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The One Year Thread 2015: The Forum Awakens

Keyan Farlander

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Started playing wareframe. It is a free to play online solo/MP/PvP FPS. my computer can actually handle it. But it is also a grindy item based game. Kind of neat concept. It is far future, where you are a Space Ninja. You use a Warframe (Super suit) with 3 weapons. Rifle Or bow, Pistol, and Melee to kill lots and lots of baddies. Then you modify everything as your progress

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My current GF is a lady on the bigger side... and I have no complaints. :naughty: She is also very sweet and super intelligent. (Several Master's Degrees...)


Things are currently very good. :)



My last GF was sexy... but pretty much every single moment with her was so full of drama and stress that I now wake up every day thankful that things worked out the way they did. I wasn't aware of exactly how edgy and stressed-out I was all the time we were together until she was gone for a few months, and things returned to normal, and I started to feel human again.


Apparently she is back on Facebook with more drama... her sister-in-law is currently posting a stream of 'vaguebooking' comments that I can only suspect are directed at her.

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stressing out bad. really really bad. when i screw up i guess i gotta go all the way. got termination papers yesterday near the end of my shift and sent home. no verbal or written notice just straight up gtfo. i didnt sign off to the letter, but wrote an explanation and basically begged for my job back. i do not want to go through the job application process again... reason for getting fired was 3 ****ing things going wrong at the same time...and yes i'll own up and say it was my fault to 2 of them. hoping for the best...i love this job i told them how i felt about it and that i need it to get experience required to become a p.o. (though if i do get fired im gonna go HAM trying to get that job) as of right now i'm "suspended" just waiting to hear or get called in and see what's what. i feel like a bag of crap. :(


paid my buddy $500 for the car, just owe him $2000 more, rent's due soon and that'll get covered with drill pay and of course my insurance will be due as well. if i lose this job i'm going to admit myself to the va hospital psych ward. idk...

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one thing i really hate about sending out resumes for jobs


the wait.


The brewery had an opening for a shipping/receiving coordinator, posted the job on facebook wednesday, and most of the evening was spent writing up a resume. I spent most of Thursday at work daydreaming about the new job and what would happen, until i realized i was setting myself for a huge disappointment

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I was working at a thrift store for almost 5 years, while looking for a job in the IT field.


I found a job in January, but every day I had a shift while at that thrift store I dreamed of burning down the building. I worked out how to build a flamethrower too.


On a lighter note, I subscribed to match.com 3 months back. Up till today I've never gotten a response to any emails I've sent. Got a response from someone, and she lives in my home town!

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yeah i really really needed this job...full time only 2 miles away, over 10 bucks an hour, can't find anything that doesn't involve warehouses for that-and the warehouses are over 4 miles away. aint gonna **** this opportunity up again. 2nd shift is the best!

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The New England contingent at the Junior Gold tournament in Chicago did very well: One of the Westgate bowlers just missed the top 64 in under-20 boys, and a bowler I know from New Bedford made match play in that age group, but the topper is that a bowler from western Mass. won the whole thing in the under-15 boys age group, and did well in the Youth Open tournament out there earlier, as well. The kid's title match will be on CBS Sports Network next month. :)

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had a nice day today, woke up not hungover, got some cleaning and laundry done. went out fishing with my buddy for a few hours, caught a smallmouth bass. :) haven't been fishing in a long time...it was pretty fun and a nice break from the bar scene.


my left ankle is still in constant pain since last sunday, it's really making me upset...so this week i suppose i'll call up VA Hospital and get some thing scheduled, like rescheduling to talk to the shrink, scheduling a TB test/blood work, and getting my feet seriously looked at.


just watched American Psycho on netflix. crazy movie. :)


update...put dr scholls inserts in these shoes...pain somewhat alleviated. decided to go to the gym since i had some extra energy did 100 pushups, 100 situps, couple pullups and dips, bench press...felt like throwing up after so it was a good workout. haha gotta keep up the pushups/situps routine. on-street parking is a nightmare on this street. i hate people that have driveways but decide they're not going to use them, or when they do use them they are *******s and take up the sidewalk. ahhh i love having my own car though. it's just one less thing to stress about. planning on getting another once i finish paying this one off, going to go through a dealership this way i can boost my credit score.

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R15, I got a set of those really expensive Dr. Scholl's inserts, too. The kind where you have to stand on the machine and let the computer decide which set of fifty dollar rubber inserts are right for you. I gotta say, that was probably the BEST fifty bucks I ever spent! My fallen arches feel almost normal again.


  mattig89ch said:
I found a job in January, but every day I had a shift while at that thrift store I dreamed of burning down the building. I worked out how to build a flamethrower too.


I just have to ask..how does one build a flamethrower using only the materials found in a thrift store?


:max: Not because I'm a pyro or anything. I just never know when I'll be surrounded by the Japanese at Goodwill.

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still missing a few


jihad Mohammad fatwa succession coup contrails false flag reptoids greys centrifuge Muslim allah nigerian kenyan filch sanatorum


hey.. there is a knock on the door... wonder who that is this late at night. let me post this before i answer the door

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I don't know you people. :dozey:


(Yells at the black helicopters circling overhead and the several unmarked black vans parked on my block: "It's OK... y'all can go now!")


Well... That takes care of that!


Heat sucks. Humidity sucks. But snow and cold also suck.


Can't New England have a season where it doesn't immediately jump from one to the other?

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i don't mind the heat and humidity. going back to work today at 3. hopefully. the person i was supposed to talk to this morning called in sick, then my shift supervisor calls me about a half hour later asking if i'm still coming in...hoping that she knows about the person calling in sick, i'm still gonna show up anyway like nothing happened and just do my job better. tomorrow or wednesday i'm going to get my course schedules straightened out. hopefully. :rolleyes:

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