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What if the Monkey Island 2 remake looked like this...

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I was looking through Peter Chan's concept art on MI2 and thought it be fun to combine Chan's character art and background art.


Imagine if Double Fine got to do the remakes. They were always very visually faithful with the remakes  with the DOTT they used Chan's original concept art as a basis. so maybe they would have used Chan's concept art as influence on a mi2 remake.


Although i guess they may have got Ron involved and maybe the remakes would look more like Return. Who knows?




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It Is truly weird how the Guybrush MI 2 sprite leaves so much to the brain for interpretation. To me he always looked to be in a coat waaaay too big for him, his hands half covered by the sleeves, the bottom worn from being a bit too long. I fully realize that this is just my brains interpretation and other may see it differently but I think that itself is really interesting

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1 hour ago, Glokidd said:

It Is truly weird how the Guybrush MI 2 sprite leaves so much to the brain for interpretation. To me he always looked to be in a coat waaaay too big for him, his hands half covered by the sleeves, the bottom worn from being a bit too long. I fully realize that this is just my brains interpretation and other may see it differently but I think that itself is really interesting

That really works in favor of the whole "kid in a theme park" theory. He's dressing the part, not just of a pirate, but of an adult. It goes hand in hand with the questionable authenticity of his beard.

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1 hour ago, Glokidd said:

It Is truly weird how the Guybrush MI 2 sprite leaves so much to the brain for interpretation. To me he always looked to be in a coat waaaay too big for him, his hands half covered by the sleeves, the bottom worn from being a bit too long. I fully realize that this is just my brains interpretation and other may see it differently but I think that itself is really interesting

I’ve always interpreted it like this too. It not only toys with the ‘kid in grownup clothes’ idea, but it definitely states that Guybrush is a guy who’s meddling with things that are too ‘big’ for him.


Edit: I thought that Guybrush was drawn for the SE too. Didn’t know it was Chan’s work. Not really a fan of it.

Edited by Lagomorph01
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I'm also a little dude so this way of wearing coats is just life for me lol, I can relate to the image in my head I guess.


but yeah I can totally see it as say an ill fitting hand me down, I always thought some of the gold piping etc that was added in later renditions made the coat look more fancy then how I interpreted it. I could easily build the scene in my mind  of GB in classic gear, maybe a bit of stubble finding this old tattered pirate coat and adopting it. Add in a scene finding pirate boots  and you have a perfect costume progression between 1 and 2 lol

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I’m more of a lanky CMI guy, but I still saw your ‘way of life’ in MI2. 😉

I like your story about how he finds the coat and boots. I want to add to it that he puts them on because “that’s how mighty pirate’s are supposed to look”, without realising he just looks like a boy in grandpa’s coat.

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It’s worth noting we get a pretty good look at Guybrush in a few circumstances:





These really cemented an overall look in my mind for Guybrush, much like the cover art and close-ups did for SMI.


Note that gold trim appears on the in-game sprite only.


Regarding the concept, yeah that Guybrush does appear to be from the Special Edition concepts.

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