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adventures games, dammit!


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Ok, so I'm beginning to feel incredibly deprived of new stuff in the adventure game field at the moment. I need suggestions/recommedations of titles I should look into. Note: I am very, *VERY* picky about my adventure games. Below is a list of a good chunk of the games I've played and loved. If anyone has suggestions (don't incl. any Star Wars game), please share :)


Monkey Island 1-4

Legend of Kyrandia 1-3

King's Quest 1-7 (the 8th one sucks)

All Indiana Jones games (except Infernal Machine)

Maniac Mansion/DOTT


Torin's Passage

Zak McKracken

Grim Fandango

Quest for Glory series


anything? anything at all? :D



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Originally posted by Cookie3118


anything? anything at all?

If you can handle an adventure that contains NO verbal interaction and is quiet and reserved, where the stimulation is all in problem-solving, then I recommend MYST. Their are those people(cynics, really) that say it isn't an adventure game, but I found it very stimulating.


If you like mild horror, with gobs of background story to ponder, then I recommend the Gabriel Knight Series. Any are good, but I like the 3D gameplay and story of the 3rd, Blood of the Sacred; Blood of the DAMNED , best. The 1st GK has the most complex puzzles. The 2nd GK is the shortest, being that it's a Video, rather than computer graphics. All of the story-lines are interesting and thought-provoking

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Originally posted by Cookie3118

Ok, so I'm beginning to feel incredibly deprived of new stuff in the adventure game field at the moment. I need suggestions/recommedations of titles I should look into. Note: I am very, *VERY* picky about my adventure games. Below is a list of a good chunk of the games I've played and loved. If anyone has suggestions (don't incl. any Star Wars game), please share :)


Monkey Island 1-4

Legend of Kyrandia 1-3

King's Quest 1-7 (the 8th one sucks)

All Indiana Jones games (except Infernal Machine)

Maniac Mansion/DOTT


Torin's Passage

Zak McKracken

Grim Fandango

Quest for Glory series


anything? anything at all? :D




How about the Space Quest series? Or Simon the Sorceror.


Or check out the AGS scene.

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keep the ideas coming! thanks guys :) i have played loom, btw; that's a fun one :) and where the HECK am i supposed to find simon the sorceror?? i looked! but i live in the US, where ppl shun adventure games. So it's hard to find non-LucasArts adventure titles. Anyone care to help me in my search, or, if possible, make copies the game for me?

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Originally posted by MurrayDude

What about Journeyman:Legacy of Time? It is a great adventure game which even has some education! It's really cool. And I like am picky too. TOrin's passage kicked @$$!


Yes I too recommend the Journeyman Project SERIES, not just the 3rd game... it's the greatest game series (besides Lucas adventures) ever.

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Originally posted by The Adventurer

...Longest Journy...

**Thumps his forehead* How could I forget this one?


I throw my support behind The Longest Journey. It was aptly named. Hundreds of puzzles made this the longest adventure game I ever played.


The backgrounds and 3D interface are rich and atmospheric. The voice acting is good and the story is not too bad. Also, you may like playing a woman, for a change. (Most Adventure games have men in the main role)


Spend your money on this one, definately.

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Originally posted by BooJaka14m

You should play Dig (by Lucas Arts). It's very good!


As do I. We are a dying breed BooJaka... everyone else hates the Dig story :(


The Longest Journey , just by the name itself, would be the longest adventure game ever, wouldn't it raven? :D

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I know of a GREAT amateur game called



Download it immediatly here:



Also check out Larry Vales, another good fan-game thing



That Night Before



and Rob Blanc



All are free, all are fun, all are worth downloading - particularly Pleurghburgh!

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