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XWA one year thread IV: The Clown Wars


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Short day at work. Tweaks to the webpage. Ordered some new gear. Sent a guitar amp to repair... got a bass amp back from repair. Longish lunch. Outside. Beautiful day out. Awesome.


Walked for a couple of hours after work. Not as long or as far as I could easily do at the tail end of last year... but I surprised myself by how much ground I covered without getting worn out. Shouldn't be long to build back up to where I was last year... and build upon that.


Need some new shoes, though.


Might try for a couple of hours tomorrow, too.

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well i went and did the pt test...i didn't do that great, i didn't pass. i did 41 pushups, 26 situps and my run time was horrid, at least i didn't fall out and quit though. the heat didn't really help much, but that's no excuse. just shows what i need to improve on. i'm pumped up though, ready to keep doin pushups and situps and running and ****in pass that ****.

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gah...had to break and enter into my apartment when i left from my lunch break...was stupid and forgot the keys on the table and locked myself out. no cell service (cell phone was dead and in the locked car anyway) so i fiddled with the lock for 30 minutes trying the card trick, didn't work...i got pissed and started thinking and well low and behold...violence was the answer. the door is FINE, but the door frame on the inside is kinda cracked and the metal slot the door handle thingy goes in needs to be screwed back into place...


i felt like an ass, especially cause it made such a terrible sound when the ****in thing gave way.


it's fixable, just need to get a drill and some screws.

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well i went and did the pt test...i didn't do that great, i didn't pass. i did 41 pushups, 26 situps and my run time was horrid, at least i didn't fall out and quit though. the heat didn't really help much, but that's no excuse. just shows what i need to improve on. i'm pumped up though, ready to keep doin pushups and situps and running and ****in pass that ****.


What are the exact requirements?

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40 pushups within 2 minutes, 50 situps within 2 minutes, 2 mile run within 16 minutes 36 seconds. i can make it. in the meantime i'll be losing weight so i don't gotta get tape tested. i need to weigh at or below 185. i weight like 200 pounds right now. not sure why i've been gaining weight since i've been working out, cutting out sodas and fast foods...and drinking plenty of water...15 pounds shouldn't be TOO hard to lose if i'm running about every day.

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Heh... My post count (before this one, that is...): 6969 :naughty:


Almost a shame to post and spoil it... almost. :dozey:




Walked a couple of hours today. The beach was MOBBED!!!!


Went over a friend's house for a cookout. Nice.


Thinking about sleep... but my bedroom is 80 degrees. It's gonna be a rough night. Guess I have to find a fan...

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You know, I really am boring.


that's your own fault.


it's roasting up in this apartment. i got a stuffy nose. :( listenin to some music, gonna do a little pt and clean the place...it's a mess! then i'm going to reinstall my camera's software, cause it's not recognizing my camera for some reason.


keyan, this is what i did to make myself seem less bored, as i'm by myself 50% of the time anymore....every night make a list of stuff to do the next day, like before going to work. then when I wake up, i get right on it. whether it be little things like taking a shower, eating, etc. emailing people, etc. just keep busy! :)

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that's your own fault.


it's roasting up in this apartment. i got a stuffy nose. :( listenin to some music, gonna do a little pt and clean the place...it's a mess! then i'm going to reinstall my camera's software, cause it's not recognizing my camera for some reason.


keyan, this is what i did to make myself seem less bored, as i'm by myself 50% of the time anymore....every night make a list of stuff to do the next day, like before going to work. then when I wake up, i get right on it. whether it be little things like taking a shower, eating, etc. emailing people, etc. just keep busy! :)


Oh, I'm not bored. Far from it - I've got way too much to do. I'm boring. I'd give anything to be bored right about now.

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okay keyan... lay it down


How many hours do you spend working during the day, and commuting? if it is more then 16 your killing yourself. If it is less then 16 you have SOME time to do SOMETHING even if you are tired from work you should do it anywaz. Exercise would be the best option. Biking, hiking, running, or just a walk around a park


Heck... if you like frisbee take up Disc golf. There are a dozen Disc golf courses in maryland and it is real cheap to start up the game

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okay keyan... lay it down


How many hours do you spend working during the day, and commuting? if it is more then 16 your killing yourself. If it is less then 16 you have SOME time to do SOMETHING even if you are tired from work you should do it anywaz. Exercise would be the best option. Biking, hiking, running, or just a walk around a park


Heck... if you like frisbee take up Disc golf. There are a dozen Disc golf courses in maryland and it is real cheap to start up the game


These days, yeah about 16 hours. I usually get a walk in during lunch though. When I do have a little time off, it goes to housework, such as right now I am attempting to mow the lawn, but my lawnmower won't start. ****

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These days, yeah about 16 hours. I usually get a walk in during lunch though. When I do have a little time off, it goes to housework, such as right now I am attempting to mow the lawn, but my lawnmower won't start. ****


first one of the year is always the hardest to get it to start

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