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Well the reson that Count Dooku was able to beat Anakin was that Dooku used an old style of lightsaber fighting that is more like fencing, giveing him the edge in lightsaber duels.



Also From the metral that is out now there is no prof that Count Dooku is Darth Tyrannus, it is strongly hinted to but there is no prof, thought that may chnage in the movie...


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Havoc, it's one of the new Topps Star Wars cards. They're really cool, btw. :)


And yes, Dooku easily defeated them because he focused is training on the 2nd fighting style that was geared toward saber vs. saber combat. Most Jedi, thinking of no reason they'd need to know how to do that, stuck with the 3rd kind of saber fighting. One that was for fighting people with blasters.


Quick list of Dooku facts,


  • Dooku left the Jedi order when Qui Gon was killed
  • Qui Gon was Dooku's Padawan
  • Dooku was one of Yoda's Padawans
  • Count Dooku is one of the wealthiest men in the galaxy, having enough assets that he could easily finance his own army :eek:
  • He is one of the "lost 20" refering to the short list of Jedi who leftthe order
  • His saber has a button that can shorten the blade immediately so he can make short and fast attacks at close range



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Hey Rhett, was all that information about dooku found on one of the Topps cards? And here's a question, if the 2nd saber technique is geared saber vs. saber and the 3rd saber technique is geared saber vs. blaster then what's the 1st saber technique geared towards? :confused:


So does this mean that Qui-gon being Dooku's padawan is confirmed? I knew it was being thrown around, but no one was sure it was absolutely true.


Thanks again Rhett, that picture really made my day!


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Yes Qui-gon was Dooku's padawan, that is confermed in the book somewhere...


As for the lightsaber styles, Rhett where did you get that info? The book only said it was an older style.


Oh and where did you find the picture? Was it one of the new trading cards?


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Your welcome, Havoc. ;)


The picture is from the new Topps cards.


Yeah, as far as I know, the whole Qui Gon thing is set in stone.


As for the saber techniques..... *runs upstairs to "borrow" his brothers AotC visual Dictionary* :D



Here's what it says,


The Seven Forms:


"Seven forms of lightsaber combat have been developed since the foundation of the Jedi Order. Each represents a distinct approach or philosophy, and has its particular strengths. Jedi may specialize in dedication to a particular form or build their own fighting style with elements of multiple forms, although this takes special discipline"


Kenobi's Style:


"Kenobi specializes in Form III lightsaber combat which maximizes defensive protection. Invented ages ago when blaster weapons first became common in the hands of Jedi enemies, Form III began as high speed laserblast deflection training. Over the centuries, it has been refined into an expression of nonaggressive Jedi Philosophy""


Dooku's Style:

"...he studied Jedi Archives records to create a lightsaber of the type that was standard in the heyday of Form II lightsaber combat. Form II is an ancient technique that favors long, elegant moves and incredible deftness of hand"




Things that are cool but you didn't really need to know: :D


1. Jung: 180 degree turn


2. Jung Ma: 360 degree spin to gain power for an attack


3. Sai: Force-assisted jump to evade an attack to the legs.


4. Shun: One-handed grip, spinning lightsaber 360 degrees to gain speed for an attack.

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

I would just like to say that i was wrong about a who darth Tyrannus is, who was said to be this person is right, i missed that one line at the end of the book that said it was him...


It was me who made reference to who Darth Tyrannus is, but it's okay Wraith. I Knew I was right, but I wasn't going to get into a fight about it, so I let it go. Thanks for correcting yourself though, it shows good virtue and a strong individual to say you were wrong, If I didn't respect you before (Which I already did!) I certainly do now. :D

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