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Zombie Killing (Left 4 Dead)


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Downloading it now. I meant to decide whether I wanted to get it last night but I forgot so I am lucky the offer is still going. One of those games where I wanted to try it out but didn't want to pay full price, so this was a perfect deal for me.

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  MrWally said:
If there's anything I'm going to buy in the near future that is game-related, it will be a Nintendo DS.
Definitely worth it. Or you could go for the premium-priced DSi coming out soon.


I'll have to hook up with some of you later for L4D, just finished downloading but I'm in class for a few more hours. Should be fun if we can get a group of four.

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  Darth Moeller said:
Definitely worth it. Or you could go for the premium-priced DSi coming out soon.




Hmm. I was just looking at the DSi. I'm interested in it, for sure, but it would cost 80 dollars more than a DS Lite off of Craigslist. It has some neat functionality, and I like the idea of the web browser, but I was planning on getting an M3 card with a DSlite, so I'd already have the mp3 player functionality, and I was told you can install Opera on it. If that's true then I'm not sure the DSi is worth it.

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Been playing since the release, and it's great fun if you're playing with people around your skill level who are interested in working together. I suggest that you get a microphone if you're planning to play online though, since it's a pretty integral part of the teamwork.

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  MrWally said:
but I was planning on getting an M3 card with a DSlite
Going the I don't pay for games route, eh? :xp: No, but seriously I already have a DS and I probably would have gotten a DSi, but lack of GBA cart port is an issue with me, I have lots of GBA games. Back on-topic, I'd get L4D, but I'm tired of killing zombies and I don't like Steam.
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I gave in and purchased it.


The opening cinematic was ****ing awesome.


I only got the chance to play it for a few minutes last night, but hopefully this weekend I'll really be able to try it out.


My steam account is TheSeeker417, if anyone is interested.

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Played through the No Mercy campaign today, and I have to say, the game kicks ass. Very glad I got it for half price. I'm willing to break my Steam annonymity to play some co-op with you guys (as long as I get to play as Zoey of course :p). My Steam name is kelly087.

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Remember that in campaign, if the tank incapacitates one of your teammates, you can melee it in order to make it chase you instead. Then someone else can help the incapacitated player up, and your chances of survival increase dramatically. :)


Also, set the tank on fire and try your best to avoid it until it dies.

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