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Major Announcement!!!!

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I guess enough time has passed now without anything detrimental happening so here it goes...





My Wife is 8 weeks pregnant with our first child!!! :D


The baby is Due December 24th, Christmas Eve!!


:D I'm going to be a daddy!...




:confused: I'm going to be a daddy?!...




:eek: I'M GOING TO BE A DADDY!!!!...



*Realization sets in and Havoc faints and falls on floor*





First Movie my kid and I go see will be Episode 3, hehe!!!! :D

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Originally posted by KhaleeLah

Congratulations! *hands havoc a cigar*


Although I believe the old wives tale says you are supposed to wait 3 trimesters (12 weeks) before saying anything.


Me? I say 'Bah!' to them. Congratulations again. :D


Yeah, I know, but I couldn't hold it any longer from you guys! :p


Thanks Khaleelah!

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Originally posted by Wraith 5


I take it by your exetment that it this was planned and hoped for.


Actually, we had been trying for 6 months with no success and we were going to have to talk with a fertiltiy specialist, but then we decided to hold off and quit trying...


wouldn't ya know it, murphy's law! ;)


YD, yeah they'll be registered on the forums before they are crawling! :D

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by Havoc

At this point, we want it to be a suprise. But we still kick around the idea of finding out if it's a boy or girl. If we find out, so will you, I promise!



Boy or Girl your going to have alot on your hands. But that's not bad. I should know I'm the oldest of six and I'm babysitting tonight!


If you are worried, don't be.



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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


Actually, we had been trying for 6 months with no success and we were going to have to talk with a fertiltiy specialist, but then we decided to hold off and quit trying...


wouldn't ya know it, murphy's law! ;)

The same thing happened to my parents! :eek:



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Yeah.. Sherack's parents, they tried and tried to get a proper child. Now look what they wound up with. Poor people.. :(



WTG Havoc! Teach the child the way of the force before it's too old! :D


And deep down... you want a boy, right? ;) ;)

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WOW! COOL! Congratulations Havok!!! (Notice I'm the only one that can spell "congratulations" ;)) Well, I'm not a dad, so I can't give you any advice from experience, but I can send you my blankey if you need one. :D I can part with it only for short periods of time, so I'd need it back in about 3 weeks (at most). ;) Congratulations again Havok!




PS Are you gonna baptize him/her?

PSS Any tentative names for him/her?

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