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Which Monty Python character are you?

Darth Homer

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Ok, technically, it's only characters from Holy Grail, but it's still fun.




Me? Why I'm Brave Sir Robin!!



..When danger reared it's ugly head

he bravely turned his tail and fled

Yes Brave Sir Robin turned about

And gallantly he chickened out

Bravely taking to his feet

He beat a very brave retreat

Bravest of the brave Sir Robin...

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i never really watched monty python...i might have seen one part, i'm not entirely sure..but this is a scene i remember that may or may not have been in it...


This guy gets his arms and legs sliced and diced off of him, and blood is squirting all over the place, and he's still talking, and doesn't look to be in pain....


that is all i remember if that's even in it...

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"You can't expect to wield executive power, just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!"


-French Knight


"Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries, you little-brained wipers of other peoples's bottoms!"


-French Knight


"I told you it was a Killer White Rabbit, but no no no no no did you believe me? No!"


-Unknown(I can't remember).



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Originally posted by Rogue15



i never really watched monty python...i might have seen one part, i'm not entirely sure..but this is a scene i remember that may or may not have been in it...


This guy gets his arms and legs sliced and diced off of him, and blood is squirting all over the place, and he's still talking, and doesn't look to be in pain....


that is all i remember if that's even in it...



HEHEHEHEHE One of the best parts of the movie...


"What are you going to do, bleed on me?"


"Get back here or I'll bite your kneecaps off!"

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