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well, the video-link is dead (or rather incomplete, I think).


a lot of insight into Nar Shaddaa and the Hutts is also given in the Han Solo Trilogy books, for those of you who like reading. I really enjoyed them, although for my taste, Nar Shaddaa is depicted there as too much of a friendly place. But it gives a lot of info, for example existed different sectors and Han obviously lived in the Correllian sector.

of course, that was 4000 years after KotOR ;).

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a lot of insight into Nar Shaddaa and the Hutts is also given in the Han Solo Trilogy books, for those of you who like reading. I really enjoyed them, although for my taste, Nar Shaddaa is depicted there as too much of a friendly place. But it gives a lot of info, for example existed different sectors and Han obviously lived in the Correllian sector.

of course, that was 4000 years after KotOR ;).


This. I thought the books were a very good. They would be a very helpful resource to have while working on a Nar Shaddaa mod.

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Nar Shaddaa - the other wretched hive of scum and villiany. I wonder if you'll put in the rickety walkways as seen in other iterations of Nar Shaddaa.


When you said it was going to be for Nar Shaddaa, I remembered a part of Scorchy's walk through that I thought you may find interesting, which I'll quote below:




I thought it might be helpful - somehow.


Héhéhé, JK II, been awhile since I played the game. Though, actually my most fun and first "contact" with Nar Shaddaa come from Dark Forces and Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight.


I know these game really played out the narrow high passages, rickty rusted walkways and deep pits. Thing is though, that worked becaus you could run of them and die in those games.


No such thing is possible in the Kotor games; plus party members and NPCs somehow hate narrow walkmeshes. So in that regard my new made areas won't look like the levels seen in the JK games.


In a certain way I'm trying to find a middleway. As I found the Nar Shaddaa in TSL a bit lacking.



Just plainly awesome! Those are the mods I love.

I kinda felt the same about Nar Shaddaa. Where's all the fun and blingbling? And Vogga? He's a damn Hutt crimelord! So, this looks just perfect, Quanon!


Just one thing ... erhm ... will it be TSLRCM-compatible? They made a lot of changes on Nar Shaddaa, especially the docks sector.


I won't touch the docks much themselves. Infact the first 2 rooms of Vogga home will stay in place, income hall with the musician dude, room behind that where the droid quest starts. It'll be a hassle to adjust certain scripts, that's true. But I'll keep TSLRCM in mind.


well, the video-link is dead (or rather incomplete, I think).


a lot of insight into Nar Shaddaa and the Hutts is also given in the Han Solo Trilogy books, for those of you who like reading. I really enjoyed them, although for my taste, Nar Shaddaa is depicted there as too much of a friendly place. But it gives a lot of info, for example existed different sectors and Han obviously lived in the Correllian sector.

of course, that was 4000 years after KotOR ;).


Héh, I'll have to check out those books. Thanks for that bit of insight.

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Héhéhé, JK II, been awhile since I played the game. Though, actually my most fun and first "contact" with Nar Shaddaa come from Dark Forces and Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight.


I know these game really played out the narrow high passages, rickety rusted walkways and deep pits. Thing is though, that worked because you could run off them and die in those games.


No such thing is possible in the Kotor games; plus party members and NPCs somehow hate narrow walk meshes. So in that regard my new made areas won't look like the levels seen in the JK games.


Well, we all want party members and NPCs to be able to negotiate your new areas.


In a certain way I'm trying to find a middleway. As I found the Nar Shaddaa in TSL a bit lacking.


I think I may have found something that might qualify as middle of the road. Recall the unused Telos Citadel Station areas that can only be seen in the background . . .




Why not create walkways that appear as if they're on a different plane. You could make them wide and add hand rails too but you'd get a similar effect, wouldn't you?

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I am a man. Just sayin'.


:lol: Just never know on the intrawebz. I wanted to be certain before I offended a pretty Texan southern lady :lol:


Well, we all want party members and NPCs to be able to negotiate your new areas.


I remember from making a few areas that had more narrow sections, your party members sort of got lost, t'was a bit odd. It also made me think, there's like no narrow passages in the games. Except for the Ebon Hawk interiour, but then you're on your own.



I think I may have found something that might qualify as middle of the road. Recall the unused Telos Citadel Station areas that can only be seen in the background . . .




Why not create walkways that appear as if they're on a different plane. You could make them wide and add hand rails too but you'd get a similar effect, wouldn't you?


Now, that's something I had'nt thought about. I've added several pits where pipes and other techy bit will be poking out, but distant walkways hadn't popped up yet.


Good thinking my man, it certainly does the trick on Citadel Station to add a nice depth. I'll see where I can squeeze this in.


Have a cooky aswell, luuve this sort of feedback ^__^

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Now, that's something I had'nt thought about. I've added several pits where pipes and other techy bit will be poking out, but distant walkways hadn't popped up yet.


Good thinking my man, it certainly does the trick on Citadel Station to add a nice depth. I'll see where I can squeeze this in.


Have a cooky aswell, luuve this sort of feedback ^__^


That would be great indeed that someone such as yourself make something out of this unused module!

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  • 1 month later...

Been awhile since I posted an update on my Narshaddaa mod. Things move slowly, very slowly. In previous posts I showed the street model.


The thing isn't fully finished yet, a small part of it needs more fleshing out; but that didn't stop me to go ahead and do some texture work on the rest of the model.


So it's with great fun to show you some of this progress. It certainly shows off the area better then the grey render shots. Mind it's real quickly made shots. I've been messing about with better light setups, but I end up with 20 to 30 minutes of rendering... auch...


Wasn't prepared to go that crazy :lol:

Ahum, some of you might see that I"ve re used a small part of an old model. Sort of the first version of this thing. Sith Holocron mentioned that a few posts above. I was so daft to say I didn't like to re use old models... but then I just loved this small part of the model; so I deleted like 90% and went redid the whole thing... Hmm, didn't I tell that already :confused::lol:


Ahum, well enough yapping, picture time :D



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I've included SH suggestion of adding in extra walkable areas for NPCs. My pits have now extra hallways and corridors where other folks will be strolling.


A few are below you, a few above. I haven't shown those parts yet, they're nothing uber special really. But they're there. ;)

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Quanon...I love you. :xp:


Only because those screenies are so freakin' epic! Nice job.

:lol: I'll take this as positive :lol:


great interiors. love 'em.



Eh... This is an outdoor area :xp:

This totally reminds me of DF2 Nar Shaddaa


Mhm, one of my main sources of inspiration. I'm glad I got this reaction :)


This is glorious. The buildings in screenie #4 look a little boxy, but other than that, this is just pure magic.



Boxy :confused:


Guess it does, there's a lot of straight walls. Did my best to "break" it up a bit. But then again I didn't want to make each piece of wall "heavy" looking with windows and stuff.


Perhaps things will look differant when I get some real ingame views. Most of my renders are high up, bird view; you'dd never get that in the game.


I have no modelling skills whatsoever. You have been blessed my friend. Its not fair :p


Héhéhé, I didn't make this sort of stuff from day 1, it all started with a lightsaber hilt. Add 4 to 5 years of continues messing about. And you end up at this point :p


Amazing as always Quanon. Really cool stuff.


Thx ^_^


To me the textures look a bit clashy right now but the model definitely looks like it'll be fun to explore :)


Whats bugging you? THe brown? OR is it all to much of grey and blue?

I wanted it to look a bit dusty dirty... t'is Narshaddaa not posh shiny upper leves of Coruscant.


But I'm curious what you don't like about the textures :)

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Whats bugging you? THe brown? OR is it all to much of grey and blue?

I wanted it to look a bit dusty dirty... t'is Narshaddaa not posh shiny upper leves of Coruscant.


But I'm curious what you don't like about the textures


It's not that I don't like the textures you have going, it's just that it seems like there is a lot going on (too many different types). The module will be pretty dark though, right? Whatever you do will probably look awesome - that's just my first impression of the rough renders. Can't wait to chase druggies through this thing...

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Guess it does, there's a lot of straight walls. Did my best to "break" it up a bit. But then again I didn't want to make each piece of wall "heavy" looking with windows and stuff.


Perhaps things will look differant when I get some real ingame views. Most of my renders are high up, bird view; you'dd never get that in the game.


True true. I suppose there are a lot of boxy buildings in the vanilla game hidden by the player angle.

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It's not that I don't like the textures you have going, it's just that it seems like there is a lot going on (too many different types). The module will be pretty dark though, right? Whatever you do will probably look awesome - that's just my first impression of the rough renders. Can't wait to chase druggies through this thing...


Ah, I see. For most of the wall sections I just have 4 textures. Though most are indeed heavy on the patterns. I'm afraid if I kept using the same things over and over, the whole area would turn out dull and boring.


Mmm, perhaps I should reconsider, see how it looks when I alter some spots.


True true. I suppose there are a lot of boxy buildings in the vanilla game hidden by the player angle.


Well, Kotor and TSL are "ancient" games. Most levels in the game are simpel. I could go and add more details. But I rather have my stuff blend in a bit, then sticking out. Plus I'm a lazy git... so less details means less work :lol:


I did continue to work some more on the area this week and since you lads have been so nice with posting tons of comments, I did some better renders to show it off ^_^

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