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The One Year Thread 2015: The Forum Awakens

Keyan Farlander

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had 24 trick o treaters arrive most in their early teens/tweens. I about close the door on a group of 3 girls who didn't say trick or treat... I was quite amused.


we give out full sized candy bars. Mainly because there are a lot of older people on out street who do not give out candy. But i think work is getting out

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Only 4 groups of kids came to our door. At least that's what mom said. I was at work, dealing with Al DiMeola, who is a wee bit of a weirdo as it turns out. Most of them came late too... long after she thought it was all over, and she turned out the light and locked the door and laid down on the couch, they showed up pounding on the door and leaning on the doorbell.


Anyway... 90% of our candy remains. I'll do my best to promote diabetes at work this week.

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  mattig89ch said:
has anyone else here ever read the lost fleet series?


I feel like I'm the only one who's ever even heard of that series, much less read it.


Keep on meaning to get to that. But I have been sucked into Warframe (Free to play Space Ninja FPS) that it has taken away a lot of my reading time.


Right now I am slogging through Keven J Andersons latest Saga book "Blood of the Cosmos". Most recent Books I have read (and recommend the series they are part of) are Ann Leckie's 2nd book in the "Ancillary Justice" series. John Scalzi "THe end of all things" (old man's war). the last book in James A Corey "The Expanse" series.


I highly recommend Brian McCellans Powder Mage trilogy. An Epic Flintlock fantasy series that Really would be appreciated by any star wars fan. I read through that in about 2 weeks. It was SO Good.

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I believe the farm is in mid-Georgia. But it probably was not a winter-time trimming.


Or are you referring to the possibility of a careless and potentially severe ankle-biting without better trousers on? Because in that case... I believe the farm is in mid-Georgia. :dozey:

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  edlib said:
Or are you referring to the possibility of a careless and potentially severe ankle-biting without better trousers on?


I know from bitter personal experience that the short sword, if mishandled, can produce grievous trauma to the lower extremities that one used to the long sword may not yet have encountered.


I always wear nice, heavy denim pants when I play with swords. ;)

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Okay, time to clear this all up.


LucasForums isn't shutting down.


All we're doing is archiving all the old fan site sections and trying to create a unified Star Wars gaming community over at the "Star Wars Gamer" forum that has been set up: http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=783


Right now we're still in the process of getting our ducks in a row for with our new fan site: http://starwarsgamer.com/


Sometime in the near future, we're going to upgrade LF to vb5, archive these old boards and have the Star Wars Gamer boards be our main Star Wars community. Nothing is going to be deleted. Your accounts will remain and your posts here at XWA will remain. The forum will be the same forum, you will just post these marathon threads of yours in a different forum.


That will be the only difference.



It's way too difficult having a labyrinth of forums with all these spambot attacks and not enough moderators to sweep all the different forums any more.


Plus, we're trying to relaunch the LucasArts Fan Network, at least the Star Wars side of it, so that we can attract new people here due to the renewal of Star Wars games that's about to happen and Star Wars in general.



If you do have any suggestions or comments, there is a thread where I'm answering questions and such here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=222492

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  Lynk Former said:
The forum will be the same forum, you will just post these marathon threads of yours in a different forum.


That will be the only difference.


I get it, but...that's what's sad about it. We've been coming here for about 16 years now. It's like our own little corner of the Internet, with its own history and traditions. The banner graphic, color scheme, etc. really make this its own special thing.


It's way too difficult having a labyrinth of forums with all these spambot attacks and not enough moderators to sweep all the different forums any more.


I run a fairly big vBulletin forum myself, and I was having huge problems with this. I solved it by asking a human verification question at registration. Have you tried something like that?


Plus, we're trying to relaunch the LucasArts Fan Network, at least the Star Wars side of it, so that we can attract new people here due to the renewal of Star Wars games that's about to happen and Star Wars in general.


That's understandable. Perhaps each game/section that exists now could be tucked away somewhere and all forums except one closed and archived, with one remaining open?

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Look at it this way, if it helps. There was a coup, and our kind won. Lynkster is one of our cronies from the old days, and I'm sure he will rule with a gentle but steady hand...


:max: It's the non-Star Wars forums that will twist in the wind.


(Unless there were contingencies for them in the Kotor thread that I missed, that is.)

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