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The Words of Power

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Finally, after so much work, I finished it !


Enjoy !




Battle against new Mandalorian enemys, learn about the secret Words of the Force and fight an old tribe of Sith. All that along with 2 new planets and a whole new storyline. The total conversion is out now !


Content of ReadMe file:


Knights of the Old Republic




AUTHOR: Nick Vader

MOD IDEA: Nick Vader





This mod adds 2 new planets with whole new stories and people.

You can go there by finding Hespan Jorlah on Manaan. Discover the plot !




STEP.1)Go inside the folder called 'for Modules files'.

Copy the files in there and paste them into your Star Wars KotOR Directory, in the folder 'Modules'.


STEP.2)Then, go inside the folder called 'for Override files'.

Copy the files in there and paste them into your Star Wars KotOR Directory, in the folder 'Override'.




STEP.1)Go to your KotOR Directory, then in your 'Modules' folder, and delete these files:











STEP2.)Go to your KotOR Directory, then in your 'Override' folder, and delete these files:














-Fred Tetra, for the awesome KotOR Tool which without, nothing would be possible.


-This mod contains some changes to modules with a mod by Xarwarz,

"KOTOR FINAL ENHANCEMENT MOD". Many thanks to him for

allowing everyone to use his mod anywhere.





Nick Vader.




__________________________________________________ _______________















Savegame Download links:



FileFront Download:



Walkthrough Download links:



MediaFire Downlaod:




Mod Download links:



MediaFire Download:




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  Darth Betrayal said:
Sounds great. Do you have any screens?


I had trouble uploading, so they are with the mod. I'll upload a video on Utube soon.



  Master Shake said:
Total conversion, did I miss something?


When was this whole thing started?


Congrats on finishing BTW.


Check out this thread:



It has been renamed and finished.

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  jonathan7 said:
I'd recommended more screenshots, as a method of advertising your mod if your wanting people to download - you may well want to submit this to KotOR Files too...


Seen my post before for trouble with uploading ? Anyway, it'll be up on KotORFiles very soon.

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  DarthDac said:
WOW. You finished it quite quickly. The screenshots are nice, though I don't think I can try it out. Seeing that no one commented(okay 1 people=_=) in your WIP thread, it must have been hard to finish it. So Contgrats:)


Thanks a lot. It had become my number 1 concern, so indeed I finished it very fast. Thanks, by the way.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not trying to degrade your mod or anything but just to ensure myself did I get the right download? The mod came with about 8 or 9 modules and the override folder had about 6 files in it. I played through it and it just kind of stopped dead in it's tracks after I killed the two Sith Leaders on Coruscant and the other Sith Leader on Nar Shaddaa.


Did I miss something?

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Umm, this is very incomplete. I would never have released it. Although I embarked on 3 quests (2 of which I was told of: WoP, Mandy Attack, and Exchange guy), I never was able to finish them, or really even start on them. It appeared as if there was supposed to me more to CoruSCant, as there was a invisible door that said Researched Facility, but when I found out how to open it, I went to the outside of the caverns. There were no voice-overs (come on, at least speak Twi-leki!!), and little plot. It took less than 30 minutes to finish, and felt like a mod I could do (and I'm very new). I suggest talking to a professional modder, and having people help you, things go better as a group. I was thinking *2 planets!!! Think of all the sub-plots, doublecrosses, and hours of gameplay available!!* Then I played it. Also, my CoruSCant didn't have the reskins....

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  none223 said:
I suggest talking to a professional modder,

For the record modding is a hobby, we do this in our free time.


The term "professional" means one is usually getting paid to do something.


  none223 said:
and having people help you, things go better as a group.

This is also flawed, things can and do more commonly go south with a group... sad fact.

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  RedHawke said:
This is also flawed, things can and do more commonly go south with a group... sad fact.


Yup, groups add a whole new dynamic of stress to mod-making, because even if you manage to get everyone to agree on a common mod design, you still have that many more people who can effectively kill the mod by dropping their work and disappearing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  harIII said:
I'm not trying to degrade your mod or anything but just to ensure myself did I get the right download? The mod came with about 8 or 9 modules and the override folder had about 6 files in it. I played through it and it just kind of stopped dead in it's tracks after I killed the two Sith Leaders on Coruscant and the other Sith Leader on Nar Shaddaa.


Did I miss something?


Doesn't a Journal Entry appear ? (After killing any Sith Leader, saying what's happened and what's gonna happen.)


Hmmm. I'll look into it. But plz post a reply. I need to know if the JOURNAL ENTRIES work.


  none223 said:
Umm, this is very incomplete. I would never have released it. Although I embarked on 3 quests (2 of which I was told of: WoP, Mandy Attack, and Exchange guy), I never was able to finish them, or really even start on them. It appeared as if there was supposed to me more to CoruSCant, as there was a invisible door that said Researched Facility, but when I found out how to open it, I went to the outside of the caverns. There were no voice-overs (come on, at least speak Twi-leki!!), and little plot. It took less than 30 minutes to finish, and felt like a mod I could do (and I'm very new). I suggest talking to a professional modder, and having people help you, things go better as a group. I was thinking *2 planets!!! Think of all the sub-plots, doublecrosses, and hours of gameplay available!!* Then I played it. Also, my CoruSCant didn't have the reskins....


1.Did you place the override files in the override folder ?

2.I didn't get right instructions on voices.

3.U don't like, u don't download. (no offence).

4.It seems that the journal entries do not appear. I will try to fix this along with the door.

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  Nick Vader said:
I need to know if the JOURNAL ENTRIES work.

They don't because you didn't include a global.jrl file


  none223 said:
my CoruSCant didn't have the reskins....

That's because Nick Vader forgot to include any textures relating to it.


Is this meant to be a beta or proper release because it felt like no effort was put in and was VERY incomplete. Nar Shaddaa was unnecessary as it was just there with nothing to do except killing. Coruscant has next to no plot until suddenly a few Sith pop out of nowhere tell you about their plan, try to kill you and fail.


The dialogue was linear as more than one option never appears. The grammar wasn't very well done, which pulled me out of the experience. The one persuade option that was there is completely useless as it doesn't lead to anything, not to mention that it didn't even require any points in persuade. The NPC's were bland as there wasn't any personality in them whatsoever.


The problem with the missing heads is caused by having one of the PC heads set as the NPC head so if you're using the same head as one of the NPC's they'll be headless. Also don't release mods with .git files put them in the appropriate .mod file instead as it forces the area to reset everything in it every time you enter.


I hope you put "some" effort into your next release as this was just horrible.



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  Nick Vader said:
3.U don't like, u don't download. (no offence).


Technically speaking if you don't download you can't establish if you like the mod or not. And while I agree with Redhawke that modding is not a proffesional job; and we all do it for fun. You will also get negative and positive reviews, thats the risk you take when you open a release thread.

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  Time Lord said:
They don't because you didn't include a global.jrl file



That's because Nick Vader forgot to include any textures relating to it.


Is this meant to be a beta or proper release because it felt like no effort was put in and was VERY incomplete. Nar Shaddaa was unnecessary as it was just there with nothing to do except killing. Coruscant has next to no plot until suddenly a few Sith pop out of nowhere tell you about their plan, try to kill you and fail.


The dialogue was linear as more than one option never appears. The grammar wasn't very well done, which pulled me out of the experience. The one persuade option that was there is completely useless as it doesn't lead to anything, not to mention that it didn't even require any points in persuade. The NPC's were bland as there wasn't any personality in them whatsoever.


The problem with the missing heads is caused by having one of the PC heads set as the NPC head so if you're using the same head as one of the NPC's they'll be headless. Also don't release mods with .git files put them in the appropriate .mod file instead as it forces the area to reset everything in it every time you enter.


I hope you put "some" effort into your next release as this was just horrible.




OMG! There's no *.jrl file ???


  jonathan7 said:
Technically speaking if you don't download you can't establish if you like the mod or not. And while I agree with Redhawke that modding is not a proffesional job; and we all do it for fun. You will also get negative and positive reviews, thats the risk you take when you open a release thread.


Couldn't agree more...

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