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What Would You Rather Be Killed By?

Boba Rhett

What would you rather be killed by?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you rather be killed by?

    • A Tiger
    • A Shark
    • Does Not Matter

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My Brother-in-law is always asking this question. So I thought I'd ask you guys. :)



I personally would rather be killed by a Tiger. Being in water, "not a natural place for someone to be" and having a huge killing machine that's built for water travel hunting you just freaks me out, terribly. :freakout:

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its a strange question but ill answer it cuz you asked it (and i also get to up my post count by 1) :D


Rhett's reasoning was very good, but im personally not scared of water, so a shark's fine.


But where my preference is, is to be killed quickly if its gonna happen.


And i would assume a shark being way bigger than a human, and its mouth being big enough to fit most of you in, i would say a shark is a quicker death....so maybe a shark


But still having your legs bitten off before you die, can be unlikable, and a tiger usually ounces on you and rips your stomach, so thats painful too...;


so its basically a hard question to answer.

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don't tigers usually go for the neck? quick death... that's the ticket!


sharks, on the other hand... they take a bit... swim away... wait for you to weaken up a bit, come back... 'nother bite...


... a quick bite from a tiger sounds much better to me



i'd rather not die, though

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A crazy yet brilliant poet once wrote:


"Of all the wonders i have heard, it seems most strange

That men should fear, seeing that death, a neccessary end,

will come when it will come."


In case you didn't know, that was from Julius Caesar by Shakespeare

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Originally posted by krkode

And i would assume a shark being way bigger than a human, and its mouth being big enough to fit most of you in, i would say a shark is a quicker death....so maybe a shark


Well to be truthful death by a Shark would take londer than a Tiger. Sharks are not killing machienes. They only bite to find out what it is, so normally tey don't end up eating the rest of you.


Tigers on the other hand have killing instincts, meaning they move out and don't move in until they kill or they get killed.

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

don't tigers usually go for the neck? quick death... that's the ticket!


sharks, on the other hand... they take a bit... swim away... wait for you to weaken up a bit, come back... 'nother bite...


... a quick bite from a tiger sounds much better to me



i'd rather not die, though


My thoughts exactly.

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Originally posted by Sithcloak

How about a Tiger Shark? Its the perfect combination.


Like others have said I'd rather not die at the moment.




P.S. Their is a type of shark with that name.


I think there is :D


And me too, i'd rather not die, not just yet;)

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I would rather die in a titanic struggle with a giant tiger, breathing my last breaths as I choke the creature to death, inso doing saving my village from a great menace and danger, and by my great courage being forever emblazoned in the memory and history of my people.

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I like the way hannibalscipio thinks. :D



And Gaming Nut, what if it only ate half of you and nobody knew that you went into the ocean, so you in your semi concious, wretchedly mangled state, float in the ocean for hours until more sharks start coming. They slowly would nibble, maybe taking a few chomps into your soft, meaty flesh to test it and see if it's to their liking. Then they all move in at once and starts fighting over you. You try to scream, but one of your lungs has already been punctured and you just don't have the strength or will to do so anyway. The only thing you can do is to float there and accept your fate. :freakout: :freakout: :freakout:






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