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The XWA.net One-Year Thread VIII: Heir to the Forum


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I took my own advice from my last post here: I felt like crap all day yesterday. Dizzy and weak and blah.


I still managed to get out and pick up mom a corned beef and cabbage boiled dinner for lunch... but I can tell you: the smell of that in my car did my already buzzy head and queasy stomach no real favors.


Got home, took Tylenol and Alka-Seltzer Plus, and slept most of the day away.


I feel a bit better today. Still a bit weak.


Went achievement hunting on Forza last night after I got back up. Got most of them. The rest will just take time to accomplish... but I'll probably get them eventually.

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I jsut bought the new star wars RPG "Edge of the Empire" beginner box. Really like the system. It is rather abstract and relies on narrative. The best part is the skill rolling system HELPS tell the narrative.


Trying to get a group together to try this out

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made it to day 3...2 more days to go! tomorrow is the clinch drill, then friday is more testing. hopefully i remember all my moves, think i got it. already 2 people were put out due to injuries. hoping that my shoulder can hold up! :D

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made it through the clinch drill no problem, got rocked a few times and saw stars but **** it i made it...adrenaline SUUUUUUUURGE!!!! ftw. haha tomorrow testing out so i can get certified combatives level 1 qualified, and hope that my command sends me back for level 2.

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Bought Far Cry 3 and Kingdoms of Amalur on Steam. Both amazing games so far, but can't honestly say I have been playing video games nearly as much as I used to be. School work/part time job takes its toll on my free time. (of which i'm NOT sleeping)


Been doing a lot of 'finding myself' lately, and working out past events in my life, in attempt to remedy my loneliness and sadness. Just waiting it out until I hit college and I can have a fresh start. Only a couple of months to go.

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THe one thing I hate about far cry, and cannot believe they fixed it in playtest, is in the opening where you sneak pass the guard dog. Took me 14 tries to get pas it, TWICE! Ended up having to get ahead of Grant and go through before the event happened

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14 tries? please tell me you're playing on the hardest difficulty setting...cause i am, and it took me like 2-3 attempts.


do you even fps? ;)


Yea, mainly with Mouse and KEyboard and not a stupid controller. No it was the lowest. Maybe I missed something, but i stayed to the right as far as possible when grant say "Ok" and had to skirt the rock, but the dog (or human) still detected me.

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silent hill revelation: pretty damn good movie, kept me awake, i usually fall asleep to movies but this one had a nice soundtrack, interesting monsters, nice special effects too...hoping they make a 3rd one, sean bean is pretty good actor for it. :)


now that it's 3am in the middle east i gotta rack out.

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I lurk in these forums about once a week, not really sure why I tend not to comment. I guess I should start.


Hope all is well, its been a long time since I regularly contributed in these forums. I hardly know where to start. But I guess I'll start with this: it's good to be back. And I really really hope we see some more star wars video games in the near future, and I don't mean another lego star wars. How about another Jedi Knight installment? How about another X-Wing or Rogue Squadron game?

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shouldve thrown a rock to distract it?


Tried, you cannot use rocks at that point


Tho IMHO it is kind of a silly mechanic that all the badies investigate thrown rocks. Yet if you use a muffled sniper on someone , everyone in the area knows he got killed and generally where the shot came from

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yeah that's kind of annoying but why i love mines and c4, they come and investigate where the shot came from, they get so ****ed up and if they group that's when mr rpg-7 comes in! Guerrilla Warfare techniques are key to survival in this game hahaha.


gotta realize the enemies in this game are all super alert due to the crazy drugs they're on as well.

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