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Is it another girl who joined the forums? Glory be and land sakes alive I never thought I'd see the day. There are almost as amny women as there are dutch people.:D

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Hey Jesselles! Welcome to the forums. :) Pull up a chair, grab a cup o' joe and feel free to join in on any of the conversations we have going. Don't be shy! :rhett:



*hands Jesselles an official Lucasforums welcome basket*



It was made by the elves just for you! ;)

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

heh heh, one liners.:D

He just warned the Harkonnen guy and you couldnt help it posting a line like that could you :D


euh... Leon... Zeg ff in het nederlands wat je bedoelde met dat 'Dutch woman' gedoe :D ik wil het ff weten :D en waar had Fergie het over met je Title?

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

He just warned the Harkonnen guy and you couldnt help it posting a line like that could you :D


Harkonnen guy? Try playing Emperor: Battle for Dune :lol:. They don't side with just anyone. They side with the strongest house ;)..


Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

heh heh, one liners.:D


One liner detected :p! J/k, j/k..

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

euh... Leon... Zeg ff in het nederlands wat je bedoelde met dat 'Dutch woman' gedoe :D ik wil het ff weten :D en waar had Fergie het over met je Title?


...wait a sec!!!


My name is in there...why is it in there?...what did you say?...Why is my name in the same sentence as 'Dutch Woman'?...Is there something I should know?...Where is a Dutch translator when you need one?...LEON!!!! YD!!!! Get in here and tell me what he just said...



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Originally posted by darthfergie


...wait a sec!!!


My name is in there...why is it in there?...what did you say?...Why is my name in the same sentence as 'Dutch Woman'?...Is there something I should know?...Where is a Dutch translator when you need one?...LEON!!!! YD!!!! Get in here and tell me what he just said...




The suspense must be killing DF. Very much it looks like too :lol:.


Sooner or later, time vill tell

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hahahhahahahhahahaa- ooooh this is so funny :D

Fergie i wasnt insulting you or anything,.... the smilies are the end of the sentence :D when the second smiley started.... i asked Leon something what you were talking about.... you said something about Leons Title... what was it.. i just asked him in Dutch :D


I never ever thought that being dutch is advantage :D

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Heheh, I found a Dutch translator and this is what it said:


euh. .. Leon. .. Says ff in it Dutch what your meant with that ' Dutch woman ' gedoe I wants the ff to know and where did Fergie have with for each Title?


Oh, and here's what another one said:


euh... lionlike.. Say ff within the Dutch what yours intentional with who 'Dutch woman' doings I wish the ff know and worthy had Fergie the via with yours Title?



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Originally posted by silenthunter

Heheh, I found a Dutch translator and this is what it said:


euh. .. Leon. .. Says ff in it Dutch what your meant with that ' Dutch woman ' gedoe I wants the ff to know and where did Fergie have with for each Title?


Oh, and here's what another one said:


euh... lionlike.. Say ff within the Dutch what yours intentional with who 'Dutch woman' doings I wish the ff know and worthy had Fergie the via with yours Title?




oh man you kill me :D

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

euh... Leon... Zeg ff in het nederlands wat je bedoelde met dat 'Dutch woman' gedoe :D ik wil het ff weten :D en waar had Fergie het over met je Title?




Uhm... Leon.. Say in Dutch what you meant with that 'Dutch Woman' stuff :D I want to know :D And what was Fergy talking about with you title?


good enough? i translated it the best way :D. and the ff is Dutch Internet talk :D the real Dutch word is: 'even' and we Dutch people instead on the net say 'ff' :D


where did you find that Dutch translator hunter?? it is broke i think :D

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Well that's cleared up...I hope...


That thing with the title...Leon had his title as ***erator because he changed his title in his profile. You have to set it to default so it will show up as Moderator. For those of you with post count under 1000...

*waves hand*

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