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The New AT-ST


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Anyone who has played Jedi Knight or Mysteries Of The Sith knows what the AT-STs looked like in those. Upright, tall, sort of dog-like in ways. They looked basically just like in Return Of The Jedi


But in Jedi Outcast...




Just exactly have they done to these things? The top (or "head" if that's what you consider it to be) seems all distorted, and if you go to the LucasArts Jedi Knight page and look at the models, you'll it from a side perspective. They look so much different. It's like a nightmare! I don't know why, but I just don't like the looks of it.

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Like Oninosensi said, it's all in the perspective.


In that picture the camera is almost below the "head". That's why the guns look like they point up, and why it looks so weird.


If you can get past that and envision it from a different angle it's actually quite nice (I especially like the design of the legs. I don't know if I'm remembering wrong, but do they go back from the "head" in JK?)

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I like this version of the AT-ST. As the others said, it's a matter of perspective. I think they've made it more to scale this time, so it's a bit taller, which is why you are mostly seeing the underside, and that's how it should be. I hope it moves more realistically as well...and that includes the speed. I wonder if it will use a wider turn this time, rather than simply turning on the spot? Of course, what would be really effective is if it has some kind of spotlight, so it can hunt you in the dark. :)

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Hopefully fighting againts it will be much harder and more realistic than in JK or MotS, where you just strike AT-ST again and again with your lightsaber until it falls down and a pilot comes out; maybe it could just crush down with wrecked hull killing the pilot inside or sometimes even explode. :) Other thing that comes to mind would be the possibility to climb on board(after you have Force jumped above the command pod and turned up the hatch). It is already confirmed that you can't drive vehicles in JK2, but it would at least add another dimension to the exploration, when seeing one of those crafts from inside(maybe even using its weaponry momentarily). :D

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Yes, AT-STs are especially vulnerable to Ewok Logs™. Almost as vulnerable as Stormtrooper Armor is to tossed Ewok Rocks™.


AT-ST looks great. True to the films. Hopefully a bit tougher than in ROTJ.


BTW why didnt LEC ever make an 'Imperial Walkers' 3d FPS game where you could outfit, drive and combat with all kinds of different AT-ATs, AT-STs, AT-PTs, etc. Something like Mechwarrior4, but Star Wars based. Would have been a lot of fun...

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I don't think Imperiel Mech can be played as Mech4....it's much to weak, and slow(How can u turn a ATAT?)


But to drive Vehicle in JK2 will be great!...Like in Rogue 1 and also Battle for Naboo - which u can "drive" speeders - .....there is chasing level in Shadow of the Empire, SW racer, .....and in Indiana Jones(which is made by LUcas too), u can drive Jeep, too.

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This whole exploration issue aside from possible fight againts that AT-ST fascinates me! Remember, when you saw immobile transports like AT-AT and Millenium Falcon in JK & MotS: they seemed to hint that you could check them from inside, but never kept their promises. If done right in JK2, this could possibly spawn interesting mini-levels where you go on board AT-AT, for example, fight againts stormtroopers who are waiting deployment in their (Backpack charger) benches and after that use its powerful weaponry to take out upcoming reinforcement troops that are sent out to stop you. :D

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