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Star Wars: The Chronicles of Jebord Esio & Belcameron Cook (pre-ToR)


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A big computer terminal would be on of them, plus maybe a few tables.


I'll see if I can get you some tables and chairs.


Edit-- What kind of module is it? Speaking in terms of planetary environment/theme/etc...

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I'll see if I can get you some tables and chairs.


Edit-- What kind of module is it? Speaking in terms of planetary environment/theme/etc...


The one in the screenshots above. Kashyyyk Boardwalks, mainly used for the Sith to relax on during their patrol breaks.


Thanks a lot Bralor.

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As promised, here's an update with screenies:


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A "Main Combat" footlocker:




Two corrupt Czerka employees:










Desperate wookiee:












10/50+ dialogs written. 6/1,000,000 scripts done :)


Story is all in place. This module should give you a half hours gameplay.

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Cool, quick question in total how many chapters are you shooting for?


In the usual Star Wars tradition, 6 chapters/parts/episodes (excluding the introduction). Depending if I'm able to fit everything into 6 episodes, it will more likely be about 4. I'm aiming for 6 though.

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I have not played the mod yet, but i like that you seem to be building it so players will go from planet from planet in a certain order that allows you to have events on one planet posssible show up in manner in another

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Work has stopped until Thursday/Friday due to new job + travelling for my birthday (18 btw :D). Will post screenshots as soon as everything has calmed down. I'll stop by the forums daily like always, but wont have access to my modding computer.

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Hey all,


I've been away for a few days longer than I expected. Still got a busy end of the week in front of me. But I am at least back on my modding computer. I'll be sure to work on little bits here and there and be back full time by Sunday (hopefully, unless I get another shift at work). A few fellow modders have been messaging me lately and giving me advice and offering help which has been great. Will be sure to update all of you as soon as I can.



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  • 2 weeks later...

^Noted. I will be changing a few of the skins around, it looks really bad when all the NPC's are the same model.


Sorry for the lack of updates, but I am now back into part-time modding. My girlfriend recorded the voiceovers for the character Constance last weekend. Dak Drexl is currently working on yet another amazing reskin for me, this one is for the Ebon Hawk. I decided it would be best to have a nice ship to travel from planet to planet with. As of right now, I'm currently working on triggers and waypoints, so nothing screenshot worthy. Probably by next weekend, I'll record another video, like I did for the introduction, and show the first few minutes of the second part.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the 2 and a half month pause on this, I'll post all the cliche reasons, ect. No, really, I've been working a new job (not the one from back in June) and it's a full time position. So a full time job, a casual job while juggling a girlfriend, it's pretty hard to come by some time for myself these days. Progress has started back up... if you call regoing through all the work I've done to remember where I was up to starting back up, then yeah.

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