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Man Shoots Off Brain Tumor

Boba Rhett

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Yes. You read that correctly. Here's the story, with the important and the best parts highlighted as usual. :)





"Steve Huey" was suffering from an inoperable and fatal brain tumor. Doctors had given him only two months to live, so Huey decided to end it sooner rather than face the pain. He wrote a suicide note and then placed the gun to his head and shot.


Later, friends found him on the floor in a pool of blood. They called the ambulance and within hours, Huey was up and walking around. "His sense of humor was amazing, but even more amazing is his luck," remarked his doctor.


The chances of him shooting out his brain tumor are 254 million to one. The bullet missed all of the vital parts of the brain and only shot out the tumor. Friends and family have urged Huey to put his luck to good use and buy lots of lottery tickets.


"I tell him everyday ‘go buy a lottery ticket’ and ‘go bet on a horse’, but he just won’t do it. Sometimes he can be so stubborn," said a close friend.


Doctors are cautioning to other terminal patients not to try what Huey did. They say there is no way that they help themselves, they will harm themselves severely.


Huey is currently writing a book and is planning a national book signing tour. [b/Also in the works, a movie and a sitcom based on his story.[/b] "I am a very lucky guy and I plan to turn this miracle into some serious cash for myself," said Huey in an exclusive interview.

An auction is also in the works that will sell the gun, the hospital bill, and the tumor itself. "Any collector will love to own this tumor and should be willing to spend lots of money for it," added Huey.





o_O Don't try that at home! :p


Wow. How lucky can someone get? Not only did he save his life by shooting himself in the head but he also is going to make a boat load of money!

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*shakes head*

Selling a TUMOR! That guy's pretty lucky, but they're turning it into a mad cash cow. Auctions, movie, book... What's next figurine based on the guy? Maybe the head can be opened to pull out the plastic tumor... And as an added accessory, it comes with a gun!!

*shakes head again*

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And next they are gonna make the "do it yourself kit" that'll be successful.


Really though, how can you make a drama about it, even one episode. A guy goes to the doctor and gets told that he has a couple months to live, then he goes home and shoots himself. Then he goes to the hospital and is fine. Wow. Not even the best of writers could make that last 30 minutes. Now think about a movie....

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Hmmm, this sounds just a TAD iffy to me. Think about it. The tumor would have to be only as big as the blast and none of the rest of his brain was hurt? It seems very suspicious of hoaxdom to me. I'd need a link to the actual news source and I hope the article is not dated 4/1. :D

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Wow. That's just amazing. O_o


I'm surprised it isn't on mainstream news networks...wait...no I'm not :D they wouldn't want all terminally ill patients trying that now would they? :eek:


That's gotta be either uber-luck or God...no other way around it...

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