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Community Policies

Sherack Nhar

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Yes, the old dreaded policies are back. They have remained unchanged. I'm posting them because it seems that the spam of some people have been increasing lately. As a warning to everyone, please note that the mods will be less permissive in the next few weeks.


****************Golden Rules****************


1. You cannot, in any way, insult (or "flame") someone else on the board. People may not be insulted just because their opinion differs from your own. Flaming includes calling people names, insulting them in any way or saying offensive things to them.


2. Refrain from using profanity in your posts.


3. Spamming is strictly prohibited. Your post needs to contribute to the discussion or the topic.


*** Spam Details***


In any discussion board, the continuous posting of messages irrelveant to the topic or discussion is strictly prohibited.


You should not consistantly be able to look up at your screen and see that the majority of topics or messages on a page were just created or posted by you.


To Discuss: To talk about a subject in detail.

To Chat: To talk in a light, familiar way. Informal talk. (ie one sentance posts such as, "I agree" etc.)


Chatting is considered spamming and will be dealt with accordingly.


***End of Spam Details***


4. The posting of links to sites that contain illegal material (ie where to get illegal MP3s, warez, etc.) is prohibited.


5. The posting of obcene material is not allowed. (ie pornography, violent and disturbing images and or writings.)


6. Avoid duplicating anybody's nickname, avatar, and/or sig images. Make or find your own. This also applies to people outside our community (ie names of people of another community). It is strictly prohibited to impersonate someone else.


7. Threads and posts must be placed in their apropriate forums. (ie Threads about Galactic Battlegrounds go in the Galactic

battleground discussion forum, etc.)


8. Before posting a new topic. Do a search to see if there is already a recent thread pertaining to what yours is about. If

there is already a post similar to yours, feel free to read it and post a reply which will bring it to the top.


9. Be specific in the naming of your topic. This will aid in topic searches and help prevent someone from posting something you already have.


10. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s). We reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by



11. You may not register another account under the same IP number.


*************End of Golden Rules*************




Penalties for registering another account under the same IP:


The person be warned, and the extra account(s) will be immediately deleted. If the person recidivates, his/her IP will be banned from the community.


Penalties for spamming, cussing, and flaming:


First, the person will receive a warning in the form of a private message from the moderators.

If the person does not comply, his/her account will be deleted.

If the person registers under another username and keeps flaming/cussing/spamming, he/she will get permanently banned.


Penalties for stealing:


The "victim" (the person whose username/sig/avatar/etc. was stolen) will be contacted by the mods. This person will decide what penalty to enforce. The mods will then see if it's an adequate penalty.


Penalties concerning illegal activities:


If the person posted links to ROM sites and/or warez sites, the post will be edited and the person will be warned. If the person do it again, it's a temporary ban.


If it's about posting pornography, the user will be permanently banned without warning.


**************End of Penalties***************

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

*** Spam Details***


You should not consistantly be able to look up at your screen and see that the majority of topics or messages on a page were just created or posted by you.




Hey look everybody! There's the rule that I made!!

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:( euh.... that thing you just said there 15..... i usualy have a whole line of my name at RS .... where i have posted..... but i live in a different time zone. and try to keep up with everything. and post replies to a lot of threads there.... i mean... if the american continent is sleeping i wake up and post.. there fore my name apears a lot on the screen.


It is not a crime is it???.. :(





"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force, What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing Series, Book 5. Wraith Squadron.

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hahahha... well in that case... the other rules maybe... but not that one then :D :D :p... but i think we have a set of rules up.. made by GUNNER... or Ikhnaton... but im not sure... :)


But im glad.. you almost gave me a heart attack..... especially when i read the punishment.:D thanks anywho :D





"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force, What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing Series, Book 5. Wraith Squadron.

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I only made it by going against it. Was kinda high on mountain dew at the time, and all the mods were asleep, so i decided to post a reply to every single topic. Rhett wasn't too happy about that...most of my replies were on topic too...I guess that rule is good for here, cause they have alot of members here, unlike at rs.net, where people join, and then immediately get either A: Banned or B: Bored and leave. lol that was funny about that massachussetes guy. hehehe

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Originally posted by captain_drake


are you saying that now that things have calmed down we should abdon this law and order and desaend into anerachy

Just look at this thread...things are everything but calming down.


Guys, cut the chatter or I'll be forced to take action and close this topic.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can you explain to me why you have such strict rules on chat, and spam? Even your mods were at it the other day, but it was just regarded as being quite funny. If any other forummers did that, Rogue 9 would usually make some arsy comment and close it down. No wonder people are leaving these forums.


I have to say I don't blame AU Heavyarms for making that thread, and the patronising response he received highlights some of the problems on these forums. Being a mod does not make you some kind of intellectual superior to others.


More maturity please.

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oh come on, don't ruin the fun for us mods! That thing with niner and Gunner the other day...oh just get over it! Mods are supposed to be superior to members...






i wish i could get into the private forums!! niner, Gunner, Ike, SOMEBODY gain me access to them!!! Matt suggested that u remove my mod title and then readd it and that might work...

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Originally posted by Rogue15

Mods are supposed to be superior to members...


Superior only in that they retain a level of maturity, and keep things in check. They are not entitled to their own set of rules. They certaintly shouldn't be refering to people as 'boy', or 'kid', or making character assasinations on forumers who are clearly younger than they are. That quite simply is out of order, and personally it puts me off posting here.

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