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Official SWGB Expansion Pack Idea Thread


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Oh yeah, almost forgot. Went on answering the question, and forgot what I'd like to see.


Mon Calamari. Either a tough Navy or a Tough Air Force. Either's fine. Or Both. Probabally weak on 'Mechs. And for those who say they're too minor. We see loads of Mon Calamari, including Ackbar. But ONLY ONE Wookie. But who gets a whole army made from entirely from scratch based on one character seen in all three movies?


For unique machines, maybe give them the B-Wing, as Ackbar designed it. Have it be a Tough Air Unit. Have it be to fighters what Droidekas are to Strike 'mechs, Dark Troopers are to Troops, and Royal Crusaders are to Mounted troops.


Yuuzhon Vong: Wouldn't have to be unbalanced. Give them tough troops, ala the Wookies. Give them middling Air craft. Maybe allow shields, but only able to upgrade to fast fighters and enhanced bombers, or maybe stuck with the basic airframes.


Or tough troops and tough fighters, but weak naval, 'mechs, or Heavy factory units.


Likely, let them get food faster, but nova or ore slower.


No Jedi. But unaffected by Jedi Control, and Jedi-based stealth.


However, if their military is tough in other areas, compromise by lacking Bounty Hunters. They haven't had to deal with Jedi. If they're left in , maybe use vozyn though.


Unique Unit: Amphistaff troops. Basically a Jedi without turning capabilities.


Unique Upgrades: Yammosk coordinator. Give all units + 1 attack, LOS, or both.


Toss in some new campaigns: some with any new factions, a campaign for the Naboo, or some new ones for existing factions.


Some things I'd like to see are add-ons to the editor. Mainly Toybox type things.


So, here they are


Slave I: a must have.




Jabba's Palace. Sarlacc Pit. Have it in terrain, and able to attack nearby units. Unkillable. No way you can tell me that wouldn't be cool.


Oh yeah, speaking of offensive terrain, Booby Traps. Mines, Boulders, Pits, Pop-up gun turrets or flame throwers, and the Ewok cymbal style Logs-of-Doom. Or moving asteroids that'll crush aerial units.


Movie Heroes or Villians that didn't make the cut for the first one:IG-88, Zuckuss, 4-LOM, and Dengar (I'm a bounty hunter fan, can you tell) Jabba the Hutt, General Crix Madine, Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar. General Rieekan, (the Rebel General in charge of Hoth.), Admiral Piett, Amidala as Padme and the Pistol packing version without the freaky dress, Tarkin, etc.


Some EU characters, Dash Rendar, Xizor, Guri, Thrawn, Pallaern, Admirals Dala and Zsinj, Isard, Talon Karrde, Corran Horn (in standard, Jedi Knight, and piloting an X-Wing versions), Borsk Fey'la, noghri, Garm Bel Iblis, Kroeger (might be neat to show in a new Imp vs. Reb scenario), Kyp Duron, Cilghal, Baron Fel in a TIE of some sort, etc.


I'd like to see a ground transport. Aerial ones are shot down easy and carry too few people, and Assault 'Mechs are too slow. Have it extremely fast, and carry ten people(troops only) but unarmed. For the Trade Feds, maybe use those open craft from the plains battles with the racks to deploy troops. That kind of thing.


Non hero but interesting units: Gamorreans, Imperial Guards, Rebel, Imperial, and Naboo pilots out of their craft, Snow troopers, Camo Rebels like on Endor, Officers, that kind of thing.


Craft: Some useful, some Gaia type. Have Red and Gold 1-6 like the Empire has the Blizzard 1-6 AT-ATs. Only with X-Wings, and Y-Wings. Red one, obviously being a hero unit (Wedge in an X-Wing.). A couple Pod-Racers, Coruscant air taxis. Jabba's Barge and the skiffs and such from the Sarlacc pit. YT-2400 Outrider, Slave I, Xixor's ship, a Sith Infiltrator that isn't a landed piece of terrain, maybe the two fighters from the Starfighter Game.


oh and a Star Destroyer-not as a unit per se, but like terrain. Just lay it on the map. Maybe have it set to be a choice of


A) Just sits there not able to be attacked, But unable to be attacked.


B) An active piece. Able to be attacked. Have chunks like the shields, bridge, and guns be separate and attackable, with various effects if destroyed. Or trash it one section at a time. Have gun turrets that are Anti-Aircraft, but less powerful, shooting beams like fighters instead of missiles, and fragile so fighters can take them out. (That reminds me-Gun towers like the Death Star Had.)


Another air unit class: Gunboats.(just a name, they're not Naval, are Air forces.) Have them be slower, and tougher, like flying Assault 'mechs. B-Wings, Skipray Blast Boats, that kind of thing.

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Well .. better A.I.

For those who can not play on-line.


And an easier add to the X-pac


Unit grouping. I would like to be able to select different units and thread them togeather; so that when you are in a battle clicking on a member of a unit will select all the units in its group.

That way I can send a small group to perform a special task.


Also, Guarding, I would like the units that I set to guard another unit to STAY WITH THE UNIT. I hate it when a guard or group of guards stop to fire on a house or something stupid. They don't do their job and the unit is left unprotected.

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Guest Emperor_Mech

Make Luke Skywalker a bit stronger, sheesh the most powerful Jedi of all time and he can't even defeat a Sith Master one on one.

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Originally posted by whom2be

Well .. better A.I.

For those who can not play on-line.


And an easier add to the X-pac


Unit grouping. I would like to be able to select different units and thread them togeather; so that when you are in a battle clicking on a member of a unit will select all the units in its group.

That way I can send a small group to perform a special task.


Also, Guarding, I would like the units that I set to guard another unit to STAY WITH THE UNIT. I hate it when a guard or group of guards stop to fire on a house or something stupid. They don't do their job and the unit is left unprotected.


;) ;)

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Maybe it's a good idea to have a Jedi/Sith Editor: A handy tool/program which you can create a Jedi in which you can train at your Jedi/Sith Temple, wouldn't it be great? You can compose you're own Jedi/Sith, with a few settings like specie, homeworld, length, which color of lightsaber, what your face looks like and the other parts of your body. :evanpiel::koon:





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Guest Emperor_Mech

I think there should be a Force Protection (like in Jedi Knight) technology at the Jedi/Sith Temple, which would either give the Jedi a huge bonus in range armor, or give Jedi personal shielding! What do you guys think? I want the Jedi/Sith to be better in this game.


:lightning (This is a good image)

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Guest Emperor_Mech
Originally posted by duder

personally i think that red fire damage should damage the person shooting to reflect the jedi ability to deflect shots. This would make them much more effective!


Good Idea :D

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i think JEDI/SITH is really the only big thing to fix they need to either have sheilds or something i mean would i jedi walk into a group of TF recruiter troops and die before he made it to them no. i also think jedi should be faster when they get the upgrade they have problems chasing workers takes a jedi about 3 or 4 swings to kill a worker sometimes cause he has to spend time chasing them down. I maybe add another cool defensive structure to go along with fortresses and what not maybe like a long range artillery turrot or cannon turrot something to that effect.

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I think that a jedi should have say, an invisible shield thing around them, that instead of making the troopers around it have shields, they'd fire faster, make the jedi more like a general, so there would be a reason to have them, maybe have the troopers get health bonus, fire rate bonus, and speed bonus with the jedi/sith near them, cause the jedi would, say have an influence on them, and their morale would go up, and they'd be happy to fight alongside a jedi, and kick the enemy's butt.


that is what a jedi should be like, a leader, not a 1 man army.

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Well I hear allot of people are bad mouthing The Jedi/Sith because they suck well thats not true you just have to know how to use them.


I have a susjection how about the Jedi/Sith Block laser fire while they are on the (((Defence Stance))) they would prove more useful and people would be complaining less about Oh Jedi Suck Bull ****.


Look at their status on what they can do.



Destroy building better than Gunners


Useful for taking out troops


I say they sould be able to block Laser fire thats my opinion

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EWOKS... those little fury guys can kick azz. If they dont make a civ then make a unit for them.

Kinda like a bomb squad EWOK to blow up buildings.

Make sure to can hit connections of buildings liek you could in Warcraft with the sappers.


They should create an option when u use All Techs to let u make all UU units from a Fortress.

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