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JKplanet opened


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This site just came up? its been around for a long while now but haasnt been updated since august last year. Ive applied for work their etc. but its dead as hell. dont know why gamespy still host them really?


did they actually upgrade the site to a planet or is it just a redirect? because theres no official link to it anywhere on gamespy

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We've mentioned this site a few times on before on these forums... PlanetJediKnight.com is the site that directly copied information from JediKnight.net. I'm willing to bet that anything you read on that site has either originated here (JKII.net) or most certainly JK.net.


It's a sad story since we contacted GameSpy about the blatant copying of our work. In fact, I'll just show you guys the e-mail I sent and received:




I'm writing this e-mail to inform you that the following web site has taken direct information, images, and files from several LucasGames web sites. Dark Force Rising (http://www.3dactionplanet.com/jediknight2/) has not only ripped apart JediKnight.net's Trails Guide (which has been severing the JK community since 1997,) but they have also begun using information and files from JediKnightII.net.


Most people come to expect quality gaming sites from GameSpy and 3DActionPlanet; however, the Webmaster of Dark Force Rising seems to be taking too many short cuts when it comes to quality. Neither JediKnight.net nor JediKnightII.net were given credit for any of the information or graphics that he took from us. Yet another problem is the direct linking methods that are going on throughout the site. The majority of file links head directly to our sites, once again without any mention, credits, or thanks.


Please look into the situation and let us know what can be done about it.


Michael "ZeroXcape" Yared

LucasGames Network Manager


Here was GameSpy's response:




I've contacted the site director, and apparently he was unaware that the guide he says he'd received from a friend was the trail guide from JediKnight.net . I explained to him that regardless of how it got to his site, it must be removed. I've also told him he must not directly link to files the way he's doing -- he was unaware that he shouldn't be doing this.


Caryn "Hellchick" Law

Action Genre Producer, GameSpy Industries - http://www.3dactionplanet.com




Unfortunatly, no action has been taken. Those e-mails were both mailed on Tuesday July 17th, 2001.

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I never liked that site. Take it from a designer's point of view: the colours sucks! Image/layout quality is also terrible.


The heavy use of image will also make it longer to load for low end 56k modem users.


An other technical error that annoys is the overlapping of text in the news section. I cant read the header nor most of the news itself. :confused:

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I've seen that site before and didn't think it was too hot. Now I have absolutely no respect for it or the guy who runs it.


I wonder when GameSpy is going to get a real PlanetJK up and running. I wonder if it will get more traffic than JKII.net just because everyone knows GameSpy or if the people will remember JK.net from the old days and stick to the LG network? I don't really care too much, because I'm staying here. :)

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The first time I saw that site was when I scanned that PC Gamer pic way back when...I recall that they put it up one theirs news. They even said something like, "Matt-Windu, from our forums has scanned..." That was the most obvious example of plagerism(sp?) i can think of.


That guy is rediculous.


Zero, have you taken any more action regarding that guy?

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No more action is really needed. The point was made.


The one thing that Gamespy does not have, and has never had, is the relationship that the LFNetwork enjoys with LucasArts.


LucasArts enjoys working on a fairly exclusive relationship with the network, probably because they have worked with us for over 5 years now... and counting. They know us, trust us, and we have the same feelings towards the people we deal with on their end.


If you hit the "Official" JKII site, you'll see JKII.Net right up top on the community section with the "Premier Forums" labled quite clearly... that status in itself makes a statement about our relationship, and the status of JKII.Net.


I'm not knocking gamespy in any manner, quite the contrary in fact, in that I have the utmost respect for most of the people over there. They have created a wonderful gaming resource.


They have never tried to enter into the Star Wars gaming or LEC scene for some reason... likely because it's fairly known that LEC works pretty closely with our Network for online projects. That doesn't mean they don't work with other sites, it just means that we always have joint projects going.


We were very, very close to having the entire LFNetwork, aka LucasGames network scooped up by Gamespy late last year... but when we found out that they wanted to make all the sites with the standard cookie cutter gamespy format... we just couldn't agree to that, and the deal fell through. The one thing we love, is that we can make each new network site totally original and unique... also, we weren't about to lose ownership of this network.


That's more than enough said on that topic... perhaps too much already.


Thanks for all the loyalty being displayed here as well.. it's more than appreciated. :cool:

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Originally posted by Aristotle

We were very, very close to having the entire LFNetwork, aka LucasGames network scooped up by Gamespy late last year... but when we found out that they wanted to make all the sites with the standard cookie cutter gamespy format... we just couldn't agree to that, and the deal fell through. The one thing we love, is that we can make each new network site totally original and unique... also, we weren't about to lose ownership of this network.


wow, i didn't know about that. i'm also glad you didn't join the darkside of the force.

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Originally posted by bsbuckeye21



You're welcome. :D (Sorry, but I see this on about every one of your posts, and it's kinda redundant.)




^for the hey of it :)


I'm working on a smiley to replace the code. :) I can't get the mouth to look right.

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