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Disbeliever's crazy project!


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I applaud you two (Disbeliever & Quanon) for doing this, and I know this is not any easy task for the both of you either. But it is certainly worth praise IMO, because any Sleheyron mod that we can play is better than no Sleheyron mod that we can't play or don't have.



Everybody, give these guys a :golfclap:


Goodluck fellows, keep at it. :thmbup1:

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Another "REALLY" crazy attempt by Quanon to bring life to this community.


Im working on this too :migraine::thmbup1:


As an update (no screens yet sorry):


I have been working on redoing the walkable area of the landing port. The way I created it before was a noob way to do it, and resulted in a VERY high poly count, which is kotor unfriendly. I am just about finished, and will begin retexturizing everything soon.


As a reference though, the original area had 220,000 polys, the new one has 27,000 so far :) I had to remove some details from buildings, but we have to work within the tools and engine.


More to come from us, Q is working on new trains and machines for the area as we speak :eek:

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Make 2 machines and a train to haul things and I think well be good to go :)

You can even texturize em if you want ;)


Héhéhé, well here's what I "cooked" up so far.

I've named them Giraffe and Crabs :lol:


Nr 3 will be just for transporting and less lifting things up. Once its done as a model I'll texture them all in one go.

Some shots are required I believe:






Must not forget the train :xp:

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No Screens yet, I will save that until the end just before the first area is put in game.


The poly count has been reduced from 200,000+ :lol: to about 24,000


Buildings were redone, some detail was lost, but as was said, the textures are suppose to provide the depth not poly count. kotor is an old game:thmbup1:


Once we get the machines, trains and ships done, they will be put in area, all textured again, screens rendered and area put in game.

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Not necesarilly. I'm sure some of the polys he deleted were on the backs of buildings that you would never see, as well as little details no one will ever notice.


Also, ONE 200,000+ poly map would really lag up the game, 3 would do something horrible to it. Bringing it down to 24,000 does take out some minute details, but also makes that module playable. :happy: :)

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Not necesarilly. I'm sure some of the polys he deleted were on the backs of buildings that you would never see, as well as little details no one will ever notice.


Also, ONE 200,000+ poly map would really lag up the game, 3 would do something horrible to it. Bringing it down to 24,000 does take out some minute details, but also makes that module playable. :happy: :)


Perhaps the BIK videos that they record for the project could feature the high poly count versions of the city.

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Aw. :sad: The higher the poly count, the better.


Not really, like most others pointed out, the game engine won't handle that high amount of polys. In a good way to play the game.


Imagine, somebody shoving a whole cow in to your mouth, instead of a Tbone steak :p


Thats the differance, plus its a bit early to start thinking about .bik movies :lol:

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Well, Dis is hard at work, redoing our first area. Killed the polies like a madman :D


Anyway, didn't mean I was relaxing, well, perhaps a bit :lol:

So machines are ready to be textured, then shipped to Dis to implement in the area. Finally! :lol:


So some shots:

First one is a big flat transporting thing, aka flatbed.

Last row of pictures is my train, a compromise between my sketches I've done and the more heavy look, Dis was after. Rightfully so, my sketches where more of a sleek machine, bit to sleek for the industrial haven, Sleheyron is.







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