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(k1) Taris middle city


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Okay, this is looking really, really cool.




I have decided to make my own sky box images versus using pre existing ones for the pper city. I have played around with it, but do not like the results. So the skybox should be done for next round of screens

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Some more updated screens:






As you can see I am well on my way of texturizing the buildings you will be able to enter.


I created my own skybox images based off of the buildings that I designed, rather than try to manipulate the ones for the upper city that bioware did. In photoshop it looks nice and blends together. However when I map them to the walls, it goes caplewy. So I must consult the modding gods (Q and SS) on what is the deal. :ugh:


The last shot shows an overview of the entire area, I do not believe I have posted one such shot before. And for whomever complained the elevator from the upper city did not extend to the upper city, now it does :p


more to come

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However when I map them to the walls, it goes caplewy. So I must consult the modding gods (Q and SS) on what is the deal. :ugh:


Well, you'll need to discribe the problem in a bit more detail :p


Or show us a shot of what you got, when you use the texture.

I'll do my best to help you out.

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I am trying to go a design medium between the upper city and the lower city. Somewhere inbetween, as each level seems to be vastly unique from each other. It will outwardly appear to be an attractive level with nice archetecture. However it will hide the crime that has crept into the middle city from the lower city ;)


As for getting it in the game, I am going to have to have MAJOR help with the powers that be to get this into the game playable, as I am only a modeler and not a KOTOR programmer


Edit: And this is my first mod ever for any game. If the group opinion is that they do not like my archetecture or design, i can either scrap it all and start over, or release it, and make a version 2 thats more suited to peoples tastes.


Let me know everyone

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Damn ive somehow managed to miss a whole page here... And dont call yourself "Just" a modeler, thats some of the best work i have ever seen. Though modesty is a fine thing to have:xp: And i dont think anyone will not like it, and if some do, just ignore them:p

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Excellent work on this module :)

I'm really curious how you'll texture this particular building.




It looks like some kind of power station to me, like the cyan part is the power coupling the other two purple parts together. I'm probably completely wrong, 'cause why would a power generator be in the middle of a financial district?

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If you DO put the Jedi tower in (they did blow it up good, but a basement or lower level of the abandoned building is not out of the question), I could whip up some dialogue for Carth and Mission to have some interesting things to say if you put a Zayne reference in.


Carth's would be along the lines of "The first time I realized no one or nothing could be trusted was when I ran across that kid..."


Mission's would be, "Oh, cool! I remember him. Nice guy, REALLY cute...Made a great Bek!"

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