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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: The Jedi Knights MOD (official thread)

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Hi, this is Te Darasuum Mand'alor better known as Mrcharlton and I'm here to talk about my new SC mod. Skinning is going well along with the story and we will begin working on modules soon. Here is the stuff I'll be revealing for now.


Story: 60% complete(writing process is almost finished)


Skinning: 2% Skinning has already began with the help of Dak Drexl and Te Prudi Mand'alor.


Modules: 1% Starting to edit them


The game itself hasen't been tested quite yet, but will be soon along with the skinned characters.


Here is one of the characters

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Skinning: 2% Skinning has already began with the help of Dak Drexl and Te Prudi Mand'alor.


Modules: 1% Starting to edit them


The game itself hasen't been tested quite yet,


lolif you had tested it with only 2% of skins and pretty much 0 modules and by looking at your percentages i guessing 0 scripts so i doubt you could try it and give a detailed review :thmbup1:


I hope this project does work

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Ok, I have here a few WIPs of major characters in this mod. Try to give me some feedback, since I know everyone here is very good with constructive criticism ;).


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Ben Krass





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Kala Ordo





Light Sided Clothing



Dark Side Clothing



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Carth Onasi (Obviously not too much to do to him)



Thanks everyone

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Thanks man, and yes, she is related to a Mandalorian we all know and love. Haha, don't worry about what's behind her, that's just Kreia. Seriously, it is Kreia. Yeah, I started out just doing concept art for Mrcharlton and I got snowed in a few days ago. So, bored out of my mind, I decided to try to skin. It turned out alright, then they became these. They'll all more than likely be improved and there's also more to come.

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Actually, this mod takes place ten years after kotor and 6 after TSL. Carth is supposed to have grey hair. My Dad is only 41 (42 in March) and has quite alot of greyish hair. He also has a bald spot in the middle. Carth is perfect how he is.


My dad is 47, and his hair has no visible gray spots yet. But I do agree, Carth looks fine as he is.

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Carth is 38 in KotOR, so he'd be 48.

I know my father is 57, and has just a few silvery hairs mixed in his brown hair.

So tidy up the temples a bit, add a few silvery mists in the beard, and you're good.

Although Carth's military.

Military men age a bit quicker than normal people. I knew a warrant officer, who was about 55. His hair was silver as a spoon.

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I just remembered, I have the German version of TSL.

And somehow, every time I use a mod that alters some dialog, the game snaps back to normal game playing, and I can't talk to the person again.

When adding merchants, I don't even get subtitles or visible options.

Any Idea what that can be?

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And some more:


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"Lord of Peace"




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Zayne Carrick


(I can't get him in-game. If someone who knows how to do this could check out my help thread it would be awesome)


Don't take the spoiler tags lightly:

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Note that this is not "the" Sith Lord, just a major bad guy.


Feedback always helps :)

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