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Contacting Aliens


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If extraterrestrials have discovered Earth and are intelligent, they have seen what mankind has done not only to the Earth but to each other as well. If they have seen this, they have deemed this planet not worth visiting due to the violence, racism, and hatred shown by mankind to each other.

So only humans are *******s? Why aren't aliens *******s too?


I forgot to add that proof has been established that the Earth was visited by extraterrestrials millenia ago. There are cave drawings in Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia that show their visits. How else can you explain the pyramids and the Aztec and Mayan temples?

People love things that are mysterious. Old things are mysterious. Therefore, old civilizations are mysterious, because the only things we know of them are artifacts which are many hundreds and thousands of years old.


Mysterious **** is cool. Therefore, people love to believe that ancient mysterious people knew stuff that we don't. Ancient mysterious people never had people with boring, ordinary lives. There were never any Egyptians who had a single mundane, stupid day in their lives. They were busy chatting it up with the aliens who built the pyramids for them. There were never any Aztecs who had to build houses, or even do something as simple as take a piss off in the woods. They were too busy drawing calendars which predicted that world's destruction would occur on a date that had lots of twelves in it according to a calendar which didn't exist yet to do anything that wasn't mysterious and unknown.


Another cool and mysterious thing is how we have prehistoric people doing what is essentially the prehistoric equivalent of spray-painting your name on the bathroom wall, and thousands of years later we point and call it proof that aliens were here, because ancient people are mysterious and know things.


My family and I lived in a home in Freeport, Illinois (United States of America) when I was sixteen. While there, my brother accidentally put a hole in the wall at the end of a hallway by running into it. We had to get a new block of wall to put in the hole. So we did, but before Dad put it in place, we all drew some stuff on the interior side of the block. I drew a stick figure shooting lightning out of his hands with the caption "Absolute power corrupts absolutely, but it also kicks absolute ass" underneath it.


It's comforting to know that in six thousand years or so, when the English language is no longer used and almost unrecognizable, a group of people will believe that aliens have already been to earth. Non-physical ghost-like energy beings who can possess people and control static electricity in the air.


All because I drew a stick figure shooting lightning out of his hands when I was sixteen.

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pointing out someone's view is contradictory or hypocritical IS "adressing the message" ffs.


exhibit a:

Just an observation here; It's funny how people's own opinions seem to be imprinted onto Aliens.
if any extra-terrestrial life forms have figuered out how to get from point a to point b in the universe; wiping out us, would be comparatively a piece of cake.

projecting much?


exhibit b:

This to be franks seems foolish, you make a number of assumptions about how Aliens are going to be

I'm not really worried about it, but broadcasting signals into space, seems about as wise to me as running around in a pitch dark forest singing; sure there could be a nice furry animal who's friendly alternatively you may run into a grizzly...

assumption much?


The word to describe my position would be pragmatic.

no, it would be better described as any of blinkered; isolationist; negative, backward; or fearful.


mate, mankind didn't make the strides it did in the 20th century by being afraid. we took to the skies when the consequences could have been horrific (and still sometimes are), yet modern society would be vastly inferior if not the wright brothers at kittyhawk.


the meek shall not inherit the earth. well, not outside of bedtime stories anyway...

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Well we do have some evidence that the great pyramids are the end of a series of trial and error to get it right. There are several pyramids that have collapsed and or had massive structure problems. Do we feel that aliens helped build the cathedrals in Europe? Sure there's around 3k years difference, but since progress is non-linear, and the pyramids are far less complex than the cathedrals of Europe, isn't it possible that they just happened to be built by people and designed by people?

It's possible. I am just not so sure it was done by people alone, furthermore I don't see that people necessarily means exclusively human--but this is getting ahead of ourselves. I was thinking more along the line of equipment and machines which may already be present in these structures but is not apparent b/c we don't know how to understand it.


I think IF aliens saw us, they would be more interested in our planet's resources than in us.

Since I don't know if they were malicious or benevolent, I can't say with certainty what their motives would be. Though yes, resources are a consideration, I'd think they would still do it under secrecy and subtlety. Unless they are taking un-obvious resorces in ways we don't even comprehend, which is also a possibility.


Otherwise in order to do it blatantly and overtly, they'd have to be so domineering and overpowering in order to succeed. So unless it is through governments and corporations working together (ironically STILL another veil) I fail to see how they'd be doing it in this latter way.


Well aside from maybe training us to be pets. I hear we can be housebroken pretty easily. And we are capable of quite a number of tricks. We'll make great pets.


Ah, the slave resource. Could be farming and growing a slave race.


Yes, relatively docile and easy to please. IIRC, Oswald or someone like that in 1962 at a conference on eugenics who had studied human behavior said something to the effect that "Humans can be made and conditioned to love their leaders and to enjoy conditions of filth, poverty, and servitude that by any decent standard of living, they ought not to."


So assuming malicious greed on their part, I would say for wanting resources that you are correct: WE are those resources.


I had the same doubts concerning Burj Khalifa until I struck upon the golden rule of world-awing architecture: have lots of money, and lots of cheap (preferably free) labour. Does amazing things.


A trait that has survived to this day amongst architects and similar others, undoubtedly. It's just so reassuring to know that I am only slightly less expendable than slave labours in the eyes of today's equivalent to Egyptian god-kings. :dozey:


The word to describe my position would be pragmatic.


Furthermore, I fail to see how I have been hypocritical; the only thing I think of Aliens (if they exist) is that they will be very different to us, I don't know if they would be friendly or not.






Doesn't mean it's a good idea :xp:


I doubt that it'd surprise you much that after Wardenclyffe, Tesla was looked upon as a madman, especially when he said he was attempting to contact the gods.


I thought he was supposed to be a devout christian. :¬:

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I tend to see this on both sides of the fence.

A culture capable of incredible technology... has to be a result of incredible intelligence coupled with incredible cooperation... cooperative intelligence that is non-Borg must be somewhat friendly... friendly beings don't vaporize civilizations to rape raw materials...


Of course there may be highly advanced civilization with the society of ants ;) Ants are very cooperative but not very friendly (but it's a Borg type of culture).

Yet this type of aliens would have any interest in our planet only if we had some type of resources they need. Otherwise they wouldn't care - why would they? If they wanted only resources it would be easier to mine it in their own star system. When materials would end and they come for more to us, they would take it from asteroid belt and other planets - we could do nothing about it and they wouldn't have to fight for some little remains on Earth with us and use they precious resources.

Only situation they would have any interest in human race would be the need for slaves.


Other cultures - pacifistic ones - could for example like our art or they would be interested in our philosophy or maybe in shearing some technology (hyperdrive in exchange for 50" FullHD TV Screen ;) ). We shouldn't be worry about them.


What I fear is that there may be a alien culture that is similar to ours.

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I'll respond to people who are wishing to have a discussion first :)


if you check out this website, library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00451/cavedrawings.htm, it has several very interesting cave drawings that depict extraterrestrials in helmets


Personally, I don't think that is proof. Given the extravagance of ancient Egyptian head masks I don't see how helmets qualifies as proof of extra terrestrials. Beyond that, I didn't see any links to the images in the link you provided so I can't really comment further :)


What I fear is that there may be a alien culture that is similar to ours.


This is a very interesting statement, is this out of a fear we would be very similar, or that the negative traits present in humanity would also be present in any Alien species?


I doubt that it'd surprise you much that after Wardenclyffe, Tesla was looked upon as a madman, especially when he said he was attempting to contact the gods.


Not really :xp: I'm far more interested in the rules Isaac Asimov made for governing contact between species of alien origin.


I thought he was supposed to be a devout christian.


I'm not quite sure what Extra-Terrestrial life and Christianity have to do with each other, i.e. the Bible never really comments on if life exists elsewhere (despite the comments of some).


pointing out someone's view is contradictory or hypocritical IS "adressing the message" ffs.


Not for a start if you dont present any evidence, you just called my argument names. Furthermore most Kavars regulars know each other and know how the others think. Now note; no-one else thinks my position is hypocritical, further more it's clear from your "evidence" you really don't understand the way I think; though you seem far more intent on trying to make a strawman out of me, in any case.


Then for the apparent evidence.


exhibit a:


projecting much?


How is this projecting anything? At no point do I state that if an intelligent extra-terrestrial life form had the technology to get from a to b and had the ability to wipe us out that they would (so to be clear as day for you, I'm not saying Aliens would wipe us out, or enslave us, or be our friends; that is not knowable with the present data). However it would seem to me the old saying "caution is the greater part of valour" with regards the concern of the whole planet is correct. (And yes I know various signals have been going up for a considerable time, however that doesn't mean it is a wise move).


The only person projecting anything is you, and wanting to project it on to me. Presumably because anyone in opposition to your opinion is "blinkered; isolationist; negative, backward; or fearful."


Of course Aristotle so long ago had something right;


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.


Qui-Gon Glenn, came in with a balanced post, further more there are several separate discussions within this. Nor is it that I don't see the benefits of doing such, though usually our advances have been haphazard, so I think that broadcasting into space is more likely to provide better telecommunications on earth as a bi-product.


One is that I do think it is arrogant on the behalf of some scientists, considering they have the right to send signals into space. Much as I think it highly arrogant (and more over in the following case evil) that Nazi scientists thought they had the right to experiment on other humans. Back on topic sending signals into space could potentially be of great benefit, or bring about great harm. It is also unlike most things that have gone before, with regards discovery. However if their is intelligent life out there, they themselves seem to have adopted a wait and see strategy as to if there is other life in the cosmos.


Of the very small amount of data we do have in this equation seemingly earth is a very rare thing; and with nothing known about a possible alien civilisations out there, sending out signals about our existence, I cannot see as good. However lets use sci-fi as an exampe; Perhaps the aliens will be like Vulcans, then great. But also on the other hand, what happens if circumstance has force any aliens into an Independence Day style existence.


exhibit b:



assumption much?


Did you even read what I wrote there? I further fail to see how I have assumed anything of aliens, they could be friendly or they could be hostile. That isn't something that can be ascertained at this current time; without data.


no, it would be better described as any of blinkered; isolationist; negative, backward; or fearful.


Oh look, more of the uncivilized name calling.


we took to the skies when the consequences could have been horrific (and still sometimes are), yet modern society would be vastly inferior if not the wright brothers at kittyhawk.


I fail to see how thinking broadcasting signals into space being a bad idea equates to being a Luddite. I would not have protested, about the Wright brothers, the quest for absolute zero, or computing advances (Churchill ordering the destruction of the computers at Bletchely park set us back a few years, and was a great shame).


Of course your whole argument seems to involve construction strawmen, using ad-hominems and putting words into the mouths of others. While simultaneously bringing down what was a previously civil discussion.


the meek shall not inherit the earth. well, not outside of bedtime stories anyway...


Oh look, another un-necessary affront to anyone who thinks differently to you... Well done!


mate, mankind didn't make the strides it did in the 20th century by being afraid.


What did the 20th Century really bring? Mans ability to be uncivilised to fellow man and industrial killing on a scale not previously known would seem to be the "highlights" of the 20th Century.


Yes, I'm sure all the Jews who died in the Holocaust are absolutely delighted at the advances medical science made due to their torture. For example; all we know of decompression sickness and it's effects are due to the Nazi's putting concentration camp victims in early decompression chambers, noting the effects of greater and greater (and less and less) pressures until they were dead. Seemingly Mengele had discovered how to manipulate Genes, 40 years before anyone else, given the amount of Ayrayan children in the village he helped woman through pregnancy...

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What I fear is that there may be a alien culture that is similar to ours.


This is a very interesting statement, is this out of a fear we would be very similar, or that the negative traits present in humanity would also be present in any Alien species?


Based on our history humans always conquered, enslaved and destroyed different 'weaker' civilizations. There were never a situation when discovery of a new culture did something good to both cultures (when they had different level of development). It's always been conquer (military or cultural). Earthlings are very xenophobic and non-tolerant to other points of view.

I fear that meeting a culture that is similar to ours would cause a war and in the end wiping out human race (since we would be the ones 'weaker' or 'less civilized'). On the other hand we could survive as a species but extinct as a culture. We would be assimilated by the aliens and probably become some sort of lower class citizens.

Add to this our sci-fi films and games with tons of 'evil aliens' to kill ('-Greetings beings of Earth. I come in peace from planet X. Lets have some fun. What do you do for fun? -We kill aliens!' ;) ). And even if they were friendly they wouldn't be any more after our welcome full of aggression, accusations and doubt of their intentions.

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The problem here is, all opinions here are fuelled by what we see or hear. Aka; the movies, internet, games and all.

There's no problem with that, but maybe we should look more abstract.


Maybe aliens will live in 4 dimensions at once? Or they excist out of gas? Maybe they're 1 atom big? In all honesty, maybe 'other' life is far, far, far more different then we expect, simply because it's not imaginable for us.


Thus, I believe, when the time comes we will find out and adapt. And like Wookiee Rrudolf said; probably do something bad when we have adapted.

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You are right. Aliens may be completely different then anything we can imagine. But do you think we could meet this type of aliens? Even if we saw an alien like that we probably wouldn't recognize it as a living creature not to mention communicating with it. So we could make first contact and not be aware of it.

That's why I think we have chance to have any kind of interaction only with aliens somehow similar to us (be it a flying squid or a talking stone - but something we could recognize).

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Even if we saw an alien like that we probably wouldn't recognize it as a living creature


Since we have a general definition of what life is, and how something may be classified as a living being, I'm quite sure that we'll recognise a living, extraterrestrial creature if we see one.

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Since we have a general definition of what life is, and how something may be classified as a living being, I'm quite sure that we'll recognise a living, extraterrestrial creature if we see one.


Indeed? ;) Are you really sure that we have a universal definition of life? I wouldn't say so...

Can you tell me if viruses are alive?

One say they are alive because they reproduce. Other say they're not because they need other cells to reproduce for them.

One say they feed on a host. Other say viruses don't have metabolism.

So are they alive or not? We can't really say. We don't have a definition of life that would interchangeably classify viruses. So how would we recognise alien life since we can't say if something is alive on Earth?


PS. Viruses have many common attributes with inorganic crystals. Are crystals alive?

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A friend of mine runs a board game company in Mississippi. Back in '76 I helped him for three weeks, handling orders as he worked on an air to air war game. One of the perks I got was a cartoon series of Star Trek and other Sci Fi shows of that time with sarcastic commentary.


In one, the science officer reports that they have just recieved a message asking if there is intelligent life out there. The captain replied; 'They're joking, right?'


While technology whether mechanical or biomechanical can take you from place to place, it does not endow the creator with human emotions. The Nazi Death camps prove that. If they have emotions, we would have to discover them.


I don't remember the name of the story, but it began with an attack on a colony on one of Jupiter's moons. The enemy waited until our fleet arrived, then retreated, but did so by dropping in the atmosphere of that planet. Somewhere we cannot go.


As the 'war', fought with electronic devises able to transmit human senses into machines on the planet is being waged, a psychologist suggests that the enemy had merely been testing us. Not to see how good we are at war, but to try to elicit emotions they could recognize because only then could they hope to communicate. The Shrink along with one soldier gas the entire home base, so the enemy would detect nothing, then waited for the enemy to show an emotion; in this case regret.


After that, now they can at least try to communicate.

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After that, now they can at least try to communicate.


Exactly my point :) we are talking about communicating with something that could have an entirely different outlook on life and communication.


The aliens would feel the same though. :) would be pretty exciting for them too!

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I always disliked the assumption that because aliens have made it into space they are therefore one unified people and all peaceful and therefore smart enough to avoid us. Galactically speaking, Earth and our solar system is located in nowheresville, we're on the edge of the edge of an arm. Even if we are shouting at the top of our lungs, we're not even close enough to anything for it to be anything short of forever before someone hears us and we get a reply back.


I doubt aliens are ignoring us, though I likewise doubt aliens are actively visiting us. We're just out in the middle of the woods where nobody goes a lot, and if a tree shouts in the middle of the woods, does anyone care?


I suspect for the most part, assuming that reality is largely as we perceive it, that most aliens are in the same situation we are. They're somewhat developed, advanced, or underdeveloped comparatively to us to some degree, and they're mostly shouting into space hoping for a response too. And that's only my suspicions for life in this galaxy, to even dream of visiting another solar-system, much less one on the opposite side of the galaxy, is a heck of a different idea than visiting another solar system on the other side of another galaxy.

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The best alien invasion book I read was Von Neuman's war. Primarily because being machines, the invaders dealt with us as merely something blocking them from what they wished to take. Attributing emotins or attitudes is a sure way to fail. As much as the liberals believe 'oh they'd be peaceful because truly evolved peoples are' why should an alien race care what we think if they decide to collect all the dachsunds on the planet? The most recent version of the Day the Earth Stood still showed such an attitude. I just with their version of Klaatu had told us what they intended before dropping the hammer on us.

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Regarding Egypt and pyramids:

The only thing about the pyramids is that we simply don't know all their secrets. Aren't there amphitheaters even modern technology can't replicate? Or how did the tens to hundreds of tons of solid mass come to be shaped and built into these structures without any equipment?


I seriously doubt people ALONE could have done it THAT well made or THAT big--sure we have "evidence" claiming that they did but honestly there are too many pieces missing and any conjecture or statements claiming to know would be an argument from ignorance at best: We weren't there when it happened so how would we know?


Bull's bollocks. Nothing more than a farrago of doubts, ignorance and suspicion. And I'm really, really sick of listening to this kind of abject rubbish.


There is nothing in the shaping, dressing, and cutting of lime- and sandstone that cannot be done with copper or even stone tools commonly available by the Third Dynasty.


There was no manpower shortage in a country with a stable population of around three million and a vast food surplus being produced by a small amount of the population that would make manpower an issue.


There is no developmental sea-change. The mud-brick mastabas of the Early Dynastic Period give way to the stone-built Step Pyramid of Netjerikhet at Saqqara, which is followed by the Maidum pyramid of Huni, the Bent Pyramid of Snofru and the Red Pyramid of the same king at Dahshur. All Khufu did was to take an existing idea and enlarge it.


There is no gap technologically that needs to filled; there is no gap in manpower that needs to be filled, and there is no gap in conception that needs to be filled. There isn't even a gap in ideology.


The Great Pyramid has the same valley temple and causeway arrangement of almost every pyramid until the end of the Middle Kingdom.


The issue is an invention without any justification. There is no basis for inventing space-aliens to explain away the pyramids. There is no necessity to invent space-aliens to explain away the pyramids. There is no logic to inventing space-aliens to explain away the pyramids.


No, we couldn't build the Great Pyramid today. We couldn't build Chartres Cathedral today. Funny you don't pick that as necessarily having been built by aliens. And why can't we build them? Because the economic structure of the modern age is fundamentally at odds with massive, monumental constructions of this sort, in a way that the economics of the ancient world* weren't.





*And there were complex economic systems in place, unless any of you would like to explain how lapis lazuli managed to jump from Afghanistan to Egypt without the use of trade.

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Darth InSidious, if I make a pyramid out of tinfoil and put it on my head, will that make the Aliens come visit me?


:eyepop Oh noooooooo Momerator, you wouldn't want to do that - that just really pisses them off too no end. ;)


Now what you really what to do, is get a psychic person and do a mind-meld or something; so as to make proper contact through the right channels, that's the idea. :D






@Thread: Yep, just like that one psychic Dr. Zahi Hawass *echo* (WORLDS MOST FAMOUS EGYPTOLOGISTS)*echo* used to prove ONCE AGAIN, that the so-called "Pyramid of Khufu" was built supposedly byyyyyyyy - yes you guessed it - *echo* "KHUUFUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuu." *echo*


:lol: Which is kind of ironic when you think about it, since over the years, egyptologists have been putting down people just because they believe differently about how the "Pyramids of Giza" were actually built; as for example: technically advanced foreign refugees from a sunken island in the Atlantic, of which Edgar Cayce ( who was considered to be a known psychic ) had said the "Pyramids of Giza were built by exiled Atlanteans over 10,000 years ago and first started the Egyptian culture, or Mayan refugees who were lost at sea and drifted to upper part of Africa, etc. Oh, and of course - let's not forget the possibility of Aliens too.


Yes sir, bashing other people's possible beliefs and using psychic means at the same time, to justify their beliefs and supposed proofs. Yeah, that's the way you do it man. :thmbup1:

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Really? REALLY?


I usually use the term Liberal when I point at people who have unrealistic views of a situation and we usually pay the price. If you watch the older Sci Fi movies, you always have the one who says 'They're so much more advanced, they must be peaceful' right before the aliens attack.


That might not be a liberal, true. But as often as I hear absurd arguments spouted with complete confidence in politics social engineering and economics, I stand by my comment.demand 'women's choice in abortion.


New: On second tought, I have to say I am sorry I used the term. I was thinking of all the times someone would spout a position with one breath, and a diametrically opposite position on something that might be the same thing. As a 'liberal' position it is opposition to the death penalty at the same time you push a 'woman's choice' in abortion. On the same (And just as stupid front) you have the hidebound Conservatives who with one breath defend the death penalty yet scream 'Right to Life' on Abortion.


So I am sorry I called it liberal, let's just agree to call it really effing stupid.

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@Thread: Yep, just like that one psychic Dr. Zahi Hawass *echo* (WORLDS MOST FAMOUS EGYPTOLOGISTS)*echo* used to prove ONCE AGAIN, that the so-called "Pyramid of Khufu" was built supposedly byyyyyyyy - yes you guessed it - *echo* "KHUUFUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuu." *echo*


:lol: Which is kind of ironic when you think about it, since over the years, egyptologists have been putting down people just because they believe differently about how the "Pyramids of Giza" were actually built; as for example: technically advanced foreign refugees from a sunken island in the Atlantic, of which Edgar Cayce ( who was considered to be a known psychic ) had said the "Pyramids of Giza were built by exiled Atlanteans over 10,000 years ago and first started the Egyptian culture, or Mayan refugees who were lost at sea and drifted to upper part of Africa, etc. Oh, and of course - let's not forget the possibility of Aliens too.


Yes sir, bashing other people's possible beliefs and using psychic means at the same time, to justify their beliefs and supposed proofs. Yeah, that's the way you do it man. :thmbup1:


Do you have any evidence for this claim? The only reference to Zahi Hawass in connexion with psychics are in relation to Edgar Cayce.


The reason Egyptologists haven't believed the inane ramblings of so-called "psychics" is because they have:


(a) No empirical evidence for their supposed abilities;

(b) contradicted the archaeological and the textual record with their frequent abject bull****.


That includes Cayce.


On Cayce himself, there is no evidence for his so-called abilities that is in any way credible.


Once again, the New Age movement attempts to obscure the truth in a heap of casuistry, implication and suspicion that goes directly against the evidence, and against the testimony of every credible scientist involved.


As in the tarot card thread, you are talking nonsense.

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I'd believe the aliens built the pyramids, if they were hovering above Giza. With enough people and time most construction projects are pretty attainable.


Honestly today's population is pretty technology spoiled. Most people today wouldn't survive life in the 1700's... maybe even 1800's... I mean really there are so few who could even live without takeout.... so saying that we couldn't build the pyramids today is kinda misleading... We've lost a lot of the necessary technology. Heck we have to completely start from scratch to get back to the moon. And that was only a few decades ago.


Mmmm pizzaaaaaa

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Do you have any evidence for this claim? The only reference to Zahi Hawass in connexion with psychics are in relation to Edgar Cayce.


As far as I know their is a new TV special that was started a few years back called "Paranormal Egypt" although I think it's a media mockery myself, with a man named Derek Acorah (a so-called psychic) and woman named Tessa Dunlop along with Dr. Zahi Hawass in a few episodes, that has been presented on cable and network television since then. Not sure how you missed all of this, but this program has been going on for quite awhile.


Anyway..Hawass has allowed these individuals with thier type of media melodrama into the "Great Giza Pyramid" and Egypt's other monuments as well, to conduct psychic investigations and present information that seems to conveniently back up egyptologists theories.


Now the point being, if egyptologists don't belive in the "insane ramblings of so-called "psychics" as you put it, then why in the hell are egyptologists like Dr. Zahi Hawass allowing psyhcics like Derek Acorah to conduct such media mockery at these locations. Inquiring minds what to know?


Need links as to what the hell I'm talking about...okay, here.













The reason Egyptologists haven't believed the inane ramblings of so-called "psychics" is because they have:


(a) No empirical evidence for their supposed abilities;

(b) contradicted the archaeological and the textual record with their frequent abject bull****.


That includes Cayce.


On Cayce himself, there is no evidence for his so-called abilities that is in any way credible.


I'm going to assume you haven't done much research on EDGAR CAYCE, are else you would have known that some of his predications came true, some examples: he forsaw the stock market crash and great depression before it happen, he forsaw the collaspe of Soviet Union and communism before that happen, and he foretold the discovery of the Essenes and Dead Sea Scrolls just to name a few.


Although IMO, so-called psychics like Derek Acorah are obvisouly fakes and pretty much give past psychics like EDGAR CAYCE a bad name.




Once again, the New Age movement attempts to obscure the truth in a heap of casuistry, implication and suspicion that goes directly against the evidence, and against the testimony of every credible scientist involved.


Oh really, as I see it there are some unexplained things about the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx that have been contradictory to some of the accepted egyptology theories over the past years; of which archeolgists and egyptologists seem to want to ignore, or provide a reasonable answer for.


So I'm inclined to have more faith in what John Anthony West, Graham Hancock, Chris Dunn, Douglas Kenyon, and others say about the subject and their crediblity, compared to what egyptologists have tryed to purposely get by with; as to explanations with semi-flawed theories about the construction of the "Giza Pyramids." Although I don't go along with the "Aliens built them" idea, that doesn't mean it couldn't have been a possiblity; still I don't totally support it.



As in the tarot card thread, you are talking nonsense.


Yeah..and your entitled to your opinion, but do keep in mind "O InSidious one," that opinions can and will vary. :D

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