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What about a SPORK (or similar MOD) for JKII??


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No, we can't. The saber system itself is hard coded, you can't change it other than a few adjustments and flipping animations around, or if you are REALLY ambitious replacing some of the old ones with new ones you can make.

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Eh all spork did was turn up the blocking and enable saber parry and added a few moves in Jk1, mainly to give people more variety than the cheap one hit secondary fire kill. The single/duel blade switch and kick was hot though

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  • 1 year later...

There's several mods that include grapple features, like JediMod (as Rumor said) ForceMod II and Dueler's mod. I haven't played the SPORK mod for JK (although I have played just about every other mod for JK, go figure:rolleyes: ) but it sounds like it had (has) a big following. With the sheer number of JO mods being released, I'm not sure if any one mod will match SPORK's fame. With JA soon to come out, there might not be a SPORK-esque mod for JO. 'Course, you never know...;)

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