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Quote of the Week Contest!

Sherack Nhar

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Here are the rules: you have to submit the funniest quotes you've heard sometime during the week. You also have to post where you heard them, who said it, what's the context, etc.


Here's mine:


"Are you fully clothed, Kevin?"


This line was delivered by none other than our very own Darth Rommel, obviously very annoyed by Kvan, who said he had to go to work...twenty minutes earlier! :lol:


Post yours!

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"What is this thing you call love?"


It was said by me while impersonating my brothers newly upgraded computer. I was teasing him about it becoming sentient. :D




"Why are we looking up the entire crews noses?"




"So,...... are they just making it up as they go now?"


Refering to some of the second season episodes of TNG. I bet some fo you know what I'm talking about. :D





"Wow, that's the first flamingly gay man I've ever seen!"


Your better off not knowing. :D

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That was enthralling... for 4.3 seconds


This was me, talking to Rommel who was rambling on about an AOK game forever, he finally shut up, he asked if I found it interesting, and I gave that response.


I'm getting married, but I still have big room in my heart for all the girls. Very big. A little too big, seriously I can't drink coke anymore

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"I think I hear one of those silent alarms."

from the movie The Big Hit. (The one w/ Tim Allen & others about a nuke in Miami; VERY funny movie)


Personal quote:

In my gov't class my prof was detailing a case about free speech and said:

"He was arrested for having the F-word on his jacket."

someone immediatly asked:

"You mean F**k?"

He was asked to leave the room. :lol:

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That was so funny...I dropped my noodle!


Said by a "chefly-inclined" friend of mine who was making noodles when another friend said a joke that made her crack up so hard that she dropped the noodle she happened to be holding. It was a product of total randomness. :D We cracked up for about five minutes straight :D

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

"I can go from zero to B*tch in 1.2 seconds, Dont F**k with me!"


This girl at my school.... it was pretty funny... the guy who she was talking to was completely stunned :D she got the line from a sound on the net :D


Who? This is very important to me ... cause I think 1.2 seconds is really fast and avoiding bitches seems beter to me than running.

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ok, today I had the joy of listening to one of my co-workers trying to tell a customer on the phone where our store is located. Here is the one-sided transcript (the ... is when the other person is speaking):

"...Yes, we are in the mall...Columbiana Centre...No, not Columbia Mall, Columbiana Centre...yes, Columbiana Centre, right inside the food court...Columbiana Centre...inside the food court......Columbiana Centre......yes, Columbiana Centre's food court...No, Columbiana Centre...food court...Columbiana Centre...ok, goodbye."

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The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!

I heard this on another message board, but I don't remember who said it. I just use it whenever anyone says they were faster than me at something.


Why do women put on makeup to get the natural look?

I have no idea where I heard this.


You can only bend reality so far before it bends you back!

The 8-Bit Theater @ Nuklearpower.com, talking a/b the black mage's power.


there they are, hope you like them!

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Friend and i were talking about Starcraft strategies once & his Grandpa overheard us and told us we should "Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the night."

We got to thinking and it actually worked with the terrans....the nuking that is, not the glowing and shooting at night...;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm reviving this thread because I wanted to share something Eets said in yet another of our MSN chats:

Who says boobies have to be sensual to be stiffening?
We were talking about Ghost in the Shell's heroine, Miss Kusanagi, and her tendency to take off her clothes often throughout that movie :)
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"On a scale of one to homey, he's homey"


A nice little quote that's been circulating around. Basically said when I was trying to describe a certain person, using a number scale of sorts.


"Put this in your burette and titre it"


During long lessons of Chemistry the hours can be long and dull. I said this while we were doing a titration experiment to lift the boredom a little bit.

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