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What was the most memorable game for you?


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For me, it's gotta be applebees! feelin gooood in the neighborhooooood!!! o noooooo that darn commercial got stuck in my brain!!!! AAAHH!!


Well, Rogue Squadron is mine. All those quotes, all the action, and the storyline wasn't too bad either. The dialogue wasn't even bad..well, with the exception of Taloraan where Kasan Moore turns into a ........ errrr i mean when she starts saying 'Skywalker, what are you doing, those are civilians!!' that is SO DARN ANNOYING MAKE IT STOP NOW!!!!!


But on the brighter side, i love the dialogues, and the characters you got to know, basically luke, wedge, and kasan moore, and Moff Seerdon, the game's villian.


So, what game holds the most memories for you?

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Originally posted by krkode

to me its international cricket captain......im sure you havent heard of it, why would you??


Brian Lara's cricket was the best cricket game for me!!!


I would have to say.......


Super Mario Kart on the SNES. The most replayable game EVER!

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Street Fighter 2 :)


Spent many a day bunking school and playing in the arcade, those were the days, sometimes there'd be as many as 30 people gathered round the one machine waiting to play :D

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Originally posted by Kudar

Street Fighter 2 :)


Spent many a day bunking school and playing in the arcade, those were the days, sometimes there'd be as many as 30 people gathered round the one machine waiting to play :D


I remember forking out £70 for that on my snes. I used to break arcade machines getting carried away with E Hondas 100 hand slap!!!

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hmmmmm.... do you mean overall games or each console??


well.... from the old Nintendo.... Zelda... the first game... loved that game

and for the PC..... 2 games were my all time favorite. and they are related to each other: DUNE II and COMMAND & CONQUER.

i wasnt able to get out of my chair.... i was too hooked on the game. :D


and for the PLay station...: Grand Turismo


other consoles i never played..





"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force, What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing Series, Book 5. Wraith Squadron.

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Originally posted by duder


I remember forking out £70 for that on my snes. I used to break arcade machines getting carried away with E Hondas 100 hand slap!!!


lol, I remember getting it for my snes too :)


but I prefered the super street fighter II game with the additional characters, Cammy was my favourite :D I rocked in the arcade with here :D



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SimCity, it made me. One day I couldn't figure out why certain things were happening. Then just like Neo in the Matrix I finally realized what it all truly was. It was one BIG math problem. This was when I was 6 or 7 roughly. I worked the math problem out. Then I felt the extreem satisfication of building a city with close to 1 million people. ALL my previous cities had barely got to 10,000 before dieing. I felt a sense of extreme gratitude.

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The best video game I've ever played has to be Final Fantasy VII (7). It's just so brilliant. Best computer game.. not sure, think it'll have to be Civilization 3, the X-Wing series, and Ground Control. Then there were those old games, like Aldo's Adventure, Grand Prix, Police quest, Zelda: A link to the Past (SNES)..


Best board game? Dungeons and Dragons. By far. Play it with an experienced player being the host (aka "Dungeon Master".)

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