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Star Wars Anti-Trivia v. 1.0

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hmmm that RPG question is a hard one :D hhehehehhe

(seen as i made it with the master (and i need to reply to it))


it was formed on Alderaan By Garik Loran

Its a couple of years before the battle of Yavin


and the answer is:





because this way they are able to ride single file to hide their numbers :D

and they are pretty fast too :D

and it is said that these rollercoasters are in fact real animals


they have all sorts of animal Rollercoasters. look:





And these are just a couple of examples.


-Wraith 8-

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Jawas and Ewoks (Wacky_Baccy)

my pants (Cmdr. Cracken)

stolen BMWs (matt-windu)

Mastodons (NeoDios)

Wookies (Devil Doll)

Rollercoasters (Wraith 8)




The bonus goes to five people: Wacky_Baccy, Cmdr. Cracken, matt-windu, Devil Doll and Wraith 8 for excessive humor and/or alot of information :D


RPG Bonus Question


The answer is anything like before the Battle of Yavin and the bonus (2 points) goes to Devil Doll and (1 point) Wraith 8


The RPG this question was taken from: Rpg! Wraith Squadron! and its related threads in RSRP


[other info]


@NeoDios: Well, the point of having RPG questions is to get people to read the RPG forums...so to find the answers...read the RPG forums :D


[/other info]


The points go to:


1st: Wacky_Baccy 7 points

2nd: Cmdr. Cracken 6 points

3rd: matt-windu 5 points

4th: NeoDios 3 points

5th: Devil Doll 4 points

6th: Wraith 8 3 points


Points overall


1st: Wacky_Baccy 53 points

2nd: Cmdr. Cracken 31 points

2nd: Lynk Former 31 points

3rd: Tyrion 29 points

4th: Wraith 8 24 points

5th: NeoDios 23 points

6th: Devil Doll 19 points

7th: Darth_Rommel 18 points

9th: AB_Legion 13 points

10th: Kyle d'Tana 9 points

11th: matt-windu 5 points

11th: Commander 598 5 points


12th Question:


Name and describe the most famous member of the Gungan race.

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well that is easy.

The sith lord: Darth bongo:




this Gungan became a sith lord right after the battle of naboo. he was another student of senator palpatine.

he was taken after the great party to coruscant. palpatine thought that 2 double bladed lightsabers would be a good idea.

but soon palpatine got sick of the gungan. always the nagging.

"Mesa your humble servant"

"NOsa. mesa your father"

"Exqueze me accpeted capitain needa"

" Nosa desintegrationsa"

"Tearsa thisa ship apart."

"at last wesa meat again. when mesa left you i wasa but the learner. now mesa the masta"

well palpatine desided to kill the gungan and made future plans to kill the intire species. But Bongo had an accident. he accidentaly sliced him self up into peaces. thus coming an end to the stupid, idiotic and irritating Gungan.


The End


-Wraith 8-

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Ok, it was hmmm, let me think...


oph well, it was jor jer n'tschir, he was a great senator 2500 after the battle of yavin. He was th e naboo senator when another Empire rised up... He was responsible for building a new clone army, cause the last was lost on taatoine... he commanded the clone army against the new heavy armed droids of the EMPIRE2!! He is a hero of the 4th repuplic...

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The most famouse Gungan is... my pants.


Well, let me put it this way, the most famuse Gungan WORE my pants. see, one night, before he did his famuse stuff, he was DRUNKER than a wamprat on ecstacy, so he kinda threw his pants out the window, and it fell onto some guy way far down (we where on Coruscant). so, being the rather reasonable and agreeable guy i am when i've had several shots of Corellian whyski, i said, quote "Maaaan... takes my patnths......." and i proceded to take of said pants, and give them to the Gungan.


Hence, my pants are (apart of) the most famuse Gungan EVER.


anyway, i think his name was Tinks... rinks... i can;'t remember. some senetor from some planet in bumsville.


edit some errors in the text

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Lynk Former (Tyrion)

Darth Bongo (Wraith 8)

Captain Tarpals (Wacky_Baccy)

jor jer n'tschir (Kyle d'Tana)

my pants (Cmdr. Cracken)

Jabba (NeoDios)




The bonus goes to four people: Wraith 8, Kyle d'Tana, and Cmdr. Cracken for informative/funny answers, and NeoDios for absurdity :D


RPG Bonus Question




The points go to:


1st: Tyrion 6 points

2nd: Wraith 8 6 points

3rd: Wacky_Baccy 4 points

4th: Kyle d'Tana 4 points

5th: Cmdr. Cracken 3 points

6th: NeoDios 2 points


Points overall


1st: Wacky_Baccy 57 points

2nd: Tyrion 35 points

3rd: Cmdr. Cracken 34 points

4th: Lynk Former 31 points

5th: Wraith 8 30 points

6th: NeoDios 25 points

7th: Devil Doll 19 points

8th: Darth_Rommel 18 points

9th: Kyle d'Tana 13 points

10th: AB_Legion 13 points

11th: matt-windu 5 points

11th: Commander 598 5 points


12th Question:


Name Han Solo's partner.


RPG Bonus Question


Name the flat, rectangular device that let a gargoyle and several other other-dimensionals travel to the SW universe.

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rpg answer: teleporter


main answer:


Bity.... A.K.A. Mr. Weasel.

Mr weasel was treated unfairly by the people of Aresen. he was locked in a cage and the the friens at that time, Lynk Former, was opressed by the rest. he was forced to spin on his head for the rest of his life. Han solo came along one day seeking some spice.. and he found Mr. weasel (bity) locked up. he freed him and ran off with him. Mr. Weasel owed his freedom to han and they both rode off together.


What happened to Lynk Former... no one knows...


To be continued :D


-Wraith 8-

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I think is a hard question, but i think the answer is Leia :p

you can see how sweet they look, and han solo always take care of leia, they really look so sweet and you can see finally they got married and had a lot of jawas (because the milk man was a Jawa, but Han Solo didn´t knew that and he thougth it was an accident:p).


No one knows that it was Leia, cause she had a fur carpet when one smuggler stealed it, but they didnt knew that the fur carpet was really an Ewok, wich it drinked a lot of Nestle Quik so that carpet really grew a lot... it realname was Choco Cripis, but George Lucas decided to call it the way it is.

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Han Solo's partner was pants. no, not my pants, that blasted Gungan had gotten them, but Han Solo, if you notice, always wears pants. Pants and Han have been through more stuff than anything. Hell, even when he's vacationing on Bespin he STILL WEARS THE PANTS. Pants are Han's partner. and that big furry thing. I think it's name is Chew Me. :)





A teleportation device...thing.........gadget

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Choccy Biccy the Cookie (Wacky_Baccy)

Bity.... A.K.A. Mr. Weasel (Wraith 8)

Leia (Devil Doll)

Nien Nunb (NeoDios)

pants (Cmdr. Cracken)

Cheeewbacca (Kyle d'Tana)




The bonus goes to three people: Wraith 8, Devil Doll, and Cmdr. Cracken for some creative and hilarious answers :D


RPG Bonus Question


The answer is a teleporter and the bonus (2 points) goes to Wacky_Baccy and Wraith 8 (replied at same time) and (1 point) NeoDios and Cmdr. Cracken


The RPG this question was taken from: Any thread with Termand Rwos in RSRP or XWA-RP


The points go to:


1st: Wacky_Baccy 8 points

2nd: Wraith 8 8 points

3rd: Devil Doll 5 points

4th: NeoDios 4 points

5th: Cmdr. Cracken 4 points

6th: Kyle d'Tana 0 points


Points overall


1st: Wacky_Baccy 65 points

2nd: Wraith 8 38 points

2nd: Cmdr. Cracken 38 points

3rd: Tyrion 35 points

4th: Lynk Former 31 points

5th: NeoDios 29 points

6th: Devil Doll 24 points

7th: Darth_Rommel 18 points

8th: Kyle d'Tana 13 points

8th: AB_Legion 13 points

9th: matt-windu 5 points

9th: Commander 598 5 points


13th Question:


Who was the creature that didn't like Luke Skywalker in the Tatooine Cantina of A New Hope?

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