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My farewell


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Well, as it stands now, I am going to have to leave you guys. My parents have decided not to let me post here anymore because they think I will try to hook up with some child molester or someone of the sort here. I told her it was moderated, but she didn't care, so I am leaving for a nice while, anywhere from 1 month to forever.


So, I want to say how much you guys can change someone. You can sure as hell change someone. I've been through it all here- through fights with Porkins_14, Stan, TVS, YH_anakin, and Eets (we're all happy friends now, except maybe TVS still dislikes me because I trashed him when he stopped making KoT.


Now for my thank you schpiel.

I'd like to thank Fergie,Leon, and Rhett for being good mods and being there in times of crises. Thanks Wraith 5 for making a awesome RPG. I wish I could still be in it, because I was having fun in it. Thanks Stan for assisting me in making my campaign, which I am going to work on extensively instead of posting. Thank you Eets for the banner and for the great fight you and me had in the Chat rpg thread :D. Thank you to duder for holding the record number of spam posts (I am not sure if it is you anymore, because Drake and warlord did a lot too.) Thank you to Tie Guy, Clefo, and Leon for such very good fights in GB, eVen though you had to leave, TIE guy.


With all of my thank-you's said, it is time for me to say farewell. So, I say good-bye, and God Bless America!!!!


*turns around, and walks away weeping...*


{edit} whoops, almost forgot th\o thank Kudar, because he helped endorse the MP battle of Hoth.

ZOne Name: AU_heavyarms

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Originally posted by WC_heavyarms

My parents have decided not to let me post here anymore because they think I will try to hook up with some child molester or someone of the sort here. I told her it was moderated, but she didn't care.


Is that for real!!?? What on earth could make your parents think like that?


Thats a horrible reason to go :( Are you barred from the internet or just this forum??


She should have a look for herself - there's no threat of that anywhere here.


If you gotta go you gotta go, bye man!




[edit] cool I got a mention :D

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Though I do not agree with your parents on this one, I applaud you for repecting their wishes. You will endure this trial, and will be the stronger for it. Fare thee well, Heavyarms. May the wind at your back ever be, and the gentle sun apon your face. We shall meet again, and we shall share the stories of our overcomings. Godspeed

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Don't go heavyarms! :( That's a pretty far out idea your parents have about these forums. You should have them both take a look at the forums themselves so the can see that there's nothing bad going on here. I'll even talk to them! This is one of the cleanest/friendliest/safest communities on the net. :(

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you shouldnt go!

Rhett is so right!!

The lucasforums community just cant be compared to most of the forums on the net, everyone is nice here, there are great mods, you never see flame wars like in other forums, most people is respectful of others opinions, etc


maybe he wont read the forums again, you could send him an email rhett, telling him to ask his parents to take a look at the forums

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see what I men when you guys can make a person change? You guys know I post here so damned often that it would be really bad to lose me. I don't even want to raise it with my parents, because they would just get angry. They said they would look, but my parents are the most inexorable people I know. It's nice to see so many people wanting me to stay...

Hey, Rogue15, I'm gonna miss fergie's Jawa obsession! Anyway, if you guys want to start some kind of petition to tell me to stay, and some thread to tell my parents that this is a clean place, well, go ahead. I promise I will show em if you make something :D




here is a rough drawing of a selonian

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Don't go heavyarms! :( That's a pretty far out idea your parents have about these forums. You should have them both take a look at the forums themselves so the can see that there's nothing bad going on here. I'll even talk to them! This is one of the cleanest/friendliest/safest communities on the net. :(


You say this with your avatar yoda smoking some highly illegla (common, admit it !!) stuff ??


That's cool ....;)

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Its sad to see you go heavyarms, and for such a paranoid reason too. We'll all miss you i'm sure. Farewell.


BTW, my Mom voiced some opinions on the same subject, but she will never win that argument with me, and she i pretty reasonable. I just tell her i don't give people my name or city and then say some techno-babble she doesn't understand and she's fine.

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Hey man..... Gonna miss yah.... im still looking for that selonian picture for you..:D


Well my mom still isnt confinced that this site is free of charge.... but she thinks.. everything to america costs money:D...

My dad thinks it is kind of cool that i have contact with people from other countries :D


But none of the people ive mett about these forums said what your mom and your dad are saying and it is totaly NONESENCE.


Take care man..... we will probably see you again some day... and iw ill still be here :D :D

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Sorry to see ya go Heavy arms, especially over such a reason that your parents think these forums are bad. I can say, and so can probably everybody else here, that these are the best forums on the net, I've been around other non Lucasarts forums a little while back and they have flame wars, cussing, and spamming like you wouldn't believe, that's why I just stick with the best here.:)

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Stay HeavyArms! This is one of the cleanest forums I've ever seen! Xizor is the only one I've seen who gets even remotely crude. My parents are still laughing so hard at Clefo's picture that they don't have anything to say bad about this forum. So thanx CLEFO! Show your parents this forum and have them chat with Rhett! They can't stay bad against the forums for to long!

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My parents only got on to me because I was staying on 6-10 hours here durring the summer they (I think) probably looked at the forums a few times. But the thing is I enjoy these forums SO MUCH that they don't mind much anymore.


This forum is deffinatly the cleanest I've ever seen and it's hooked me so well I'm on here all hours of the day.


This is the best forum I've ever seen...that's why I'm staying and you should let WC do so to...

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