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am I the only one who would like "TIE fighter" done in the style of XWA?

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this would rock the house IMHO:D best game ever made, on modern engine*gahhhhhhhhhh*


now lemme think, X-WING was at yaven, TF was at hoth and XWA was at endor. whats left? a X-WING style game set in the preqels would be cool. not like the rouge squdron type games but a fighter sim. nothing wrong with those games, but it's not X-WING ;)


what do you guys think? totally games prob. wont do it(please correct me on this guys) so how can it be a XW game?



LEC wont have it at E3, but its still fun to hope...

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Nah, I think one is probably in the design stages, prehaps not a dead cert yet, but Totally Games having just finished Bridge Commander, and being close to completing a WW2 Game for LA, may be in the process of planning one.

Hell they've done a good RTS, a good FPS,now they just a goos Space Combat Simulation.

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well it would be cool to play an x-winf alliance style game ... and then fly for the Empire.... cause in almost all games on Star Wars flight sims you are a rebel fighting AGIANST the empire. it would be cool to fly FOR the Empire :D

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If they do make a new X-wing time game I would hope its from the Empire side.


maybe the first mission could be the BattleOfEndor where the Empire is defeated. And from there the whole story is basicly the fall of the Empire, but from an Imperial Pilot's point of view :)

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1) I've been waiting for another TIE Fighter game since I played the first way back when, and I've been hoping for any new game in the X-wing series since XWA amazed me.

2) I can't get TIE to run on XP either, it's pissing me off badly. I mailed LucasArts about it, they say they have no plans to patch it so it works on XP..... I'm talking about the TIE Fighter made with the X-Wing Collectors series, for Win95, not the DOS version, just to clerify.

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Well, I read an article in PC Gamer when XP came out about DOS games and XP. It seems as though they could get X-Wing to work, but no matter how hard they tried, TIE Fighter won't work. BTW, I'm also using the Win95 version also (At least i think i am, it's on a CD, and the original DOS version was on several floppies i believe). It's not the latest version though. I believe that there was an updated TIE Fighter released that enabled limited 3d hardware support (i might be wrong).

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Originally posted by StrWrsXprt

Well, I read an article in PC Gamer when XP came out about DOS games and XP. It seems as though they could get X-Wing to work, but no matter how hard they tried, TIE Fighter won't work. BTW, I'm also using the Win95 version also (At least i think i am, it's on a CD, and the original DOS version was on several floppies i believe). It's not the latest version though. I believe that there was an updated TIE Fighter released that enabled limited 3d hardware support (i might be wrong).


yeah i have problems with Q1 on XP

i can get Winquake to work fine (little on the pixelated wall textures and only the textures for monsters and skins on Team Fortress worked :)), but DOS quake didnt work but GLQuake did.

Well, not really (grfx not worky, the console loaded a littel bit, but then grfx froze, BUT IS STILL GOT SOUND! :D)

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Star Wars Galaxies will have a Space Expansion. It will be as close to a new X-Wing game as we're gonna get.


Watch the flash intro at starwarsgalaxies.com, and at the end there's a Space Expansion link with a different flash-movie, created from screenshots of the Space Expansion under development.

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I'd love to have an X-Wing style game, based on the New Jedi Order, I think it would be freakin awesome to fly against the Vong, missions such as the fall of Coruscant, Fighting along side the Hapan fleet, I think that would be most interesting (especially when you consider the kind of graphics that are possible now... ) Oh yeah, I also think it should only be catered toward HIGH END PC's lower end comps would beable to play it, but it wouldnt' have nearly the amount of graphics and detail.

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Originally posted by jp-30

Star Wars Galaxies will have a Space Expansion. It will be as close to a new X-Wing game as we're gonna get.


Watch the flash intro at starwarsgalaxies.com, and at the end there's a Space Expansion link with a different flash-movie, created from screenshots of the Space Expansion under development.

unfortunatly it will not come out for at least another year and a half... cause they said that swgalaxies WILL come out December.. and that the space expansion will come out one year later than SWgalaxies. :(
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man this brings back some memories. Tie Fighter is still my favourite game after all these years.


Playing as the bad guy was definitely a key factor in the games huge success. IF LEC/Totally Games are working on a new game i hope it you get to play as the bad guys.


You are the Emperors Hand

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