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Remember when? V 1.0

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Remember the Senate elections?


Remember discussing the x-pack before the game was out?


Remember Gaber coming here to the Forums?


Remember Kvan and I fighting during his first posts?


Remember rumours about Clefo being a woman? (because of the avatar)


Remember the thread were you had to answer with Star Wars quotes only?


Remember LordJayVision?


Remember Viper?


Remember Delphi's Imperial Army banner?


Remember Delphi saying he was a game designer at a mejor company?


Remember when you could have a custom title before the 1000 posts?


Remember Tie Guy being the only person with over 1000 posts?


Remember Com Raven?


Remember Tirion Nexsis?


Remember Young David saying he would release another Taunt pack?


Remember when DMUK had his own site?


Remember Leon becoming the first member to switch to mod?


Remember Eets' signing in for the first time? (He got about 1000 posts in a week :D)


Remember Clefo's Y-Wing avatar?


Remember the Jackal?


Remember a single hour I used a Scout Trooper avatar? (I bet you don't ;) )


Remember Gaber answering you personally in the Greetings thread?



Well, those are the ones I remember right now, but I can say, this forum has given me great moments, and great friends.


Thank you all.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Yeah, and remember this one runroom2.gif


or this one runroom3.gif


:lol: LoL Tie Guy, I bet if anyone was using the original pic as their avater, they'd be sensing a little hostility right now! :D


Actually it blew my mind when krkode changed from that avatar, I wasn't ready for that kind of change yet! ;)

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


:lol: LoL Tie Guy, I bet if anyone was using the original pic as their avater, they'd be sensing a little hostility right now! :D


Actually it blew my mind when krkode changed from that avatar, I wasn't ready for that kind of change yet! ;)


You like those? I just made them, though i thought of the idea a long time ago.


And yeah, its allways kinda odd when people changed there avatars, especially when they have had them for a while. I tend to identify people by their avatars. so when they change i sometimes am a little confused.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Remember Tie Guy's little spamcapade which spark so many others. (1000...the holy number:D ) and after that he could use custom title for another week because they hadn't reactivated it.


This coming from the great Spammer himself, darthfergie? :D


Yeah, I remember alot of spamming, back then, by alot of, now repsectable, forrumers: Tie Guy, Fergie, JayViZion, Rommel, Rhett, Kvan etc...


Ahhh... those were the days :jester1:

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Remember Tie Guy's little spamcapade which spark so many others. (1000...the holy number ) and after that he could use custom title for another week because they hadn't reactivated it.


Remember when the forums had 100-200 members?


Times were different then, ferg, as you should know. It really wasn't spam, its just that there was a tremendous amount of new posts all the time. You could stay on for hours and your posts would be responded to in seconds, then you could respond again. Besides, its not like while i was getting a thousand you were getting zero. If i remember correctly, you got to a thouand shotly after i did. and i think i remember that the first day you were on you had over 100 posts.

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I don't know about the first day...[because I was freaked out at the new environment (because believe it or not this is the first forum I had ever registered and posted at)] But soon afterwards I hit 1000. But yeah your right about the responding thing. I remember many times most of the members complaining about the post timer stoping them from posting.


I can still remember Leon posting the FIRST AVATARS AVAILABLE FOR THE FORUMS USE.:)

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yeah, i remember that too.

fiddling around with photoshop....finding cool pictures....and then settling for a bit of an unknown one for myself. one i never traded again.


it did get a little tweak-job courtesy of Kvan though..


Remember our first debates about deleting posts ?

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

Remember the Senate elections?




Remember discussing the x-pack before the game was out?


Yes. That is were I made my first post :D


Remember Gaber coming here to the Forums?




Remember Kvan and I fighting during his first posts?


Not really


Remember rumours about Clefo being a woman? (because of the avatar)


Lol. That was hilarious. He made a whole post about changing his avatar. Fergie thought he was a girl :D



Remember the thread were you had to answer with Star Wars quotes only?




Remember LordJayVision?


Who doesn't?


Remember Viper?


Ah yes. Those were dark times for the forums.


Remember Delphi's Imperial Army banner?


I think so.


Remember Delphi saying he was a game designer at a mejor company?


Haha. Yes.


Remember when you could have a custom title before the 1000 posts?




Remember Tie Guy being the only person with over 1000 posts?




Remember Com Raven?




Remember Tirion Nexsis?


Yeah. He was awesome.


Remember Young David saying he would release another Taunt pack?




Remember when DMUK had his own site?




Remember Leon becoming the first member to switch to mod?




Remember Eets' signing in for the first time? (He got about 1000 posts in a week :D)


Who could forget?


Remember Clefo's Y-Wing avatar?




Remember the Jackal?


Ah yes. Another sad loss.


Remember a single hour I used a Scout Trooper avatar? (I bet you don't ;) )





Remember Gaber answering you personally in the Greetings thread?





Remember porkins?

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yeah, thank god they finally got a new server! :D



Hey Guys, rememebr when we were originally discussing Capital Ships in the game way before the game was released and I argued that Orbital "bombardment" from star Destroyers isn't possible! :D


Every one ganged up on me and beat me mercilessly! Finally you all conceeded that they can't "bomb" but rather carpet the planet surface with Turbolaser fire! After I was ostercized, of course! ;)


Remember when we found out what the resources in GB were going to be called and we all went "NOVA, what the 'ell is that? :D


Ah, the good old days. :o

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Originally posted by STTCT

No - I'm too much of a newbie...who's porkins?



A forummer here who got into alot of arguments and then he just left. I think he was just so angry at some of the people who he was argueing with.

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