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The truth behind... R15

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why thank you. ^^


Battlestar Galactica FTW.


Indeed. :D


(On the subject of which, does this forum actually have spoiler tags?




Okay, I guess they do. Or should I just use the 'hidden' tag...

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Anyway. >.> As I was going to say,

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poor Gaeta. :(


Oh, and maverick, your icon is great too. XD (I need to catch up on House...)

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wtf he deserved to be raped with his one good leg, then shoved out an airlock


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Well, maybe. But there's also his motivations, which are better than anyone else's could've been. And also, I liked him before he got completely crushed by everything's that happened to him.


Holy oh my god Roslin was made of awesome last ep, tho. "I AM COMING FOR ALL OF YOU!" I got chills.

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