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Community Policies

Sherack Nhar

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Yeah, it bothered me too. But all the power they get is bound to inflate some online-egos.


I personally haven't seen Rogue 9 doing anything like what you describe, but, my visits are few and far between, so I'm sure I miss 80% of EVERYTHING that goes on here... :p Still, I'm sure he and ALL other mods can improve themselves: listen to what the "lower class" says... you'll be better at your job because of it!


PS: PLEASE DON'T IGNORE US! There is nothing more annoying! :)

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I think I may have a solution that would satisfy many of you.


Let's create a "V.I.P. Forum", where only intelligent discussions would be allowed. This forum would have a restricted access: only oldbies would be allowed, as well as intelligent posters. Starting from there, the oldbies themselves would decide on who to let in and out. This decision wouldn't be based on post count, but rather by date of registration as well as positive participation to the forum.


Problems associated with this solution:

Problem #1: But what if the oldbies want to chat with each other?


They can still do it in the Off-Topic forum, as well as through Instant Messengers.


Problem #2: But what if the Off-Topic forum becomes a chat room?


That will be up to the users. If they want to turn it into a chat room, then so be it. If you're not happy with how the OT forum is turning out to be, then perhaps you may be elligible to have access to the V.I.P. forum.


Problem #3: What if newbies are feeling left out?


Two possibilities: Either they're elligible to the V.I.P. forum, or they don't find it interesting. Newbies can still have good and intelligent discussions in the Off Topic Forum, and oldbies can still participate in it, so it's not like there's a wall separating them.


Okay, feel free to post some more problems that could arise with this system, or questions about a point that I might have left out.


On the subject of mods and admins being superior to normal members, then it depends on the point of view. In the chain of command of the board, then yes, we do are superior. But as human beings, we're all equals, and our personality should reflect that equality. If you have ANY problems with a mod or an admin here, just PM me. I'll then try to help you the best I can.

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No offense, Sherack, but a "V.I.P" board would only heighten the image of mods being snootier or higher up than the "regular" forummers. True it's also a board for the oldbies and geniuses, but how would that make people who don't fit in any of the above categories feel? Probably the same way a man that lives in a cardboard box feels when he walks down Rodeo Drive...


Just my 2 decicreds..

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No, no, you're being influenced by the name. "V.I.P." isn't a name I'm likely to keep. I want to use this "discussion" board as a complement to the Off-Topic Forum. It would be embedded in it (like the RPG forum). People want to chat in off-topic. Chatting isn't something I consider "lower", it's just different than the board's original goal. That goal, however, has been changed with time.


Now that GB has been released, chatting is a much more important...course of action on the GB board. But since some people still want to hold discussions without being interfered by chat-talk, the new forum would serve that purpose well.

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Yes the mods are superior to other posters...in some ways...I mean they're mods they're supposed to be more mature, good posters, INTELLIGENT posters, and it would also help if they were a little modest. ;)


and about the VIP Forum....uh watch "The Eye of the Storm" and no its not about a boat or a plane that gets caught in the eye of a hurricane or a tornado...in fact far from it...its about prejudiceness(is that a word?), and after you watch it you'll think twice about the VIP forum I guaruntee it.


O ya and if you're trying/gonna try for a degree in Child Psychology you should watch it, too.

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Well, as an Oldbie, I don't post very often. So Really, I already have a "V.I.P." system in my head. If a certain thread looks to be more "chat orientated" or "non-earth shattering" I generally just don't post in it, save for a few fun threads here and there ;) . If I don't like a how a thread's progressing, I just don't post there.


As far as a new Forum for intelligent banter, why not just allow chat in the forum, but if a thread has "(NO CHAT)" at the end of the thread title then that means the thread creator has requested that posting within that thread must be intelligent and contributive to the discussion. If someone ignores that request they are warned by MODS, and if he/she continues to ignore that warning they get banned for a day or two.


If a thread does not have the above "(NO CHAT)" disclaimer attached to it, then that thread is free for chat orientated discussion. How can that system go wrong?

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Originally posted by Eets'chula

Ooh Ooh! Two more metaphors!


This would be like the seperation of blacks and whites in churches. It could start The Mod Wars! :p


Well, i think it would be quite the opposite. Thats like saying that seperating into rich neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods is completely wrong and makes horiible things happen. No, thats not the case at all. Its just the way some people are, some are rich, some are poor, some post intelligently, some just chat.


I think a forum would encourage those that wish to join to post intelligent and on-topic things. Those that don't want to be in it shouldn't have any problem with it, as they care nothing about it, and the others will still post in the off-topic board as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Supreme Warlord

OOOOOPS!!!!!!!I DID IT AGAIN!!!! I spammed! NUTS! I read this after I spammed. OH CRAP! MAY GOD HELP US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:p


*running away from the mods, trying to catch me for spamming*


(I am running because they have a cattleprod in their vitural hand so I am being smart):D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

For the record...here are the ranks *stares at Dash*


Bantha Fodder (Minimum Posts: 0)

Pit Droid (Minimum Posts: 50)

Sith Probe Droid (Minimum Posts: 100)

Battle Droid (Minimum Posts: 150)

Ewok (Minimum Posts: 200)

Tusken Raider (Minimum Posts: 250)

Wampa (Minimum Posts: 300)

Jawa (Minimum Posts: 350)

Gungan (Minimum Posts: 400)

Bantha (Minimum Posts: 450)

Wookiee (Minimum Posts: 500)

Noghri (Minimum Posts: 550)

Rancor (Minimum Posts: 600)

Stormtrooper (Minimum Posts: 650)

Sith (Minimum Posts: 700)

Sith Lord (Minimum Posts: 750)

Jedi (Minimum Posts: 800)

Jedi Master (Minimum Posts: 900)

Overposter (Minimum Posts: 1000)

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I do think we need a few rules here, but nothing TOO strict. Really, the threads that the members like determine whether this board is used for chat or serious discussion. I mean, Tell You I Will isn't exactly the most serious serious thread I've ever heard of, but its amazingly popular. Some threads tend to have serious discussion take place in them and some don't. A "VIP" forum for only serious discussion would be a good idea, I think.

I wasn't really aware of this until now, but there seems to be some condescension on the part of some of the mods, namely Rogue 9. Every post of his in this thread has been full of eye-rolling-type hooey. Also a bit too much by Rogue 15.

I'm not sure that just because someone has the most recent posts in most of the threads of a forum. As long as the person has something intellilligent to say each time, I don't care if they have the most recent posts in the whole stinkin Off-Topic!

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Originally posted by hannibalscipio

I wasn't really aware of this until now, but there seems to be some condescension on the part of some of the mods, namely Rogue 9. Every post of his in this thread has been full of eye-rolling-type hooey.


Yeah, I've noticed that too... they don't contribute much to a conversation, aside from being, well... annoying. Alot of mods are that way, though. Many of their posts are "this is not a chatroom", and "yoink"... why can't they just delete/close/move the thread and be done with it? :D

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