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Why'd you join the forums?


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i was browsing around the galacticbattles website cuz i wanted to learn about the new game coming out...and then i saw that the demo came out


i wanted to find someone to play with so i thought going to the forums would help and then slowly got accomodated in cuz people like rhett and fergie welcomed me and made me feel at home....and i liked it here and thats it...

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I was on Lucas Arts when I saw a strategy game called Galactic Battlegrounds. I looked at the site and saw all the screen shots. I was after more. I was addicted. I dedcided I needed this game even though it didn't work on my Macintosh. I looked at the Fan Sites. I went to SWGB Heaven and looked through all the units. I knew which race was my favorite. The Empire. I went back to the official site for GB and looked at the fan sites section again. I came to galacticbattles.com and checked up regularly on the site stuff. Eventually the Naboo Campaign announcement came up and I thought "I'll give them a storyline". Unfortunately my Storyline didn't fit in. By then I had registered and I was hooked to these forums.

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I was lost, drifting through life without meaning or direction. When suddenly, there came a rumbling through the net. "what's this? Lucasarts is trying their hand at another Star Wars RTS? Surely, they are gluttons for punishment?" I had to see this, I had to find out if they were once more going to soil my precious Star Wars game line with another bane of an RTS. "Hmmm, those screenshots aren't half bad. Based on AoK engine, eh? Nice! Let me find others to discuss this diamond in the rough!"


So I looked through the fansites and came across this forum. And it was here, where I was greeted with open arms, and my ideas embraced. It was here that my life was reaffirmed and it was here where I shall stay, one with those who share my views. Where my voice does not go unheard amidst the endless droning of teenage angst like other forums of old. I had stumbled onto an endless sea of intelligent debate and freindly banter amongst friends and I knew that I belonged here. I embraced this forum in all it's slendor and glory and have never looked back. That is how I came to be here amidst such fine people!



That wasn't over the top, was it? I can never tell.... :D


By the way, My friends say I tend to be melodramatic, but I don't think so, do you? ;)

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I joined the forums cause I work here :p


I started working here in the days before the forums were merged. I joined right before the network grew incredibly. I joined before we had all those new sites. It was basicly back then: jediknight.net, xwingalliance.com, indyjones.net, and a few more.


now the network is bigger and better. And I made quite a few of the designs. Like the main http://www.lucasforums.com and ... much more to come :p

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Well, it all started the day before today, but i remember it like it was yesterday....


Ok, so it really started about 2 years ago. I was looking for some cog-writing programs for JK and i came across jediknight.net. I saw the forums and started posting their, but only a little. Thats where i met Rhett and Rogue 15 for the first time. Then i heard about roguesquadron.net (probably from 15) and went over there. It was fun over there so i started posting alot over there. Then, about the time GB was announced, 15 had this thing about invading other forums and getting banned and all, and his next "target" was this site. I wasn't planning on "invading" like he was, i was just curious. It was cool around here, cause we were practically the only ones on (it was the first day it was open), and it was really nice. So, i decided to stay, and the rest, as they say, is history. :D

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Welp... I was a regular at gb.com, not the forums mind ya.. Because one of my favorite games is Starcraft, and my favorite movies are Star Wars. So when I heard that there was gonna be a new RTS about star wars, I was all for it! So I was cruising gb.com one day, and had a couple of questions. I looked at the forum, and I got an answer! So I decided I'd watch the forums for a while, and after a few weeks of that I decided to register.


At first, my name here was "mijtechboy".. You may remember me as that.. :D

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I joined way back in july '99, I got a n64 in february, and then in july i got rogue squadron, i found rogue squadron network through excite.com search engine, and i looked at there forums for quite some time b4 i joined, i even remember when i joined and didn't post anything until i got to know some of the people, like 'flamin'_tie', '128th_TIEInterceptor', Gold Squadron Leader, Luka, Lujayne, Ike, The Master, Gunner, and a few others...then i joined jediknight.net forums when i got star wars: rebellion, and i went under the name of 'Garindan'. and i'd like to admit that i've wateched jk.net forums have changed THREE times, that's 1 completely new design, and maybe 3 different color switches. weird....i was around when Kurgan was a regular poster, man he had some quality posts! I was there before Boba Rhett too. :D And i also remember people from that site, darth_jawaman, darth_crater, and some others who vanished...Darth_Simpson, Pedro The Hutt, Oninosensi, and Jedi_Superbuen are some of the most oldest members of these forums...

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I was on drugs and banging the keys on my keyboard when I opened a search engine. Strangely I type Rogue Squadron and found Rogue Squadron.net. I watched the forums for awhile and when I found a wierd picture in my instruction manual for the N64 version of RS, I registered and posted my findings. I soon became the megalomaniac flamer at RSN and when some of the mods returned, I was censored here and there but nothing major happened. Then came a boy named Helix, he constantly spammed the RSN forums when he didn't get his "visor" and then he pushed me over the edge, so I flamed him like a madman. Ike intervene and I was banned for 2 days. After I made my return, I made a little comment about something 15 posted to the lurkers and BAM, Ike bans me permanently. I was recently given back posting privileges and so begins the next chapter of my experience at these forums.


Tune in, in about 20 years for Chapter Two.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

I was looking for info about Galacticbattles and came accros these forums.

I stayed because I like the atmosphere and comunitiy here. :)

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Originally posted by Grand_Admiral_Ice

I was on drugs and banging the keys on my keyboard when I opened a search engine. Strangely I type Rogue Squadron and found Rogue Squadron.net. I watched the forums for awhile and when I found a wierd picture in my instruction manual for the N64 version of RS, I registered and posted my findings. I soon became the megalomaniac flamer at RSN and when some of the mods returned, I was censored here and there but nothing major happened. Then came a boy named Helix, he constantly spammed the RSN forums when he didn't get his "visor" and then he pushed me over the edge, so I flamed him like a madman. Ike intervene and I was banned for 2 days. After I made my return, I made a little comment about something 15 posted to the lurkers and BAM, Ike bans me permanently. I was recently given back posting privileges and so begins the next chapter of my experience at these forums.


Ahh yes, i remember Helix. I don't know what you did, but he probably deserved it. ;)


And did you really find rs.net on drugs? (Anyone else i would think was joking for sure) ;)

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why i joined ??


well after getting internet and being a star wars fan i looked over the entire web for good star wars sites. i finaly found a Dutch link with MANY sites. http://www.starwars.pagina.nl .

i saw that there was link to RogueSquadron.net. i went there watched the site and i thought it looked cool. i clicked on 'forums'

and got to the RS forums. i was just reading the X-wing books about Wraith Squadron. so i joined up as Wraith 5. i asked some question there and got hung up. after a few weeks i was just curious how many sites there were with .net so i looked up XWA.net. joined there as Wraith 9 cause the original 5 was already there. posted some posts.. but got yelled at and left.


Then i saw this board a couple of times. but i never joined up. untill this loser :D from my school said to me that he always went to these boards. (btw that loser is YD) si i joined up here as well. on my birthday to be exact :D. 18-10-2001... and that is my registry date.

it should be september.. but i dont care.


so there you have it.

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Originally posted by Grand_Admiral_Ice

And as 15 said, why did you abandon us?


I never abandoned you, i told you i was leaving and why, but i'll say it again.


As you said, Helix et all were totally spamming up the boards and it got very annoying wading through the crap posted. So, i left and only posted here. Besides, i barely had time to post on both before, so i sorta needed to choose one anyway.

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I'd been playing the game for a couple of weeks, and it was really, really bugging me that it felt like the Ewok Shelters should do something (along with the similar structures on Tatooine, etc). So I got on the net looking for forums or newsgroups devoted to GB, hoping someone had asked the question. No one had, so I joined this Forum, and asked it. Now, almost 200 posts later... I had to go back and check what my first post had been, to remind myself why I had joined in the first place. :)


May the Force be with you.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


I never abandoned you, i told you i was leaving and why, but i'll say it again.


As you said, Helix et all were totally spamming up the boards and it got very annoying wading through the crap posted. So, i left and only posted here. Besides, i barely had time to post on both before, so i sorta needed to choose one anyway.


Ah so we weren't good enough for you, but this place was.

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I was looking for the cheat code in Rogue Squadron that would unlock the Imperial shuttle and typed in a query for RS cheat codes in the MSN search engine. One of the results was a very long page detailing walkthroughs for Rogue Squadron levels. This turned out to be a topic at RS.net. I looked over the walkthroughs, then decided to register and post a question asking what was the code for the shuttle. (Although at first I couldn't figure out how to post replies...so I used the quote button then erased the quote :D:o ) While I was at it, I looked at a few other topics. (There were very little topics there back then...the place was pretty much dead) One topic was discussing the AT-ST in Rogue Squadron, and complaining how slow it was. I replied and told them how to make the AT-ST go really fast, and while I was at it told them how to control its head. Someone replied to me and told me the Imperial shuttle code did not exist, and so I left...


About three weeks later I came back and looked at the page. I looked at the old topics and saw that the information I'd posted had been previously unknown...and I'd been complimented quite a bit for giving them the info. My ego promptly inflated (:D) and I decided to stay.


Later, I heard of XWA.net, since many of our old members had left and gone there. I went and registered there since I'd just got the game. Still later, I discovered JK.net and posted in the Racer and Phantom Menace game forums, since I'd also gotten those games. Still later, I got AIM, and RogueFifteen made me register at JK2.net when it opened, and GB.net when it opened.


So there you have it. :)

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