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[K1] The KOTOR Weaponry Improvement Project

Lord of Hunger

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Some truly excellent models here, my hat's off to you sir...


A questions: when it comes to giving weapon description, do you intend to make it context sensitive? As in, will you describe it as a weapon from the movie period, or will you create a seperate description for them? Or retain the old ones from those that you're replacing?

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A questions: when it comes to giving weapon description, do you intend to make it context sensitive? As in, will you describe it as a weapon from the movie period, or will you create a seperate description for them? Or retain the old ones from those that you're replacing?


I am guessing that we will assign the models to the blaster that best describes them. For example, IIRC, in K1, there is an item called the "Sith Sniper Rifle". That item would be best to replaced by my Sniper Rifle. DarthParametric's DL-44 would probably replace the Blaster Pistol.


Of course, we may have to make some edits to the uti, but nothing entirely major.

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@ Malpense and TriggerGod: The intention of the mod is purely appearance alteration. Unless required, I'd prefer to not alter the .uti files. Why? One, I intend to keep the descriptions the same and two, .uti editing tends to lead to stats editing. The last thing I want to do is edit the stats of the common weapons as I prefer to not make the game any easier. No offense, but as far as I'm concerned a lot of mods have weapons that are too outright powerful or items that pump your character up way too much. If anything, I like mods that improve the power of my opponents without raising the overall difficulty so I have more of a challenge.


In any event, all we are doing is taking models, skins, and icons that we make and rename them so when they go into the override they'll appear rather than the existing models, skins, and icons.


@ TriggerGod: Speaking of which are you still planning on contributing your Sniper Rifle? If so, please upload it to filefront and PM the link when you are finished. Thanks!


@ Sith Holocron: Thanks for the link! However, I kinda like how we are incorporating the movie weapons into the game. Still, we all appreciate the site and we'll probably use it when we run out of ideas (which may very well happen). Cheers!


@ HK-42: That is my general aim should this version be successful. I prefer to alter one game at a time, however, and given that K1 is more stable than TSL I'm attempting to make the modification for this game first.

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I have some model suggestions that should be futurized:


The M-16A2 Assault Rifle should replace some of the blaster rifles


The M 40 Remmington Sniper Rifle should replace the sniper rifles


The M9 or a Glock 19 (police variant) should replace some of the pistols


and the MP5 and M4 should replace some of the carbines


as for heavy weapons the Vulcan 22 mm six barrell gatling gun should replace that or the M2 Browning .50 caliber machine gun



If anyone would like to post some screenshots of these firearms that would be great, again they need to be futurized.

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@ Drunkside: I appreciate your offer. If you feel like contributing, I need an Enchani Foil and a Yusani's Brand. The former is a vibrosword and the latter a double-bladed vibrosword.


@ DarthJacen: Thank you for your suggestions, though it looks like DarthParametric and TriggerGod have all of those covered.

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The MMO has put up some pics of blasters for the first announced playable class - Bounty Hunter. They may prove useful as inspiration.






I like their style of guns, but they are just doing the same thing the KOTOR and TSL did; use the same gun model (they took it a step further by adding things for modifications) but reskinned for everything.


I'll try my hand at a variation of the gun in the bottom right hand corner.

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I think it's more a case of them showing that a single weapon type has multiple colour options as well as upgrades. There's just the two weapon types there - I don't think each colour scheme is meant to be a completely different type of weapon. They keep prattling on about weapon customisation, so I'm sure we'll see more models in the final game.

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*dies of awe*


Drunkside, you are absolutely amazing. That is a work of art. No wait...art is a work of Drunkside! :D :D :D :D


In any event, that is really, really cool. If you can please substitute it for the original Echani foil into the game and put up some screenshots to see how well it works, that'd be really helpful. I'd like to know three things:


1) How well the animations hold in combat.

2) If the hand positioning is correct (DarthParametric said he was having that problem with his blaster so it'd be good to make sure that whoever holds this weapon isn't holding thin air).

3) If it affects the frame rate at all. This is option, since it's more than likely that the combined amount of high poly weapons introduced are going to slow the game down a bit. Personally, I don't have too much of a problem with that, but it'd be good to find out if any particular weapon is going to freeze the game completely.

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Ok im uploading an xfire video right now, will edit this post when its ready. I can answer the questions though: It doesnt really clip at all(well, one of the fingers kinda wants to stick out when not in combat, but i thought it looked cool so i didnt fix it:xp: ), the positioning is correct and it didnt slow my computer down(i do have quite a good comp so i cant really say what it will do to older ones).



RAWR:http://www.xfire.com/video/928d5/ I kinda forgot to take video of the dual wield anims, but fear not, i tried them myself and they work just as fine as the single weapon anims.

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Okay, that was fantastic! Bravo, Drunkside! I think that if you have the model, skin, and icon finished we should release them on KOTORFiles as a demo, perhaps with DarthParametric's Heavy Blaster, if you guys are okay with that. It'll be the 0.1 of KWIP.


In any event, thank you so much for the work that you've put into this Drunkside, DarthParametric, and all contributing modders. And also thank you to our supporters. We're glad to have the enthusiasm of this community on our side.

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