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XWA one year thread IV: The Clown Wars


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Date was okay.


Of course typical with these things that the picture she had was a few months out of date, and she gained a few pounds after they were taken. Beyond that we talked for a couple of hours had a lot of similar interests and even didn't run when I told her I was a gamer and Sci-fi fan.


Might try to see her again after my trip to Seattle

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glad your date went good k_k!


im gonna try and meet the girl i've been chatting with by the end of the month.


i'm workin 12-9....woke up late, was wanting to go running but doesnt look like that'll happen today. =\ i'll make up for it next week.

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Going to see Star Trek with some friends tonight. Everyone says it's great, but I have my doubts.
I've had to defend my ambivalence about this movie on more than one occasion. I'm just not that excited to see it... Though I'm sure I will, sometime soon.


Partied a bit tonight. It was fun, though it never got crazy.


More on the schedule for tomorrow night.

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I MIGHT see star Trek in seattle at the IMAX when I am there... depends if my cousin wants to see it.


Yea... i never understood how Hollywood just re-hashes the same old stuff now with Fancy CGI special effects action scenes added in. It used to be actors were the ones that carried movies, it didn't matter the sets were cheap and the actions scenes were hokey.


I bet $50 when George Lucas passes on there will be a rush to re-invent star wars

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just got back from my run...what i did this time was walk 2 miles to the point where i turn around, then i decided to just run 1 mile, my time was between 8 minutes 30 seconds to 9 minutes. i'm going to just focus on 1 mile for a week and decreasing my time on that for a week or so then up it to 1.5 miles, and then to 2 miles. also keeping in mind warming up and cooling down stretches. it was a nice day for running. now i gotta get ready for work.

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Ugh... work today.




Hung out with some former students last night. It was a good time. Pretty chill.


Wouldn't mind another day off... but duty calls.




Oh... and: Happy Mother's Day to all you muthas out there!


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I was forced too really. I mean, free movie? Du'h.


Of course it being Star Trek i went in with pretty low expectations.




it IS Jango's turn on both the tickets and the snacks


and that is given with the normal rotation for the five of us


last time it was me with the tickets and SXW on the snacks, if i can recall. Altho if RFH gets on it, i think we can bump him in on the tickets, he hasnt paid in a while

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