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Star Wars Quotes

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"Okay, I don't know what it is with all these tech guys who have to talk, like, all technical all the time. They say stuff like 'Pick up your visual scanning' when all they have to say is 'Look around'."



"Hey, uh--Base One, my little robot guy's head got blown off. Is that bad?"



"So, the bad guys' big elephant things just had guns on the front, right? So...I mean...just don't fly in front of them. Duh. Am I missing something?"



"So then we flew into this asteroid field and we went into this giant cave and things just got a little bit romantic if you know what I mean, but then it turned out that the cave was some sort of giant space worm stomach or something and so then we almost got--what do you mean he takes everybody there?"



(Just after landing on Dagobah)

Stacey: "The point is, I'm not an idiot."

(in the distance)R2!

Stacey: "Am not."

(in the distance)R2!!

Stacey: "Am not!"


Yoda: "When my age you reach, look as good you will not!"

Stacey: "When my age you were, look as good you didn't."


Obi-wan: "You, too, can become a Jedi, if you wish."

Stacey: "I thought you had to have those, whaddya-call-'ems--midichlorians in your blood to be a Jedi or something."

Obi-wan: "Oh, no. That's just something we used to tell people."


"I'm sick of you people and your freaky religion and your stupid, dirty planet when all I really want is a pedicure and a latte and is that too much to ask!"



"Do, or do not, just--don't."




If you don't know who Stacey is...


Pink Five

Pink Five Strikes Back

Return of Pink Five Part 1

Return of Pink Five Part 2

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"May the Force be with us."~ Admiral Ackbar

"May the Force be with you."~Qui-Gon Jinn

"May the Force be with you."~Han Solo

"Goodby old friend. May the Force be with you."~Obi-Wan


Harrison Ford was really perfect for the role of Han. So apathetic...



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"Ahhh yes, introductions. I'm Master Jurak Uln. I used to preside over this Sith academy, so I'm sure you know of me."

"No, never heard of you."

"No? Blast it! What have they been teaching you children in that academy these days?"


"Ahhh, what's a little mental instability between tutor and pupil?"


"You gained an advantage and you share it freely? Let them rip the secret from my dead hands I say! I mean share it?! Are you mad?!"


~answer to question about subordinate making a mistake, despite being very capable:

"Another chance you make you look poor to your inferiors? Well not that good help is easy to find. Time for your medicine!"


"Fool! It's a trick question! A true Sith never dies!"


"Mutiny?! Behave students, I'll... that's it! Permanent detention for all of you!"


---A lot of quotes from one minor character.

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"Nice. But when are you gonna realize... to me you all move in slow-motion."

Durge to Obi-Wan Kenobi


And of course, the legendary SW movie line: "Luke, I am your father." :D


Other than that, I guess pretty much everything ever spoken by HK-47 is a favorite for me.

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"Everything here is soft... and smooth."




Ha, terrible. :D


Here's some more :xp: :


"Oh, Anakin, you're breaking my heart... you're walking down the path I can't follow!" -Padme


"Don't do this; don't shut me up... let me help you." -Padme


"Hold me... like you did by the lake on Naboo." -Padme


"Oh, Anakin." -Padme


"You're so... beautiful." -Anakin



"It's only because I'm so in love with you."


Don't forget:


Padme says, "So love has blinded you?"

Anakin says, "That's not exactly what I meant."

Padme says, "That's probably true."


These lines are bad by themselves, but the way they were delivered by the actors makes them even worse. :D



the writer of this movie is really great I love it...



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"I'll show you the true power of the Dark Side."

"You'll die like your father."


"I lied, as I have from the very beginning."

~"You never planned to destroy the Emperor."

"Not with you, no."


I remember Vader ranting in TFU against the secret apprentice and I had a habit of talking back to the screen. Because Vader cheats in the final two fights, I have generated some interesting quotes of my own... but I can't exactly post them here. Vader is vulnerable to Force lightning and he does not become more powerful when he is almost dead if you choose to fight him instead of the emperor.


Do any people here think of how hypocritical characters are for what they say and believe? Then wonder how fools like Vader and Malak ever became such big villains? It just doesn't make sense if they're fictional characters.

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