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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part V: The Threefold War


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Garrick look down at the Death Gaurd.


"So, he hasn't spoken, and he's not expected to?"


Durrel shook his head, "No, Mand'alor."


Garrick chuckled, "I'm not Mand'alor yet. I have yet to return to Mandalore, so for right now, my rank or name."


Durrel nodded again, "Alright, no, he probably won't be speaking."


Garrick nodded, "Okay. I leave this to you and Kajumo. Call him up, he may have a solution to our interrogation problem."


The Death Gaurd was eyeing something. Garrick followed his eyes to red knife that one of Komad's friends was holding, or playing around with.


The Gaurd had a friend with him, he remembered. Komad had crushed that friend, quite literally. But Garrick had seen a moment where that friend had given the gaurd something...as to what, he didn't know.


He shook his head, he'd leave this Kajumo and Durrel, but he'd give them this information soon.


He then walked over to Komad on the other side of the room. Everyone else seemed to be in some sort of distress. They were force-users, so he wouldn't be surprised if something catastrophic had happened, they always sensed that kind of thing.


"Excuse, Kaltas, I wish to thank you for allowing me to fight alongside you and your comrades. I am willing to repay you with duty. The Fleets and Armies of Mandalore are willing to help you. And if I am not correct, you will need to conquer Bastion. That place is a fortress indeed."


Garrick turned on his comm, "If I may be so bold, I could get my brother, Barek, down here. He is the Admiral of our fleets, and would be able to assist."

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"Of course. We will need all the help we can get." Komad replied.


"I will contact the Republic Fleet. It's critical that they be there to attack Bastion." Reyvan added.


"Excellent. I'll see you there." Komad commented, and left for the hangar. Soon after, his X-38 veered out, and made the jump into hyperspace.

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"And I suggest you have your wife assemble her squad. I have a feeling that the unique talents of her squadron would prove useful," Andros said to Reyvan. To Komad he said, "I suggest you change your signature before you go. Virul may know who you are but just give him a hard time about it."


Tavaryn who had been looking bored through the whole thing spoke up and said, "I'll go with. If anything I'm good at sneaking in to places."


"That and your aim Brother," Andros replied. "Probably be a good idea to just scout. See the enemy, rules of engagement. No firing unless fired upon."




"I would have to agree with the Jedi," Ken-Lui said. "Come the both of you and join us in the cargo training hold." It was more of an order but it didn't have the tone of one.


Tonatius, used to taking orders since he joined this fight almost instinctively followed without question. He stopped though and held his hand out for his cousin. In Avalonian he said, "We may find Kalla along the way. As Jun-la says, it's good practice for all."




Tyrannus, Virul you will not torment the poor girl with your thought threats!


Tyrannus heard the ultimatum made by the daughter of his enemy. He laughed out loud and said to Virul, "Silly little Jedi thinks she can scare us into releasing the governor. Pitiful that such powerful Jedi send children to do their work."


"Let me crush them with my hordesmen and the Dark Guard. The clone of Katarina leads them. They will prove worthier than your Death Guard," Karaka growled at Virul.

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Garrick nodded to Komad and keyed in the comm to his brother's frequency.


It crackled to life, "This is Admiral Barek speaking."


Garrick took a breath, "Brother, it's me. How available is the fleet at the moment?"


He heard laughter on the other side of the comm, "Garrick! We had a bet down that you would somehow escape capture. I won. Anyway, the fleet is quite available now, the Imperials have pulled out. Does the action on the surface have anything to do with that?"


"Maybe. But we have to prepare for an assualt. We're going to penetrate the defenses of Bastion. You know that planet, correct?"


"That I do. Quite personally, and let me tell you, this will be one Dr'eysha of a fight. Bastion is quite a tough nut to crack, but if you want us to, we will."


"Good. Our Jedi has a friend there that needs some sort of extraction. So, get the fleet and much of the Space Corps together. How quickly can you do that?"


"A couple hours at the most. I'll get at it right away, brother."


"Good. Su'cuy gar."


"Su'cuy gar."


The Comm deactivated and Garrick took a look at his Krono, a couple of hours wouldn't be too long at this rate.




Konig had found the small lockpick imbedded in his skin, and had scratched it out. The blood slid down his wrist, but he smiled triumphantly as held the small metal piece.


He then began to pick away at the lock of his cuffs. He just needed a few moments.

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"Trying the old lockpick trick?" Tavaryn asked. He had been so quiet after speaking, no one noticed that he was there. He had stayed to watch the prisoner and his eyes were ever vigilant. "Even if you broke free, there is no way to escape the cell."




Tiye found TOnatius with his cousin and smiled. She walked over and said to them both, "I did not have much time to say before that I am glad that you both are well."


Tonatius struggled to keep the blush from rising as he replied, "I can say the same for you Tiye. We are going to training. It will pass the time till we reach Bastion. Will you join us?"


Tiye smiled and said, "Yes I would like that."

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Konig looked up at the man, his eyes burning with anger.


"Hmpf. I will find a way, and then you and your friends will be unable to escape."


The cuffs clicked and fell to the ground, making loud klacking sounds.


He stood quickly from the chair, pacing menacingly back and forth in the cell like some caged animal.


His continued to make eye-contact with the man outside of the cell, hardly noticing the two Mandalorians who were waiting at the far end of the room.


Konig waited a bit longer, continually pacing.


He then looked down at the lockpick still in his hand, and laughed as he suddenly realized that the cell door had a basic lock.


He moved quickly.




Garrick walked back to the cell, right in time to see the scene that the Death Gaurd had made.


He activated his cross-com to Durrel and Kajumo who were watching from the side.


"How long has this been happening?"


"Only a minute or two, we doubt he'll make any progress with the cell lock," responded Durrel.


"Have you figured out a way to make him talk?"


"No, but we know that torture won't help us. Kajumo is thinking on that right now....maybe the Death Gaurd will handle the problem for us....you never know."


"That's for sure."


Garrick stepped closer to the cell bars and stood absolutley still, watching the Death Gaurd carefully.

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Andorra gritted her teeth, her mind flooding with an emotion not entirely foreign to her. Hate was not a feeling she enjoyed harboring, nor did she want to give into it like the Sith. However, her mother was in grave danger, not to mention the Jedi and the forces of light. There were times, the Avalonian maid admitted to herself, when hate served as a fuel, a strident source of strength when she had no strength left. Virul wanted to inhabit her mother, and failing that, he wanted to inhabit her. Not only that, but he wanted to murder Kalla, Komad Kaltas, and all the Jedi with them. Everyone with whom she had traveled would most likely die if she did not act, did not do something...


Andorra snuck away for another moment. She entered sublustrum, quickly learning how to avoid falling completely unconscious when such a state threatened to overtake her. The sonic resonator she had not been allowed to use only needed a few relatively minor adjustments, brought to her through the mysterious directives the Force gave her, to distinguish friend from foe and avoid the others' sensitive hearing. There. It was so easy, to switch a few dials and calibrate a few parameters, as easy as learning to steer her first landspeeder once she got the hang of it. She found a vibroblade tossed carelessly aside in her vicinity, and it wasn't long before she had installed the resonator into the hilt. A crude weapon, yes, but who said crude weapons couldn't be effective?


Soon, Sith, Andorra thought, smiling grimly to herself, you and your dark soldiers shall be nothing but a carefully-choreographed collection of exploding heads. My allies will not be hurt--only you, upon whom I intend to conduct this symphony. You want to kill all I hold dear, and inhabit my body for your own dark purposes. You shall not! The Sith do not distinguish between friend and foe, if that will serve their ends. Right now, I have. The Sith will not hesitate to kill one of their own. You are the only ones I'll kill. This weapon shall appear to be a vibroblade to the others, which is the way I want it. It is a weapon of awesome power, and Virul? I've saved the highest setting for you.


She slipped the vibroblade into her belt and went to find the others. The only way I will lose this weapon, she thought, is if my allies call for my surrender, which they won't! Weapon, I hereby deem thee Chetyrnadtsat, for its highest setting of fourteen!

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"I know what you're thinking, and if you go through with it, you'd be no better than them. Most Stormtroopers are conscripts, only fighting us because they'd be executed or worse. The higher ranking troopers are indoctrinated into blind obedience." Kalla told her, after managing to find her. "You're not the only one Darth Virul has ever wronged over the years. He murdered my grandmother on Kashyyyk because my grandfather wouldn't join him. His hate knows no bounds. When he invaded my home in an attempt to kill my father, he scorned me, not for anything I had done, but for my mixed heritage and my bisexuality."


"Send what you can, these Jedi are not to be underestimated." Virul replied. He doubted they could really hold off the Jedi that long, but they would buy him enough time to finish his plans.

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Andorra put her hand on Kalla's. "I...remember when I first let hate overwhelm me," she said. "It was at school, this 'school' being whatever outpost that Mother brought me to in order to get some semblance of an education. The teachers were all the same wherever we went--dogmatic, rigid, wanting unquestioning obedience and right answers instead of skepticism and right questions. I remember one of them--it wasn't even a male, as you might think in this kind of situation, but a female. Doctor Marina Roe. She was a military brat, through and through, with more emphasis on the 'brat' than on the 'military'. She put us through calisthenics as well as 'viva voce' oral examinations every day, more taxing than any traditional examination would have been. If we failed either, we failed for the day, and that is why I never finished my higher education.


"I remember the day when I was doing push-ups, with my tally set at one thousand. One thousand. Can you believe that? I was at my two-hundredth, and had been pushed far beyond my physical limits. When she shouted at me to do more and I refused, Doctor Roe bit me. On the arm. She drew blood. I'll never forget what she said:


"You think you're smarter than me, with your distracting and feeble-minded queries? You think you're special, Avalonian? You're just a spoiled princess who believes she's better than everyone in the galaxy, when the reality is that you're lower than the Hutts. You fancy females, you act out, and you are the most selfish person I have ever known. If you do not finish those exercises, Andorra, I will eat you alive. Literally, if necessary."


She blinked. "That is what Virul means to do to Mother and me, and I will not have it. That is what he means to do to you, to Komad, and to all of our allies. That is what he means to do to his own men, his conscripts. Very well. I shall not use it until I meet Lord Virul, and I will calibrate the only setting to be at fourteen. If you wish me to surrender, then command me as a fellow soldier, not a partner. Otherwise, I shall fight with it."

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"What I mean is I don't want you going out of your way to kill stormtroopers with it. We Jedi understand that though killing is always regrettable, it is not always avoidable. Use it only in self-defence, or the defence of the others." Kalla explained. "Come on Tonatius and Tiye are probably waiting for us."

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Jun-la dealt with Virul and Tyrannus in her own way when problems brought her crashing back. She realized she was holding Matton's ahand and for the first time blushed like a silly school girl.


Matton saw but didn't call her on it. Rather he helped her to her feet from her sitting position. His eyes locked onto hers briefly before he said, "Some problems here. Could use a little guidance."


Grateful that he didn't tease her mercilessly, Jun-la smiled and nodded. As she left, she gave a kiss to his check and departed. Allowing her senses to guide her, she came across Kalla and Andorra having a conversation. She realized that it was the source of tension here. She listened as Andorra went over her history to Kalla. When Kalla was finished she said gently, "Kalla speaks truth about defense. You aren't the first nor the last to fell anger or hatred. What determines who you are is choice. True things can influence decision but in the end the greatest power is choice."


Jun-la looked at the weapon Andorra was holding. She was impressed that she had figured out how to change the settings but even then it would be a bothersome headache for Avaloninas, especially the elder warriors. She then said, "For instance you can choose to use that weapon and risk the hearing of the elder, more experienced but you shall have revenge, or you can kepp it as a reminder and that there is always an option even if it alludes you right now."


She then looked at Kalla and asked, "I heard that Tiye and Tonatius are waiting for training. What is the lesson for now?" It was a polite way of leaving Andorra to think about the advice given.




Tavaryn replied, "Escape? There are no intentions of that, unless..." He let his voice trail off until he said, "Ah fear clouds your voice. Fear that you will find no favor for being captured. The mere fact that you were does say something. the Death Guard can be defeated."


His words were designed to get a reaction. He knew that the Mandalorian was waiting and just observed his reactions.




Greea spoke to the governor, "There is a plan, I sense it. You know that your brothers will never let you remain here."


Meanwhile Tyrannus said to Virul, "An amusing game I can assure you but still why bother with possessing the governor's body? To capture one from Miako would prove more profitable and give the Blood Lord a stronger foothold in this pathetic galaxy."

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"Nothing is ever dull or third rate," Jun-la replied before withdrawing Sanglumina. She showed the girl, "This blade is over three thousand years old. You can see the age left on the handle and the blade yet it has seen many battles. Just because something looks useless, doesn't mean that it is." She watched the girl's face but she could tell that she was not utterly convinced. Jun-la then added, "The sword chosen by Tulre is one that suits you. You developed skill for double blades but balance is lacking. Your greatest skill lies in one blade. Still perhaps if we looked at the blade, perhaps there is a secret underneath that waits to be revealed." She sheathed Sanglumins and extended her hand for Andorra's blade.

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"This is the vibroblade I call Chetyrnadtsat," she replied humbly, "but as I said before, it's just a lowly piece of steel without the sonic resonator to power it. Its highest and most lethal setting is fourteen, and that is why I gave the blade its name. How could there be anything hidden within this one?" she asked. "I don't see anything unusual at all."

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"Best secrets are ones that lie in plain sight," Jun-la quoted as she inspected the blade. She then said, "Not standard Cortosis weave like Republic blades. Steel is that like the blades in the time of Revan but now a lost method." She looked to make sure Andorra was listening as she glided her bare palm over the blade. Feeling the coolness she said, "A Lost Method but one that Sanglumina is made from."


Jun-la then noticed something near the handle at the base of the blade. It was dirtiest down there but she was persistent as she cleaned the dirt away to reveal characters or the artist's name. Out loud she said, "I thought so. This blade is a sibling to Sanglumina. Forged by the same master." She handed it back to Andorra, "As you see something was hidden. Being a good weapon does not mean having the best modifications. It's how you use it combined with its make. This master's blade is made to kill."

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Garrick watched as the other man talked to the Death Gaurd.


"Garrick, he's trying for a response. We're ready. Perhaps this one may talk."


He activated his comm and responded to Durrel.


"This Guard is like a Mando'a."


"Who? The one talking, or the Death Guard."


"Both. We may have a fight on our hands."




Konig stood, and his face registered ten different emotions in a mere second as the man spoke.


"I have no fear, like you have no will to fight, it is written on your face, coward."


An idea came to mind, and Konig smiled and came closer to the bars.


"There is but one way to handle this honorably. A duel. Not to the death, for that would deprive you of victory. If I win, you give me back that blade."


He motioned to the red vibro-blade that the man held, "And you let me go, to fight another day. If you win, I give you the information, and you do as you will."

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"A tempting offer," Tavaryn replied, hiding his bristling at being called a coward, "Still attempts made to bargain for freedom are rather poor for an esteemed warrior such as yourself." He began toying witht the vibroblade aware that it was annoying to the prisoner. He had inspected it for traps and was vigilant should one that he missed sprang upon him.


His own sword was strapped to his waist in the manner of the Tai shao order of Jedi, or the equivalent of the consular. It was a blade of history like Sanglumina and Xyadie. He could feel it pulsing, itching to draw blood and issue judgment. He tempered it with his own power as he eyed the prisoner. "Besides you of all people should know that it takes all kinds to make a warrior and not just brute force alone."

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Garrick watched the two converse again.


"Our Friend is definately succeeding in angering the Death Gaurd. Do you think we should do anything, Garrick?"


"No, Durrel, our friend knows what he is doing, I think he has a plan. We'll just observe until the right moment."





Konig grabbed one of the cell's bars and squeezed it so hard that his hands had left imprints on the metal.


"Yes......I would know that brute force is not what makes a warrior."


He still saw an opening for escape, if only he could just tip the scales a bit more.


"This is your chance to prove yourself. If you defeat me, you would have proven what makes a warrior. An opportunity only a fool would back down from, you have a clear advantage."

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"And why would I do that?" Tavaryn asked, "After all I was mercenary like Kyle Katarn. Why would I need to prove what I know?" It was rhetorical in nature but it was an effective means of revealing how foolish people could be. He looked at the imprint on the bar and raised one brow in inquiry. From his experience, the angrier you made someone, the more likely they would say something that you were seeking. It was his talent when he hanged with Katarn.


Staying slightly away from grasping reach, he watched the prisoner with an expression that looked amused and unperturbed. He added, "I suppose one such as yourself would need to constantly prove himself if only to prove how insecure he really is."

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Wrath was shocked from the news Virul told him. He was one of the last of his species. He didn't understand why Virul would keep that from him. He was proud to know his race of super beings fought to make sure the New Empire stayed in power. Still it was odd to keep that from him. He flew the ship until he finally reached Bastion. He landed the ship and walked through the halls. He entered a room. He looked to see Tyrannus; he was wise maybe he knew something about the Gen'Dai. He walked over to him and bowed to his superior.


"Lord Tyrannus I seek your wisdom, can I ask you something?" Wrath wasn't angry about being a Gen'Dai, he just wanted to know more about them like what happened to them.

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Garrick began to chuckle as he watched.


Durrel chimed in, "What is it, sir?"


"Oh, nothing..heh, just our friend, he has a way with words. There may be no need for a fight if he can crack the Death Gaurd..."


"Sir, I..."


"The Death Gaurd is angry, he's not thinking clearly Durrel, what does a prisoner usually do under such duress?"


"Ahah....yes, sir, I understand, sir."


"Very good, now let's watch and see."




Konig swung his fist into the bars again, leaving a much larger imprint.


"You are a coward indeed, Mercenary!! Only your scum would back down from such a thing!!" He roared.


Konig was fast losing his temper, normally he didn't, but something in the conversation was just driving him mad.

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"The only scum I see are ones who think they have to prove themselves by making dents on a wall," Tavaryn replied smoothly. He then leaned in, still out of reach from the prisoner. "As for being a mercenary, I was not some two credit pistol jockey thinking he was a thug unlike the only other person here does."




Tyrannus knew that Virul was thinking about his words from the way he ignored his underling. He was amused at the groveling Wrath did. He tolerated the creature and decided it was best to answer, "What is it you seek?

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Garrick chuckled a bit harder this time as the man responded to the Death Gaurd again. He was finding this extremely amusing, as the Death Gaurd was being defeated with naught but words. It seemed quite ironic, and fitting.


"Sir, you don't suppose he means us when he said 'Two Credit pistol jockey?"


"No, of course not. You should know that. Mando mercs are highly-paid and elite. Besides, this man is our ally, and he's giving the Death Guard quite the verbal beating. Prepare your recording device just in case our prisoner starts talking."


Durrel chuckled on the other line, "Yes sir."




Konig took in a breath, trying to restrain himself from trying to break down the bars, which would no doubt end in a disaster.


He instead went over to the chair again and sat, his eyes still glaring at the man holding Bevorin's knife.


He needed to focus on a way and avoid getting into any conversations from here. He could've cracked back there, but Konig would wait, and survive.

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Tavryn watched as the prisoner tried to restrain himself. He had to admit that he was impressed with the restraint. Katarn had taught him many things regarding interrogation, some regarding "aggressive" techniques but he was learning from this too. He figured that the prisoner had been close to breaking. He picked up the blade he had been examining and twiddling around. He sat in a chair and began to sing a tribal song in one of the Avalonian dialects. "Travelling on worn feet, forever our people march to beat..."


Tavaryn cast a glance at the prisoner and continued to sing in the dialect. It was a warrior's dialect so it sounded challenging even to people who didn't understand Avalonian. He began to glide his hands over the steel, admiring the craftmanship.

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Komad's X-38 came out of hyperspace close to Bastion, but far enough away for to not be detected. He then made his way through the planet's defence grid, weaving an intricate path around every possible point where they could spot him. Of course, it became more difficult once he made it into the atmosphere, as he was now in plain sight for the New Imperial Fortress' autoturrets. Firing proton torpedoes as many as he could, he looked for a secluded area on the roof through which he could enter.


"So the filthy half-breed has arrived." Virul commented, recognising Komad's X-38 on the screen in front of him. "No doubt here to help the Rodian harlot free our guest. Go to full alert. It won't be long before the rest of their pathetic entourage arrive, along with the Republic fleet."


Seeing as Andorra needed some time to herself, Kalla proceed to join Tonatius and Tiye in the cargo hold. "I'm not interrupting am I?" She asked, wondering if they might have been having a private moment.

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