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What is the best Jedi Armor and saber upgrades?

SD Nihil

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I've always liked the Bio-Regenerative underlays for robes (the fifth level is pretty good) - it might not be the 'best', but it can save on medpacs.


The expert fencing emitters and Ossus Dueling lens can also be pretty nasty if you use them together... I change the energy cell regularly depending on the situation.

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I've always liked the Bio-Regenerative underlays for robes (the fifth level is pretty good) - it might not be the 'best', but it can save on medpacs.


The expert fencing emitters and Ossus Dueling lens can also be pretty nasty if you use them together... I change the energy cell regularly depending on the situation.


Really? I always used the heat protection upgrade. and I use the Tetragon energy cell mark 3 along with the dragite lens

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tetragon energy cell? Never got that one...


Always used Ultimate Diatum, Fencing, Dragite was my choice of weaponry. And that on two sabers. And I used the Dark Jedi Master robes with Bio- as well. As a Guardian, it's nice too know you're being healed, since you don't always have the force points to pwn at healing as much as consulars.

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to be honest...I used the KSE to get my upgrades. I always found that Guardians seem to better at healing then consulars.


Anyway. I always try and put in a bio, i don't care what level it is, it helps heal you and thats it. So if your planning to upgrade you robes, do it with the latest version of the Bio-Regenerative

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Jedi Master Robes assuming you don't get something like Nomi Sunrider's Robes.


Bio Regenerative Underlay V

That Stealth Overlay II -- will work on robes




Ultimate Diatium energy cell

Expert Fencing Emitter

Ponite Lense



Anakarres Saphire

Solari or Jedi Exile's crystal


That should give you the biggest amount of damage.

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I too happen to love the bio-regenerative underlays. I don't know why, but I nearly always equip them.


I normally use the Zel Shey body armor thing--or, as soon as I actually get it, the Jedi Master or Grey Jedi robe mainly because you can put underlays on them. Matching things together wisely can really give yourself a good character. ;)

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Anakarres Saphire

Nope. The Barab Ore Ingot does the most damage (2-16 fire) of any crystal. Combining the Ankarres Sapphire with the PC's crystal negates the STR and DEX bonuses, leaving you with only the keenness and the regeneration.

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Meaning that when two crystals that give a bonus to the same attribute are used in the same lightsaber, you'll only get the larger bonus. They won't stack.


And I always wear the Ossus Keeper robe. I wouldn't touch those metal dresses or any of the armors that make my NPCs look like rejects from clown college with a ten-foot pole. :p

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Negates? Meaning I shouldn't equip the Exile's crystal?


Only 1 bonus counts.

So you should take bonuses that are...different. For example Barab Ore ingot does fire damage. There is almost no other upgrade that does, so it's safe to use.


I usually go for a silver lightsaber with Exile and Solari. "Cause (like El Sitherino once said) that's how I roll!"

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And let's say I have a stronger saber in one hand and a less in the other. Which hand should carry the stronger saber or does that matter? Also, are short sabers better than normal ones or are they just around in the game in case you can't get a normal size on? It's best if you are two handed wielding to use two sabers and not just a double saber right?

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It's like this:


Off-hand saber gives a +2 boost on your main hand.

But if you equip two normal lightsabers, with all the duel wielding feats, it doesn't really matter. Because all the upgrades will rock the boat and there's no real penalty that +2 will be useful for.


Just make sure both saber upgrade stats are different. One saber to give you a bunch of strength, the other one (fighting one) to deal as much damage as it can, for example.


Really, my first K2 game had me wielding two silver sabers. It rocked so hard that I played fighting with 1 saber the next games, or it would be to easy :xp:

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NOTE: armor combination is with a mod


Armor(Shem's Sith Lord Armour Mod Used):


Sith Lord Armour(a_robe_26)


Upgrades: Ballistic Mesh Shielding mark III, Armorweave Underlay mark V - this gives you a almost perfect melee shield plus damage resistance against lightsabers.


If you are not a baddie: use the KOTOR Tool to remove the restrictions to dark side, sith marauder, sith assassin, sith lord so you can wear it on light side and neutral.


As for saber upgrades(I use two lightsabers):


1st saber(attack)

Crystals: (dark side)Quixoni and <FullName>'s Crystal, (light side)Solari and <FullName>'s Crystal


2nd saber(defense)

Crystals: Lorridian Gemstone, Jerrunax Crystal


Upgrades(for both sabers):


Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell(1 in each saber), Enhanced Byrothysis Lense(attack saber), Ossus Dueling Lense(defense saber), Expert Fencing Emmiter(attack saber), Expert Deflection Emmiter(defense saber).

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I usually opt to use the Adagean lens because it has almost the same damage value as the the ponite, but 1/3 the parts needed. I also use the expert deflection emiter early as well. The tetragon power cells are the only ones I use due to their damage value ranging from 3-8 electrical.


The later in the game I am, I switch to expert fencing emiter and pontite lens. That's when I have an abundance of parts.


The crystals I use are

Main saber: Upari (8 damage, 3 attack) and the Exile's crystal (enhancements vary)

Short saber: Upari and kalibur (3 wisdom, 3 heal)


I use the Dark Jedi knight robe with bioregenerative underlays.

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Check out Gamebanshee. :) It has a very nice list of lightsaber combinations. (Use KSE to get the upgrade parts. It's a lot easier that way.)


As far as armor goes, when I'm a guy, I use Jedi robes, usually ones from mods 'cuz they're stronger. When I'm a girl, I use the robes that look like Zam Wessel's in greenish-grey. I don't remember what they're called--Zal Shey? Something like that?

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