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Well, most likely in the next few years, they will become much faster with large "flash" drives, such as the like the usb ones or in smartphones (with much more storge space, when prices come down). Compters will be able to boot up in, say, 30 seconds instead of a few minutes. browsing the the computer's files will be much quicker too, because its digital instead of a hard disk.

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Compters will be able to boot up in, say, 30 seconds instead of a few minutes.
No, because that would defeat the purpose of Microsoft. To make you wait and to make you pay for things.


browsing the the computer's files will be much quicker too, because its digital instead of a hard disk.

Solid state memory being common? Maybe. Stuff will still slow down over time though.

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Eh? How so? If you mean improved that's kind of obvious already. I suspect you mean different some other way.

Currently solid state drives degrade the more times data is written and rewritten onto them. That's why they're only really used on laptops and netbooks, expendable/replaceable portable devices and as OS drives for high-end PC's.


After awhile they tend to slow down and the amount of space is effectively reduced because sectors that are written on most often can't be written on any more... it is getting better but that's the price you pay for the speed we all crave.



I have a solid state drive as my OS drive on my PC but every time data is being written to it (which is constantly) it degrades. That's why I have multiple drives, 1 ssd, 4 hdd's (1 for games, 2 on a raid-1 setup and one for downloads and stuff that'll usually cause some major fragmentation on the other drives).


Anyway, it'll have to be replaced after 3-4 years probably but the hard disk drives will last for much longer than that since I have three 1TB drives and a 500GB so I'm future proofed enough.





Soooooooo... in the future solid state drives hopefully won't have these limitations and will be a billion times better than they are now.

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