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What's a wall jump?


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I read that Heretic 2 post, I use to play Heretic, I don't know what 2 was like, and I played the pre-quel to heretic I forgot what it was called, but anywho, what's a wall jump? Like if you hit a wall you can jump off it and keep going or somethin? I don't know. :(

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Oh alright thanks, now this game will be like real star wars, Jedi Knight was kinda jump and that's it, but with flips and all I reckon a Matrix mod, I'd wanna make like a Lord of the Rings mod, have weapons replaced have archers, swordsman ahhh!

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star....the wall jump is probably just pressing the jump button when ur against a wall in air, and as for the flips etc.. my guess is there will be some sort of "Action" button that u press along with other buttons (foward, back etc..) that controls the type of flip u do...

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Well theres probably a backflip button, and im guessing if you're running forward and doing this, you'll do one while going forward. And if you're running and you do it against a wall, you'll run up it a bit then spring off it and land a few metres back. I hope they also have the option to choose which way you're facing when you land. So you can face away and bugger off if you're chicken, or you can turn back and face the wall if you've jumped over someones head, so you can slice their back open :)

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

I hope they also have the option to choose which way you're facing when you land...


You most likley just use the normal head movement control (the mouse or left/right arrow keys) so you can move your head when you're in the air.

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... or, perhaps like Oni, where there are key combos to do 'advanced' moves ... but then, they may diminish the pace. I liked them in the demo (didn't like the game enough to buy it), bt it would likely require a training level to accomplish - but that wouldn't necessarily be such a bad thing ... you could get saber training practice in there as well.



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The more advanced Oni combos were starting to get a little Mortal Kombat-ey towards the end of the game. It works well enough for single player, but for multi (where screwing up even a little can often be "fatal") it's just too cumbersome.


And not everyone has fingers that twitch that fast, limiting the audience for such a control scheme. :)

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In Heretic 2 (also by Raven), a wall jump was done like this:


you jump into a wall, and, as you touch the wall, you hit the jump button. This caused you to do a flip up and off the wall. Relatively easy to do. The wall jump added hight and distance to your jump away from the wall. All done with movement keys, jump, and timing.

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