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The Elite ring of Over-Posters


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Originally posted by Eets'chula



*breaks down and cries*


There, there Eets. It's okay, you didn't know when you brought it back that TUIW would be used and abused bringing a foot-hold for evil into our boards and threatening to destroy all we tried so hard to make a reality, and slowly choking intellignet posting and promoting SPAM in every form just to increase their post count. Nor did you know that it would be so habit forming slowly decaying good forummites' strong wills and morals to the point where they became mindless zombies posting SPAM and not even knowing it. You didn't know that right? So don't beat yourself up, nobody blames you for what happened!


There, don't you feel much better? :p

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yes overposting can be addictive, even harmful (i.e. Viper), but now you too can reform. The 'Just say no' program has evolved to fill the internet communities also, and now a new branch has been formed. 'Just say no to SPAM' We'll take you through an easy 257 step program that will rid your life of harmful and addictive SPAM, so no longer will you be seen sitting in front of your computer typing phrases like "I own jOO" or "Get lost newb! You breathe stinks and your shorts smell and your grandma is a man!"...well maybe not the last one...BUT STILL! Try our program for a wonderful NO MONEY BACK garentee!


Call 1800-URipOff


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  • 5 weeks later...

Resurrection Time.


Hehehehehe... this wasn't hard to find. Only 3 pages down. Sad, I wasthinking it would take a much larger search. Oh well, I now join the elite ring of over-posters! :D


I know there was a post in here when I only had like 100, after my first 5 days at lucasforums. :D Well I guess I finally made it. Even after I tried to let Havoc pass me. ;) Now I get to post whenever and wherever I want without caring about my post count!


I made it during anniversary week, and I want to see some anniversary fun, so wherever you are Rhett, post some anniversary typefun that was talked about.


Oh and take guesses on next person to reach 1000. My guess is of course, Havoc.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Wow Havoc I though you weren't going to make it in time, but it looks like you philisophically spammed your way up. :)


Philisophically spammed? :confused:


Who...me? :p


Verily, you speak the truth, Fergie. To post or not to post? That is the question! Which begs the followup quandry, is one defined then by the words contained in the post therin, or is one's existance based soley on the image displayed as an avatar? Or is it a culmination of both aspects worked into the fibers of this very forum.


After all, we are only dust in the wind...dust in the wind...



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