Law.

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Do you know why Simpsons creator Matt Groening was banned from including "fake" news tickers in his show?


Because a study done by Fox reported that Fox viewers thought those fake tickers, which were hilarious and impossible to take for real news, were real news.

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Uh huh, the University I go to is a public one and takes Federal money and it was the faculty and staff that printed the Obama ads. That is illegal under Federal Law.
Yes, and it the same for the church I go to. They printed information bias toward McCain and pretty much said anyone that votes for Obama is going to hell.


I didn’t call the media, I call Uncle Sammy. Now will they lose their tax exempt status?

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Then take them to court. I'm sure there are plenty of schools that are breaking the law by printing McCain ads. I assume you have a problem with that too? Or is it only wrong when they're not supporting your candidate?


I would if that was actually happening, and I have yet to hear of a case like this involving John McCain's campaign.


Do you know why Simpsons creator Matt Groening was banned from including "fake" news tickers in his show?


Because a study done by Fox reported that Fox viewers thought those fake tickers, which were hilarious and impossible to take for real news, were real news.


If you're trying to goad me into a fight it's not going to work, I've done my own research before I accepted them as a news source. I really don't appreciate basically being called an idiot.


I've seen agencies like CNN use doctored photos for their news coverage, taking it straight from Reuters without checking.


Fox News immediately picked up on the fact the pictures were bogus and reported the pictures were bogus.


You can't tell me Fox News has gone out of their way to lie on stuff because the 'mainstream' media would be jumping all over Fox News.

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Do you know why Simpsons creator Matt Groening was banned from including "fake" news tickers in his show?


Because a study done by Fox reported that Fox viewers thought those fake tickers, which were hilarious and impossible to take for real news, were real news.

please tell me you're kidding? :lol:

I was just thinking about this the other night when I noticed that American Dad had a new show opening (yes, I like the cartoon :xp: )

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If you're trying to goad me into a fight it's not going to work, I've done my own research before I accepted them as a news source. I really don't appreciate basically being called an idiot.

I am only, as you say, reporting the facts. He was interviewed on it.


You'll have to excuse the source, the article is quite old. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2003/oct/29/tvnews.internationalnews


I've seen agencies like CNN use doctored photos for their news coverage, taking it straight from Reuters without checking.


Fox News immediately picked up on the fact the pictures were bogus and reported the pictures were bogus.

I'm not saying other news agencies are perfect.


You can't tell me Fox News has gone out of their way to lie on stuff because the 'mainstream' media would be jumping all over Fox News.

The mainstream media doesn't jump all over Fox because it's a waste of time. What would an inter-orginization war do for anything? Not much except make people stop watching both.

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I am only, as you say, reporting the facts. He was interviewed on it.


You'll have to excuse the source, the article is quite old. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2003/oct/29/tvnews.internationalnews


Is this the same guardian newspaper that also go in trouble for the Reuters debacle? Something about using doctored photos to say the Israelis were deliberately targetting civilians in Lebanon.


The mainstream media doesn't jump all over Fox because it's a waste of time. What would an inter-orginization war do for anything? Not much except make people stop watching both.


Well actually, they've tried to do so in the past but they ended up losing viewers and Fox News gained them when their attacks ended up backfiring. A lot of the mainstream networks have lost their viewers to Fox News recently because said networks have lost all credibility.


You didn't see Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly giving the News media coverage for the conventions on Fox News. But MSNBC had Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews serving as news anchors for the political coverage of the conventions. For the record MSNBC came in dead last for total number of viewers.

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As for the teachers, they really shouldn't let their political opinions interfere with the education of those they're charged with educating. But I hardly think it could be classed as misconduct if they favour one over the other.


Fox doesn't have any credibility either, and everyone seems to understand that but you. I'd daresay that many of the viewers watch Fox for entertainment value alone. I think it's hilarious how retarded all their news is.


Unfortunately, it's all I can get in the way of American news in the UK. Makes one glad the internet's around.

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Oh yes, and before I forget again, lol@foxnews. Try to find a source that doesn't put a ridiculous spin on everything.

And before I forget, lol@the very idea that such a source even exists in this day and age. All journalism is yellow these days. It's Fox News' slant verses that of every other news organization in existence. :dozey:


Just thought I'd point that out. Carry on. :drama:

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There's bias, and then there's FoxNews. :p


But you're right. People don't do enough thinking for themselves, it seems, if they feel the need to quote any news sources and pretend they hold anything of real value. If you're not getting your information directly from the horse's mouth you better question it, whether it agrees with your personal beliefs or not.


Better yet, if you're really serious, find a source that is biased against your candidate that confirms your statements/beliefs.

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My mother is a Republican, and even she thinks that FoxNews is a joke.


I'm not even going to comment except to say I did my own research, checked their sources and found them to be pretty accurate.


I'm going to ask politely that you stop with the personal attacks.


Fact is another incident of misconduct on the part of teachers occurred at the University I go to, so it wouldn't surprise me if the Fox News article is true.

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I don't think that giving my mother's opinion of FoxNews is a personal attack. I also don't believe that my opinion that you're providing biased and oftentimes inaccurate sources as the be all and end all of political honesty is a personal attack.


You've been asked several times in multiple threads to provide better sources. Maybe we're on to something. :)

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I don't think that giving my mother's opinion of FoxNews is a personal attack. I also don't believe that my opinion that you're providing biased and oftentimes inaccurate sources as the be all and end all of political honesty is a personal attack.


You've been asked several times in multiple threads to provide better sources. Maybe we're on to something. :)


Sources from what may I ask you consider to be an unbiased source, the New York Times?


Seriously, most media outlets have a left wing bias and if you're telling me that you seriously believe that a man that says he gets a shiver up his leg when Obama speaks isn't a biased source (reference to a reporter at MSNBC), then I've got some land in the Florida Everglades to sell you... In other words this election I sincerely doubt there is an unbiased source anywhere in the world. Accept for legislation and tax returns, I've already posted things with the transcripts of what was said and people have called those biased.


Yes, and it the same for the church I go to. They printed information bias toward McCain and pretty much said anyone that votes for Obama is going to hell.


I didn’t call the media, I call Uncle Sammy. Now will they lose their tax exempt status?


Churches aren't supposed to do that either.


However teachers are paid with Federal Money and by Federal Law they aren't allowed to use their classroom, nor the school printers to support a candidate.

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Most sources are going to be biased, but certainly there are some that are less biased than others. If you think FoxNews isn't insanely biased then you can keep that land in the everglades. :)


Again Inyri, I've done my research and Fox News is closer to the center than you thinks but that is a seperate issue.


I could find the other article that has a video if you'd like.


Well not the article I was looking for but this one corroborates the earlier one:




Looks like Fox News is accurate doesn't it, the videos kind of speak for themselves.


Here is a youtube of another incident, granted someone added something in front of the video and I'll try to find one without that whatever added.




And I agree with the guy that posted this it does remind me of the same thing.

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