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Man this place has changed........

Delphi's Clone

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This place looks terrible. adds on the sides that somtimes go right through posts...... then the pop up ads and i have to scrol horisontaly to see the full board there is also this stupid brown space on each side except where the adds are......... adn this place has definentley gotten more oaring without me sorry to say this but this site has gone down the drain i used to love it here before the merge. Sorry guys i had to say it this place dosnt feel like home anymore....


and please dont start flaming i just wanted to give my opinion....... is there some way you guys can undo a merge?

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Originally posted by GB_StormTrooper

Clefo, do you know how annoying that is when you say somthing like use better grammar? Very annoying....hes not a moderator or Admin so he can have bad or good grammar as he wishes, so stop with all this better grammar crap, you were the same way to me when I joined......


You always need to use correct grammar and spelling so that otehr people can easily read what you are saying. Its rude to use incorrect spelling and grammar and also very annoying to others. I think its a rule that you should try to use correct grammar, and if not then its one of those "unwritten" rules.



Anyways, i don't even see the ads, i just have gray bars. So its not very annoying at all for me. Of course, the boards load more slowly than they used to, so thats not good, but they haven't changed all that much.

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You have to understand how HARD and EXPANSIVE it is to run 10+ sites on the same server with a huge ammount of visitors daily.


Its very expansive. The staff had to reluctantly place these adds to pay for the scaling ads of the server.


Then we had a "affiliation" type of thing wtih UGO. We just recently (more or less) terminated it. The UGO ads dont give us enough money to pay for the servers so often the moneys goes strait out of the administration's pocket (mostly the head honchos of LucasGames.com and mixnMojo.com)


We just moved server and once things get rolling again we'll sign up with a better ad company and once all the costs are covereted the adds should be gone completly.


To put it in fewer words: we are having growing pains... and it hurts like a *****.


Do you understand now?


<btw, this is the opinion of ME. Not the offical word of the network. There's a lot of legal mumbo jumbo which I am not aware of... :mad: >

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Originally posted by Eets'chula

Give it a while... The ads will be gone. I promise.


I, for one, don't mind the simple fact of ads per se... after all, you guys presumably need to keep the forums funded somehow, and ads are a fine way to do it. The amount and location of them does not bother me... the animated nature of them, though, does... I find animated ads very annoying. If there was some way you guys could still accept advertising but disable the animated-ness, I for one would be most grateful. But I also understand if that's not possible, given the stupidity of most advertisers and what they will likely demand.

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i are french and i are is bad grammer.


but seriously. I'm fully billingual in both written and spoken in French and English. Unfortunantly I suck more in English. :p


As for the animation of the banners:


they'll never go away. See, most companies think Animation is dynamic and will blow people away. Like: "OMG! IT MOVED!" or "OMG! THATS AMAZING" you know. crap like that. However if none of the banners were animated then it would be harder to fill in a lot of imformation into it. Sure, simpler is better, but too simple just makes the ad pointless.


As for the near adult content like the web cam for voyeurism ad or the wet bikini ad. We, the staff, are VERY sorry about that. UGO has provided us with a certain code that will only display G rated advertisements. However, since UGO .... sucks... they tend to slip in some ads. Just count yourself lucky there is nothing more ... distracting... as those mentioned above. :p


<again guys, my opinion, not the one of the http://www.lucasgames.com and http://www.mixnmojo.com staff.>

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