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Force Fashion 2


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I'm not particularly enthusiastic about Mira's robe. The colors look sort of out of place... like something my grandma would wear. :p The background pattern that you used doesn't help either. Perhaps try to do something like this. (not my texture... I just tweaked it a bit), but use different colors and patterns.


The Qui-Gon Robe's lower collar needs more detail to give the illusion that this is a multi-layered robe. I also don't particularly like the black upper collar. I would've made it browner and the cape blacker. Other than that it's alright.


I like Malak's armor, but the chest plate and pants looks a bit out of place for some reason. Maybe it needs more red.


That's pretty much it for now. You're doing a good job, keep it up!


I'm on it :xp: TBH with Qui-Gon, I don't want the black bit there at all, as with his robe it should be skin, unfortunately, the only real time I can put skin on a character is if I know the colour they will be, but will change it to a browney colour.


My biggest problem with that robe model is those awful looking boots. This is one of those times I want to get a hammer and hit the modeler from Obsidian repeatedly on their head until they get how awful it looks. Anyway, I would really like it if someone with good modeling skills to take it upon themselves to change the boots to more of the Jedi Master robe style. My other little gripe would be the flaps in the front of the robe. If someone could divide into two of them, that would be fantastic.


If the first part was done, I would be sold on this model style forever and if both things were done, I would totally be loving it! :D


I agree, but only being a skinner that's beyond me :xp: The belt on the male model could be doing with made flatter as well - the belts always do wonderfully on the female model, but no matter how much tinkering the belts always look a little off. I still think the Padawan is the best of all the various Robes in K1 and K2.

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i like the new ones a lot - but i'm certain Luke's cloak was black aswell :xp: nice job(s).


for Mira's robe, i think perhaps some artistic license should be taken with how the collar works. It looks rather strange at the moment, with the band across the top, so perhaps having just the robe using the texture would work better? the green also looks a bit odd next to the purple of the tunic texture.


oh, and for the boots could you not put a leathery texture on them, à la stoffe's Twi'lek jedi mod? improves it no end imo, at least for the ladeez.

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I agree, but only being a skinner that's beyond me :xp: The belt on the male model could be doing with made flatter as well - the belts always do wonderfully on the female model, but no matter how much tinkering the belts always look a little off. I still think the Padawan is the best of all the various Robes in K1 and K2.
I was hoping that my words could either inspire "you" to recruit a modeler or a modeler who is inspired by your work would read it and want to do it. :xp:
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That robe is beautiful! I love how it sorta looks like her jacket. I'm not to sure about the mando thing on her belt though...it just doesn't look like something she would wear




Mira was Mandalorian, right?


Shouldn't there be a Mythosaur or something like that on the belt buckle?


Can't Satisfy everyone :xp: - Mira was Mandalorian though ;)


Hm... what if you were to create a robe for Atton that was similar to his ribbed jacket. For example, keeping the leather pauldrons or his jacket, but extending the lowest layer into full sleeves.


I'll re-look into it, didn't think it was dooable looking at his skin first time round tho....

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Mira wasn't exactly Mandalorian. She and her family were taken by the mandalorians as slaves.


Partially right...

As Mandalorians raided worlds on the Outer Rim during the Mandalorian Wars, Mira was taken in as a slave when her home was sacked. Mira was raised by the Mandalorians from a young age but they later accepted her into a Mandalorian squad, and she was taught how to fight, hunt, and survive like a Mandalorian, and was treated as a part of the unit. However, at the age of fourteen, the Battle of Malachor V erupted. Mira lost her adopted family when the Mass Shadow Generator activated.



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I think that your first Mira robe (based on Barriss Offee), was problematic because of the high saturation of the green contrasting with the very dark tunic. I had to turn my screen's brightness & contrast up to 100% to see the detail, but then her skin was glowing :xp:. The original Barriss robe works so well because the cloak is a low saturated blue/black and the tunic is a low saturated purplish blue. The green and purple aren't analogous enough. Also, the loincloth is even brighter, and is surrounded by that ebon void of her tunic. I think that you could easily make your version of the robe work if you increase the contrast (I'd use the Levels function to bring out the detail) of the tunic, and match the hue and saturation of the source image for the cloak. Please don't give up on it :)


The newer Mira robe does look more in-tune with her personality. It still needs some work around the neck (she wears a choker, not a dangling chain right?) but you probably already know that. As for the mythosaur, perhaps if it was embossed into the leather instead of a metal accent, it would be authentic without being obvious. The only other problem I can see is that the base model isn't designed for cleavage (the sternum isn't recessed like it should be). What if you tried to do some kind of sheer or partially transparent material? The other option is to re-touch the model, and either way, it'll be a lot more work.


That Zeison Sha armour model is just problematic all around isn't it. It looks to me that it isn't quite the same body proportions as the jedi robes (kinda shorter and stockier). Not much you can do about that though :xp:. What you could do, is to make the Malak chest plate larger (cover the whole pectoral muscle), and add that strip down middle of his armour (from neck to belt it, was kinda like a zipper).


Most of your other robes are looking great, and you've already addressed some of the problems, so I don't have much to add for them. The folds on the Disciple's white tunic have some strange overlapping going on.


I hope all this helps :)

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I think that your first Mira robe (based on Barriss Offee), was problematic because of the high saturation of the green contrasting with the very dark tunic. I had to turn my screen's brightness & contrast up to 100% to see the detail, but then her skin was glowing :xp:. The original Barriss robe works so well because the cloak is a low saturated blue/black and the tunic is a low saturated purplish blue. The green and purple aren't analogous enough. Also, the loincloth is even brighter, and is surrounded by that ebon void of her tunic. I think that you could easily make your version of the robe work if you increase the contrast (I'd use the Levels function to bring out the detail) of the tunic, and match the hue and saturation of the source image for the cloak. Please don't give up on it :)


I'll come back to the Barriss Offee one, I think you have more of an eye for colour than me :xp:


The newer Mira robe does look more in-tune with her personality. It still needs some work around the neck (she wears a choker, not a dangling chain right?) but you probably already know that. As for the mythosaur, perhaps if it was embossed into the leather instead of a metal accent, it would be authentic without being obvious. The only other problem I can see is that the base model isn't designed for cleavage (the sternum isn't recessed like it should be). What if you tried to do some kind of sheer or partially transparent material? The other option is to re-touch the model, and either way, it'll be a lot more work.


I need to have more of a play with the neck (originally I was going to have no neck tie thing, but have skin for the neck, but after 4 hours of trying gave up), may have to leave her choker TBH, and just take it off totally, I did have it further up, but the model does funny things with it. I'll emboss the mythosaur into the leather, though with regards the cleavage, I don't think there is much else I can do - the limitations of the model don't show up to badly (though of course, men may concentrate on the area ;)) so I'm tempted to leave it as I'm a little sick of Mira's robe now! :p


That Zeison Sha armour model is just problematic all around isn't it.


Yup, never use it myself, but wanted Malak's armour to actually look like Malak's armour.


It looks to me that it isn't quite the same body proportions as the jedi robes (kinda shorter and stockier). Not much you can do about that though :xp:. What you could do, is to make the Malak chest plate larger (cover the whole pectoral muscle), and add that strip down middle of his armour (from neck to belt it, was kinda like a zipper).


Funnily enough, I did stick that on, but for some reason the model chewed half of it up and it doesn't appear, will have more of a play.


Most of your other robes are looking great, and you've already addressed some of the problems, so I don't have much to add for them. The folds on the Disciple's white tunic have some strange overlapping going on.


Aye, I've now turned his leggings into his usual ones as far as possible and turned the boots black. I'll hava look at Disciple's tunic, blame the original skinner - I just copied his clothing texture across for the texture :xp:


I hope all this helps :)


Indeed, thanks for taking the time to tell me your thoughts :)

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Mira's robe is looking much better. Other than the texture around her neck, I think it looks great. I think you should replace that texture with something darker and with more depth - like maybe something similar to what I've used for the yellow and pink Twi'leks here. It's worth a try... I think. :D

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mmm, cool again, but the green is a bit too aqua i feel, and i think from an aesthetic point of view, as opposed to going for 100% realism, the areas either side of the central loin-clothy area should be the same colour as the leggings. not sure how good that would look mind.

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Well, been working on Nomi Sunrider's robe....



Great stuff J7, I just love the smell of quality ! This thing just bathes in it :p

Delicious ! Fabulous !


Though, yes.. critics for me :lol:


The Nomi robes are rather "flat", you'll need to add some shadows/ contrast to define the folds of the cloth.


But you'll sort it out no doubt ;)



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Great stuff J7, I just love the smell of quality ! This thing just bathes in it :p

Delicious ! Fabulous !


Though, yes.. critics for me :lol:


The Nomi robes are rather "flat", you'll need to add some shadows/ contrast to define the folds of the cloth.


But you'll sort it out no doubt ;)




Thanks Q; I'm not at all happy with Nomi's robe atm, gonna have a major play with it, as well as doing a lot of the touch ups suggested here.


Here's the current WIP...



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