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Hunters W.I.P.

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@FG- I just checked and it should be possible. I just need to create combat animations for Ithorians. Unfortunately, it will only have either one animation type- melee, unarmed, or ranged. So what type of animations should Ithorians have?


@SH- Yep, all the animations for TSL are on one model. I tried it before and it worked. It is even compatible for tslrcm as I created my own lean animation. Note-the lean animation is not a 1:1 copy but (shameless plug) it looks cool non the less. I recommend you install after tslrcm.


On another note for TSL, I discovered a hide weapons during dialog mod. This mod is incompatible with my upcoming mod. So what I'll do is tweak the animations.2da that I use to hide the weapons also unless there is a general uproar not to.

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@FG- I just checked and it should be possible. I just need to create combat animations for Ithorians. Unfortunately, it will only have either one animation type- melee, unarmed, or ranged. So what type of animations should Ithorians have?


Hmmm, I'd say melee. Seeing as that's the one type of combat animation that will never be cancelled out of. Ranged will cancel out into melee if a character gets close, and unarmed is just... well... it's unarmed.

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I just realized more bad news, unfortunately the Ithorian only calls one set of melee animations. There are two sets melee vs characters and melee vs creatures. Ithorians, being creatures themselves are limited to one set of combat animations(the creature animations -mo/bo), whereas characters have different animations(g2, etc). What does this mean? It means I need to experiment. Also it would be good to know if you can play random animations in a script. If playing random animations is possible, it means we're in business (I should be able to get all combat animations-melee, ranged, and unarmed on the model, but only if playing random animations is possible).

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Well, any "standard" KOTOR2 spawn-script starts off with the following code (sub-number varies of course), I suppose the same could be done for KOTOR1...

void sub18() {
int nRandom = d8(1);
if ((nRandom == 1)) {
	ActionPlayAnimation(103, 1.0, 0.0);
else {
	if ((nRandom == 2)) {
		ActionPlayAnimation(102, 1.0, 0.0);
	else {
		if ((nRandom == 3)) {
			ActionPlayAnimation(1, 1.0, 3.0);
		else {
			if ((((nRandom == 4) || (nRandom == 5)) && (GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != 5))) {
				if ((GetGender(OBJECT_SELF) == 0)) {
					sub1(intGLOB_52, 0);
					ActionPlayAnimation(24, 1.0, 20.4);
					ActionDoCommand(sub1(intGLOB_52, 1));
				else {
					if ((GetGender(OBJECT_SELF) == 1)) {
						sub1(intGLOB_52, 0);
						ActionPlayAnimation(24, 1.0, 13.3);
						ActionDoCommand(sub1(intGLOB_52, 1));
			else {
				if ((((nRandom == 6) || (nRandom == 4)) || (nRandom == 5))) {
					ActionPlayAnimation(100, 1.0, 0.0);
				else {
					if ((nRandom == 7)) {
						ActionPlayAnimation(101, 1.0, 0.0);
					else {
						if ((nRandom == 8)) {
							sub1(intGLOB_52, 0);
							ActionPlayAnimation(1, 1.0, 5.0);
							ActionDoCommand(sub1(intGLOB_52, 1));

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@HH- Unless I'm wrong, it looks like that script is as follows: If random action plays, do animation 1. If random action 2 plays do animation 2. Very close, but what I am looking for is when action plays, of two animations play one at random. Or as I said I could be wrong and the script does what I am looking for. I would be the first to say that scripting isn't my forte.

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Hey, not sure if anyone's mentioned this before, but I had an idea for two new animations for KotOR II. So basically, when



Atton dies



I always found the scene to be a bit awkward just because of the way he is lying down while talking. If you could make two animations, basically one animation where he is sitting on the ground, his back is leaning against the wall, and he is talking, and another where he is just sitting, leaning against the wall, and dead, that'd be awesome.

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  • 2 months later...

update- I have released revans flowing robe for TSL on deadly stream. Unfortunately, as often happens life took over. Even worse, I have decided to abandon putting new animations into k1. This decision was sparked by the fact that you have to replace animations to get them in the game. Still, I will be animating for k2.


Current project: adding animations to creatures that don't have animations-this will be my last project in k1. (Ithorian, Selkath) I haven't tested it yet but all the utility animations should work. Selkaths already have combat animations, Ithorians don't. I will give Ithorians melee animations.

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  • 7 months later...

Long time huh? Anyways:

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For Tsl, Kotor comes afterwards.


If you know how to model and have time and you want to help the criteria is simple. 1. you must be able to texture your models. 2. you must keep the shape the same although you can add things that make sense (like the trigger ring). 3. post in this thread what you are modeling so others (if there are any) won't model the same thing.


The workflow to model the item is simple. First import the weapon you want to model. You'll notice there are upgrades attached to the weapon. Next model the new weapon based off the old one sans upgrades. Texture your model. This is your base model. Next is the hard part. you have to model any upgrades the weapon can have off of the base model. Sometimes there are two sometimes three. The hardest thing is getting all the combinations of upgrades. If you think you can do it my suggestion is model one upgrade like a scope then model every single chamber with the scope (mark I, mark II, etc). Keep doing this until you have every single combination.


I'll understand if nobody takes up the task (it is pretty daunting). Chances are I'll get burnt out before I complete it. Should I release what I have then or should I hold onto it as it would be incomplete? As always coming when it's done (provided it is done, hey it is a huge task).

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Long time huh? Anyways:

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For Tsl, Kotor comes afterwards.


If you know how to model and have time and you want to help the criteria is simple. 1. you must be able to texture your models. 2. you must keep the shape the same although you can add things that make sense (like the trigger ring). 3. post in this thread what you are modeling so others (if there are any) won't model the same thing.


The workflow to model the item is simple. First import the weapon you want to model. You'll notice there are upgrades attached to the weapon. Next model the new weapon based off the old one sans upgrades. Texture your model. This is your base model. Next is the hard part. you have to model any upgrades the weapon can have off of the base model. Sometimes there are two sometimes three. The hardest thing is getting all the combinations of upgrades. If you think you can do it my suggestion is model one upgrade like a scope then model every single chamber with the scope (mark I, mark II, etc). Keep doing this until you have every single combination.


I'll understand if nobody takes up the task (it is pretty daunting). Chances are I'll get burnt out before I complete it. Should I release what I have then or should I hold onto it as it would be incomplete? As always coming when it's done (provided it is done, hey it is a huge task).


If by "burnt out" you mean done with Kotor modding for the foreseeable future, then I'd release the stuff as modder's resource with specific instructions/ a vision of what you want to be done with them. Also, if you do this, I recommend releasing a template for the read-me file with an up-to-date credits section.

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You know, instead of modelers right now, I need people to tell me where all the workbenches are located. I already did Peragus and Telos so you don't need to worry about those. I also know which module the ebon hawk is in.


There's also one on Nar Shadda (301NAR, I believe), as well as one on the Mandalorian Camp on Dxun (403DXN). There might be one in the royal palace on Onderon (506OND), and I'm pretty sure there's one in Khoonda on Dantooine (601DAN?).

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@HH: thanks that helped.

@Supreme kotor: The screen shots are actually from the Telos academy. I played through the game going through every workbench up to that one to make sure the camera angle was right.


Tslrcm locations? You mean tslrcm adds workbenches? Ah well more work for me.


Thanks to me figuring out how the Tslpatcher works it will be tslrcm compatible. M4-78ep comes later after regular tsl (I'll need to obtain permission to access some of it's files to make it compatible, also seeing as I have never actually played it yet I will probably do so first).


I just thought of another job that can help me out. Script writing. While easier than modeling it is still time consuming, so the prerequisite is that you have time on your hands . Meanwhile I slowly but surely head towards the 1/10000000 mark ( I may be underestimating it a bit:xp:).


I'll check back every now and again but the majority of my time will be taken up by RL and this mod.

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That's right. I inject camera points into the .git then call it in a dialogue. The problem with m4-78ep is that there is no vanilla git file that I can modify. Would modifying a vanilla .git and using the tslpatcher to insert new lines into the .git of each module work for the Hk factory, Malachor, and m4-78? On that note what is the Module designation of the HK factory, Malachor, and m4-78?

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Would modifying a vanilla .git and using the tslpatcher to insert new lines into the .git of each module work for the Hk factory, Malachor, and m4-78? On that note what is the Module designation of the HK factory, Malachor, and m4-78?


1. Maybe. Try experimenting.


2. HK Factory: "TEL_"

Malachor: "MAL_"

M4-78EP(Unless they've changed it): "DRO_"

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You do realise we modify a LOT of .git's throughout the game? If you use vanilla ones, and then use TSLPatcher to replace .git files in modules, it would still be incompatible.


Couldn't he just extract the .git from every module using ERFEdit, modify it, and then use TSLPatcher on that? A bit overkill given that some modules probably weren't touched, but it'll work, won't it?

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