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How did you come up with your user name?


Mine, well ... at the time i was thinking about how cool jedi and sith looked in their cloaks. Honest! I was also thinking about the sith infiltrator and invisiblty and other stuff. So i winded up with Sithcloak!



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I have said this for like 20 times already but hey... you asked for it :D :D :p


I joined RS in september. i joined as Wraith 5, cause i liked his charcter in the book Wraith Squadron. when i joined XWA later that month i tried to join as Wraith 5 but someone joined earlier with that name. so i joined up as Wraith 9, cause that was my second coolest cfharacter of the books. when i joined here on my birthday i joined as 9 also. and i met the other Wraith 5 :D.


When the merge of forums happened. i became Wraith 9 total. cause the Wraith 5 name was taken much earlier then i joined.


BUT. when i read the Wraith Squadron books again. i found out that the character i thought was cool, was in fact Wraith 8. so i made a mistake when i joined up.

I changed it to Wraith 8 then. (thank you Metallus :D)


So there you have it:D


-Wraith 8-





"Pretty. What do we blow up first?"

-Myn Donos-

"Write that down. That ought to be Wraith Squadrons slogan!"

-Wedge Antilles-

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My User Name I've been using for about 6 years now with anything online related. I named myself this in recognition of my sordid past. Originally just my childhood, but then my post High-School life followed in similiar fashion, so the name fits me well. Of course the last name is a play on strife and havoc is self-expanitory.


Bye the way, about my past... don't ask! it would waste alot of bandwidth ;)

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Chessack was made up by my friend back in High School. He was GMing Champions, and had made up a bunch of supervillains. He was notorious as a GM for making up great villains with lousy names (e.g. Mountain Man, Ninja, The Ninja, Ninja Man, Ninja Master, Brick, Soundare, Groundare). His mastermind villain was called "Chesack." No idea where he got the name, but I always thought, of his names, that one sounded the coolest.


Years later, I started playing Champions on-line with some friends, and resurrected Chessack as a villain. Since it is a completely made up (although cool-sounding) name, I use it for logins -- it's guaranteed to be available and therefore, un-taken. And anyway, I just like it. :D

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Guest SlashAndBurn



I based this name after my gaming style combined with Shermans March to the Sea (American Civil War History, to crush the spirits of the Confederate army he marched 100 or so miles to either Savanah or Atlanta, forgot which, Georgia and on the way he destroted EVERYTHING).


When playing any type of game I tend to try and whipe everything out from critical buildings to the least important...essentaily slashing and burning everything in my path like Sherman

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When I was a kid and my dad was playing softball there was this guy ,who had a great arm, and he had the word Gunner tattooed on his arm. It sounded cool. And it's all in caps because when I first joined RS.Net in early 99 my typing sucked and I always left the caps lock on because it was easier then going caps on ,caps off, caps on,caps off.


I soon learned about the shift button.


So there you have GUNNER.:D

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I gained mine when I came to school dressed in chain mail. Serveral of my friends thought I looked like a barbarian and so we decided to give me a barbarian name. Uutont. Later I decided that I needed a last name. I liked the 'Uu' (ew, as in Few, sound) so I added that to the name 'lion'. Except I prounce it 'leon.' 'Uutont Uulion' seems to repetative so I added a middle name. people always say that such and such is their middle name, so I decided that fair would be my middle name just spelled differently.

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