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Hi all!!!


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Guest SlashAndBurn

Heya and welcome.

As to the pics click on your name to get to your profile then click on the "user Cp" button on the top of the screen...in the next screen click on the Edit Options button...scroll down to the bottom of the page and you should see an option that says "change avatar" select that and you should be brought to a page that has a small selection of avatars.

Oh...and someone should be alongg with a welcome gift basket shortly. ;)

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HAHAHAHAHAHA All I got to say is that Viper is a fool he posts all that stuff about Sherack and his "Secret sn" and now he's gonna get found out. I can't wait to see what he has to say about that o and I read through the entire forum and there is no DS_GEN_SHADOW in and there's no one that has shadow or gen in their name so unless he uses a different name on this forum, which you shouldn't really do if you're part of a clan, this guy is an imposture(sp?)

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Thanks Rommel.


I found the web page in ds_viper's info, too. There is a bunch of info linking several people. I too saw the lack of a ds_gen_shadow on the dark side members page, but on the "secrets" page I noticed that ds_viper hangs out on the ESSD Shadow. Very interesting.

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Originally posted by Clefo

There was 1 redeeming quality about Viper: You could insult him without fear of getting warned by the mods, and without fear of him thinking of a clever comeback...


mod speak- well...I guess could really be a bad side effect because we really don't need any insulting remarks on this board


Ferg speak- He desirved it...;):D

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